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Topic: I come to think... (Read 3235 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 78
It would be a nice idea for the next version to display the fuel number adding decimals, so it would show like 20.16 I'd find this very useful,since the landing vehicles often require not very round numbers of fuel...(0.3,0.5,0.9,0.1...and my favorite: 0.10!,how absurd!) Sometimes I'd like to know whether using the landing vehicle will spend my 20 units of fuel or it won't. Suppose 20 units is the fuel I need to return Earth, if I spend more than that, I'm over. In that case I wouldn't know the exact number of fuel I'd have in my tanks after using the landing vehicle. would look cool to see how the decimals go down while traveling through hyperspace.... ;-)
However, I'm afraid I am not the first to say this...maybe it has already been discussed.In that apologies.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

I have to jump on Volka's side here. In my efforts to write the planet database it's occurred to me that it's quite difficult to keep track of your fuel to such precision. Granted, this would mean that when refuelling you'd have to pay for either a whole unit or partial price of a unit for your last empty nth of a space in your tank (if it exists), but I suspect that the former is already true.
Speaking of the database, I just realized I need to add a "fuel used" calculation for the planet data display. Why didn't I think of that before? Oh well. *starts digging into scan.c*
So, yeah. This seems like a nice, simple idea to me. What're the chances of it being implemented?
Frungy champion
Posts: 78
Heh ok
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

Well, if you really mean "how long" does it take, then yes, that would depend entirely on your thrusters. However if you mean "how far can you travel with one fuel unit", the answer to that is really rather simple.
FuelUsage = DistanceTravelled / 10
Note that this is using in-game units, not the system within the source. So one fuel unit gets you 10 HUs of distance, or 1/5th the width or height of one of the blue squares on the starmap.
I suppose it would be feasible to find a way to calculate the time required to travel along a disance, though of course it would require inputting how many thruster units are on your sihp to be accurate. If there's enough support for the idea I could look into adding it as a feature of the fuel calculator on my database project.
And it's not true that you always miss the portal. When I'm in the area of the natural qspace portal and am waiting for it I'll usually wander to nearby stars to do some mining, keeping a close eye on the date. If you want to know exactly how many days it takes to travel back to the portal's point, set your ship at the approximate location of the portal, set your course and note the date you started on and the date you arrived. Once you have that amount of days (addding another day for insurance) left until the 17th, set your course back to the portal area.
It might not work well for anything but single-stop trips, but I don't actually use that method myself, as I seem to have a pretty good feel for the speed of the ship in hyperspace (at least when involving short distances). I usually just set a date that I have to leave by and I always seem to arrive in time.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2003, 06:51:22 am by sageallen »
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