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Topic: how can i play original dos sc2 on win98? (Read 3530 times)
I bought a copy of Star Control 2 for DOS when it was first released. Later, when I bought Windows98, a friend configured the executable batch file so that it could be run on the newer operating system.
Unfortunately, since then, I have lost touch with that friend and my computer was struck by a virus that wiped out my harddrive.
Recently, I tried installing the game. But when I tried to run it on my Win98 machine, the computer went nuts; a message said that there was a stacks overflow, or something like that. I just figured out how to get my Win98 to start again; so I don't want my computer to go nuts again. Starcon2.exe and melee.exe do not work. Keys.exe program does not save.
Would someone please email me instructions to allow my Win98 to run the program again? I would appreciate it. Even after all these years, it gives me serious pleasure to play it.
Thank you for your time.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
The people over at PNF ( probably help better since UQM is a non-DOS port, but you probably want to make a dos boot disk or reboot into MSDOS mode first. Right click on "My Computer", and click properties, then root around until you find a button that say "Make boot disk".
To prevent a stack-overflow, on the Dos bootdisk: in the file config.sys: increase the number that appears after FILES= increase the number that appears after BUFFERS=
It really shouldn't need extra stack space though, since the SC2 manual never mentioned doing the above...
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

Another possibility (if your machine is fast) is to use DOSbox to run it in an emulated environment:
You'll need to use the /p:bios option in the emulator though (apparently the PC version uses by default nonstandard ways of changing the VGA palette).
Thank you Michael Martin, thank you Culture20. I'll try these suggestions. BTW, Culture20, I hope you get to stick around longer than C1-19 did.
Zebranky food

Posts: 41

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I know you wanna get the original working, but can I ask..... why?
I have the original and never play it since UQM 0.12. With a few switches, it plays nearly identical to the original DOS version. The only major difference is the lack of an opening and closing movies, but hopefully that will be in there soon.
No problem. I'm pretty sure that if you boot Win98 in command-prompt only mode, you should be able to run SC2, just like from DOS.
To get the command prompt mode in Win98, retstart the computer and when it's checking it's hard drive and memory, hold down the F8 key. This should bring up a menu that says: Normal mode, Safe Mode, Command Prompt, Command Prompt safe-mode. Anyway, select Command Prompt. It'll drop you at a prompt like this: C:\Windows>
Type cd \starcon2_directory ( or whatever you called it) starcon2
There are ways to change the properties of the program so you can run it from your desktop. If you make an icon to the program, right-click the icon and select "Propteries". Then "Advanced". There should be an option for Ignore Windows. That should do the trick.
Sorry if this isn't exactly correct. I've been using Linux for a while now....memory is full :) Jesse
@ace987: It's a fair question. I think that it is great that there are computer-savvy Starcon-lovers willing to devote some free time to making UQM a successful public endeavor. But I just became aware of this project only a couple of days ago when someone at TFB mailed me a link to this site, so I do not know enough about the stability issues and in-game differences to feel confident about downloading the program at this time. (And by admitting this, I mean absolutely no offense to any programmers or users of UQM.) On the other hand, up to just a couple of months ago, I could at any time, play the original game that ran as flawlessly as when I had my old 386. I do plan to try out UQM anyway as soon as my warranty-replacement harddrive arrives. But, it has been this original version and not the 3DO version I have been admiring all this time; and I mean this even though I know little about the 3DO version. I hope this answers your question.
@Jesse: I agree with you that our intuition expects that your suggestion should be the proper course of action. But in fact, this alone will not solve my problem. I have a lot of ram, but at, I learned that the problem is that my computer is not appropriating enough conventional memory. I know next to nothing about conventional memory, autoexec, and config, but over the week, I'm going to try to fiddle with them until I can free up enough conventional memory. Wish me luck.
Zebranky food

Posts: 41

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
The folks here have done a great job of recreating the original DOS version. At first, UQM was the 3DO version, but over time the development team has gone to great lengths to make this game resemble either version with the use of switches.
At first, it was easy to spot the difference (menus, 12 slots in melee, the lack of pre-loaded teams in melee, not being able to kill the Sa-Matra*, ect.) Now UQM is a game almost all to it's own. You can take the parts which you might not of liked in the 3D0 version and use the DOS version and vise-versa).
The thing I love the most is not having to pull out my starmap and reconfigure my computer every time I wanna play the game 
*ok, this was more a bug in version 0.1 and was quickly fixed in 0.12 than a difference
@Ace987: Thanks for the info on "switches": what an excellent idea. I just got my new harddrive and am going to dl it.
Whoa. Wait-a-min. If the project is going to make the 3DO version look just like the pc version, then does this mean that (hopefully) we're going to have the displaced portal in the upper-left portion of quasi-space; original music sountrack; etc?
Also, am I supposed to dl just the one executable file for win98?
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

We've already got the original music soundtrack -- use the "-m pc" option at the command line. (Even without this, the alien communication screens use the PC version, because the 3DO version was just an AIFF of the original MOD playing. A modern computer can render the MOD better.)
We aren't duplicating the PC's bugs, which, if you're talking about what I think you're talking about (flying out of the galaxy if you enter the 500.0:500.0 Quasi Portal as it closes) we've fixed.
The Win32 installer will proceed to download the other components for you. If all you want is the PC experience, you don't need the 3do music or dialogue packs.
We aren't duplicating the PC's bugs, which, if you're talking about what I think you're talking about (flying out of the galaxy if you enter the 500.0:500.0 Quasi Portal as it closes) we've fixed.
HAHAHA. This was a bug? I just thought that it was just an annoying thing that happened. Actually, what I was referring to was arguably the most noticeable programming mistake in the game, which is that the mini-quasi-space map is inaccurate: I don't remember the actual coordinates, but one of the four left-most portals in the mini-map does not correspond to the actual portal in the large action screen. At first, I found this mistake to be unprofessional (as I did the fact that melee and starcon2 could not be accessed in-game); but when I realized that the game had become one of my favorites, I also realized that the programming mistake gave the overall experience a familiarity of pleasantness. And I'd miss it, like--but nohow near to the extent as--when you breakup with a longtime flame and you discover that you long for some of the stupid things she used to do;).
I'm glad to hear about the music option. And thank you also, Michael Martin, about the dl instruction.
Finally, even though I have never used it, my original copy allows for the nifty lander bug. Is this an option in UQM?
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

The outfit menu in the 3do version doesn't permit even expressing the lander bug, much less exploiting it.
If you need to cheat for RU, hack your save file (search the forum archives for save editors) or use a debugger to change the variable corresponding to it, then save.
No, I have no wish to cheat; I asked only because I was curious. I prefer playing the game at the slower pace which planet exploration and RU gathering necessitates and offers.
Anyway, thanks for all your help and information, everyone. Hehehe. I guess I am fortunate that there are neither Druuges nor Melnormes here.
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