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Topic: Making new "off topic" discussion forum (Read 15226 times)
Posts: 817
i was just wondering, if it were possible, to make a "off topic" forum. so we could just talk with the people here, about non game realted topics. not that i dont like talking about the game. i do! i really do! 
you know, hi, how are you? whats going on? the stuff that happens in the world and our lives. yadda yadda yadda.
well its just a thought. anyone else interested in this idea?
ps- can we do that here in this forum? ive always been reluctent to post off topic.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2003, 10:26:31 am by DEFIANT »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

I move to second this notion. Though I'm not certain of how likely it is to happen.
Core Team
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 121

As an unofficial xmas present for forum readers, hereby we grant you this new shiny place meant for discussing anything that is not directly related to UQM. Ho ho ho, and behave well, for unlike Meep-Eep certain other admins have tendency to press big ban button with much less difficulty Thanks to MarkVera for suggesting the name 'Starbase Cafe'.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Of course, it's a little hurmorous to see the first posting in this forum to be a wish for said forum.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Noble gases for sale! Noo-ooble gases! Only 4 RU per kiloton!
Sir, step right up, it looks like you are in need of some Krypton! Yes sir, it slows a wide variety of chemical reactions, it makes an excellent reaction mass, and it is utterly non-flammable.
Helium is on special! Only 1 RU per kiloton!
Posts: 817
Posted by: Mika Posted on: Dec 16th, 2003, 5:08pm
As an unofficial xmas present for forum readers, hereby we grant you this new shiny place meant for discussing anything that is not directly related to UQM. Ho ho ho, and behave well, for unlike Meep-Eep certain other admins have tendency to press big ban button with much less difficulty Thanks to MarkVera for suggesting the name 'Starbase Cafe'.
This is truley awesome! i thought maybe it would go out the window, because "pages of now and forever" has there own discussion board. i figured some one might of suggested i go there, to post "off topic". but this is great, (uh, no offence to there site. they still have the best info on all three games around.) but man, this is cool. BIG thanks UQM team for this present! well... what to talk about?
Posted by: Fsi-Dib Posted on: Dec 16th, 2003, 4:58pm
The idea isn't new, and I suggest a little change for this off-topic thread ... talk about something that is at least distantly related to UQM or alien lifeforms or whatever. I like to think about terraforming. Somewhere a few years back I read from somewhere that Venus could be terraformed in 200 million years to be Earthlike (though hotter, naturally) and could contain life. I only remember it included somesort of mold or something and those 200 million years. Pretty farfetched eh?
i heard some where, that scientist were thinking of a way, to introduce plants, in a semi self-contained enviorment, to exchange the carbon dioxide in the Venus atmosphere, with oxygen theyd give off. this way the plants would do all the work, with limited help from us.
my question is: is this theory even workable? how would they keep the enviorment cool to preserve the plants inside, and for the time period it would take?
and thanks again 
ps:Of course, it's a little hurmorous to see the first posting in this forum to be a wish for said forum. 
no kidding 
« Last Edit: December 17, 2003, 04:17:21 am by DEFIANT »
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Well, I've heard some plants are found near volcanic vents on the bottom of the ocean, and their photosynthesis processes are altered slightly so that they transform infrared, CO2 & H2O into glucose instead of using visible light, CO2, & H2O.
Presumably, humans could use genetic engineering or just selective breeding to produce plants that can thrive in the lead-melting temperatures of Venus (what material the theoritcal plants are made out of escapes me though).
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, The God-Emperor of Dune occurs 2000 years after Children of Dune, which is when the terraforming started. However, it has already been partly terraformed for some time.
That raises the question, how terraformed are we talking? So that there can be rain? So there can be permanent natural bodies of water somewhere on the surface? So there can be oceans and a water cycle that isn't basically an infinite sink? So the little makers are no longer sequestering all the water on the surface?
It all depends...
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I'm with DJ. Much of the point of part II of Dune is that the desert DOES have its own rhythm, its own ecosystem. It's just not one that makes it easy on humans.
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