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Books&The likes
« on: December 26, 2003, 04:19:30 pm »

Since we have a offtpoic section, lets use it.

Any literate people in here Wink If so, whhat kind of books, anything you want to recommend in general?

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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2003, 09:09:26 pm »

just picked up stephen kings, "dreamcatcher". i saw the movie first, this time around. so i hope i didnt spoil it too much.

and for anyone else that is a stephen king fan, i recommend "the stand" its quite cumbersome, but well worth the read.

happy reading,

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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2003, 02:15:43 am »

My girlfriend (who is Russian) just gave me War and Peace for Christmas. The first 12 pages are good; I plan to read the other 1000 or so over the next month.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2003, 02:16:04 am by Death_999 » Logged
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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2003, 03:51:42 pm »

On King: Have you read his gunslinger saga? That is one set of books only getting weirder and weirder, though they tie all his books together in a quite beautiful way...

War and peace... That is some heavy reading. I've been meaning to read that for quite some time, but I always find reasons to postpone it. Let me know if the other 1000 pages are good as well, and I'll have no excuses not to read it.

On a side note, I just finished the 10th book in Robert Jordans "Wheel of Time" series, and that was a huge disappointment. Not that the last 4 or so books have been great, but this one was really rock bottom...
« Last Edit: December 27, 2003, 03:51:54 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2003, 06:31:33 pm »

I'm as old with my books as I am with my games. I re-read the Hitchhikers Trilogy every year or so, just for fun.

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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2003, 09:35:56 pm »

On a side note, I just finished the 10th book in Robert Jordans "Wheel of Time" series, and that was a huge disappointment. Not that the last 4 or so books have been great, but this one was really rock bottom...

After that, War and Peace should be easy. You don't need as many notes to keep track of the obscure characters (though they still help).

Also, it's very important to get a good translation that distinguishes between the young but ugly princess Bolkovsky (mentioned in chapter 1) and the not particularly young but distinctly small of stature princess Bolkovsky, her sister-in-law (who shows up in chapter 2). My translation calls them both 'the young Princess Bolkovsky', as if there were only one.
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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2003, 09:43:57 pm »

On King: Have you read his gunslinger saga? That is one set of books only getting weirder and weirder, though they tie all his books together in a quite beautiful way...

yes, ive read all 4 books. but book 4 "wizard and glass", got really wierd towards the ending. it seems in the "gunsliger" reality, roland passes through different worlds, even ones fictional. thats what threw me off in book 4, he ends up in...SPOILER...

...the wizard of oz setting. i didnt understand much from that point on out. its like king got lazy and tried to hurry the ending out. its just wierd. oh well, maybe if he writes another book, ill get a better understanding.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2003, 09:46:48 pm by DEFIANT » Logged
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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2003, 09:50:07 pm »

Well, book five, The Wolves of Calla is out, and that is quite interesting/werid as well. A really old friend shows up... And the worlds begin to branch anew.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2003, 11:29:02 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2003, 10:03:10 pm »

Well, book five, The Wolwes of Calla is out, and that is quite interesting/werid as well. A really old friend shows up... And the worlds begin to branch anew.

really! ill have to go to my local book store and check to see if its in here. this makes me happy Grin ive been waiting for the next part. but i assumed it would not get written, since he had stated that it gets harder and harder to return to rolands world, and write more. this is good news indeed!


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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2003, 04:17:41 am »

The Dune books and Battlefield Earth are really good stories if you're into sci-fi. Don't judge the books by the movies. Dune was close, but omitted too much storyline. As for the Battlefield Earth movie, I'm not sure of the writers ever bothered to read the book because they're nothing alike.
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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2003, 02:32:05 pm »

I've read both series, although some of the later Dune books have yet to be read.

I found Battelfield Earth very amusing. Although the story is alright (well, the whole corporation thing feels a bit weird but), I never could get over the fact that the main character goes from noble savage, to someone who understands psychlo maths, flies fighter planes, and uses international diplomacy with flair in such a short time. So good book, but a bit on tyhe strange side...

Other series... Anyone read anything by Margeret Weiss (Death Gate and suchlike) or by my personal favourtie, Terry Pratchett?

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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2003, 05:55:43 pm »

I JUST finished Jonathan Livingston Seagull for the first time. Considering it only took about 45 minutes, it goes down on my "quick read" list. Still, it was a good book with some depth to it. I don't entirely agree with it's point, but I liked it none-the-less.

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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2003, 11:31:32 pm »

Anyone read anything by Margeret Weiss (Death Gate and suchlike) or by my personal favourtie, Terry Pratchett?

The Margaret Weiss/Tracey Hickman team sure put out a series with Death Gate. Yup, they sure did. It's not particularly GOOD, but it's definitely a series.

Terry Pratchett is very good.

One of my favorites is a long read -- The Mists of Avalon. It's a retelling of the story of Arthur from the point of view of women. Since you don't waste your time on the adventures aspect, you really get a closer look into how and why people did what they did, something that was awfully thin in many other tellings.
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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2003, 04:47:53 am »

On a side note, I just finished the 10th book in Robert Jordans "Wheel of Time" series, and that was a huge disappointment. Not that the last 4 or so books have been great, but this one was really rock bottom...

Oh, great. I just got that one. Hmmph.  Sad

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Re: Books&The likes
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2003, 11:03:46 am »

For fantasy, I'm fond of the works of Steven Brust.  His Vlad Taltos novels have the same kind of writing style as Amber, but refined.  Amber didn't really work for me, but I like the tone in the the Taltos novels.

George R. R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire books (A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, a Storm of Swords) are wonderful.  I couldn't stand Wheel of Time at all.

Most fantasy leaves me cold, though.

Recent SF:  Brin's "Kiln People" is interesting, as is "Darwin's Radio" by Greg Bear.

Most of the rest of my library is either technical nonfiction or stuff like The Three Musketeers.  Smiley
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