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Topic: melnorme (Read 7544 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 5

« on: December 04, 2002, 02:43:08 am » |
Is it just me or is this race a bunch of ultra-elite conmen?
I ran out of fuel in hyperspace...and I thought some ur-quan would come over and blow me to pieces...and this guy shows up..
his text can be summarised as...
"You're screwed, I know it, and in my generosity I will only charge you your soul and your next life for half a tank of fuel."
What a bastard! how about I shoot mr melnorme to pieces and *take* his fuel!
Zebranky food

Posts: 15

Re: melnorme
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2002, 05:35:29 am » |
They're shrewd businessmen.
Yes, they DO seem elitist, but I don't mind; They have some nice technology.
Zebranky food

Posts: 36

Re: melnorme
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2002, 05:37:22 am » |
well, first, you should never put yourself in a position where you're gonna run out of fuel. if you are ever really low, use the umgah caster to summon the melnorme and use the fuel cheat to fill your tanks for free =)
Zebranky food

Posts: 25

Rankka Ankka
Re: melnorme
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2002, 11:09:34 am » |
Melnorme aren't that bad. If you've got _nothing at all_ on your ship he will give you fuel for free. Heh, he sounded so bitter when he did that. *)
Zebranky food

Posts: 16

Re: melnorme
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2002, 11:38:00 am » |
I love the Melnorme! They're mysterious, funny, and generally fascinating. (And also they have the coolest music IMO, but I don't want to start one of those debates.)
As mentioned, they are shrewd. I mean, even giving free fuel is good business sense. After all, they know you're going to end up doing a lot of business with them. If you die, they don't get that business, do they?
Frungy champion
Posts: 98
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Re: melnorme
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2002, 12:44:23 pm » |
I love the Melnorme! They're mysterious, funny, and generally fascinating. (And also they have the coolest music IMO, but I don't want to start one of those debates.) As mentioned, they are shrewd. I mean, even giving free fuel is good business sense. After all, they know you're going to end up doing a lot of business with them. If you die, they don't get that business, do they? 
Yeah, but if they give it away for free you'll abuse their kindness (they made their life around trading, so they must've incountered hundreds of races who have tried to pulled thousands of tricks on them). This way they get all the credits they want, because they know you have no choice but to buy from them.
Frungy champion
Posts: 73

To be idle is to be ideal
Re: melnorme
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2002, 04:10:41 pm » |
I love the Melnorme! They're mysterious, funny, and generally fascinating. (And also they have the coolest music IMO, but I don't want to start one of those debates.)
Actually, paulsid, I agree with you that their music is one of the coolest. I remember always looking forward to it when I was ready to buy new info or tech. That initial drum beat ... it was so addictive!
Since this is the Melnorme topic, I figure what better place to bring this up then hear.
We are told that the Yuli and Drall (and Taalo?) were destroyed by the mind controlled Ur-Quan and that the Foz were slave shielded by the Kzer-Za, which means they could still exist, somewhere. The Kohr-Ah cleansed the Yuptar, but the Mael-Num escaped after they used THE WORDS and the Kzer-Za showed up in time and provided a distraction for them. Now, my point is ... is there any one out there that DOES NOT believe that the Melnorme ARE the old Mael-num race that escaped?! Am I wrong, but were the Mael-num described to have one large eye? ... not that that's unique given the Spathi and VUX.
"Captain, you are our favorite customer."
- PsiPhi
Zebranky food

Posts: 12

Re: melnorme
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2002, 10:51:06 pm » |
The Melnorme are awesome, how could you hate them? They are shrewd business people and it's not like they extort you or something. If you're out of fuel they'll come and give you a special deal which is FAIR. They don't screw you, the stuff they take is worth that amount of ResUnits anyway, so quit complaining. Swallow your pride, buy that damn fuel so you can be on your way home and quiting biting at the hand that feeds ya. Maybe after this you'll learn not to run out of fuel when you've got no credits, eh? </rant>
Also, I like to think that the Melnorme are the Mael-Num, but I'd like to see some more evidence somehow. I've been trying to find the connections between them for years, does anyone have any additional insight into this?
Some of the earliest memories of my life involve me, my dad, and/or my brother playing Star Control 1 on the ol' Amiga! A slightly more recent memory is of Star Control 2 back in '92. Good times!!
Frungy champion
Posts: 73

To be idle is to be ideal
Re: melnorme
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2002, 10:44:34 am » |
Well, let's see.
They both have one large eye.
Their names sound an awful lot alike.
Only by being so old could they get "a thousand secret sources in space and time"
they refuse to talk about their origins, which I take as evidence that they ARE that old.
Basically, there's no other plausible alternative. Yeah ErekLich, those are all great points. I mean, these guys have some awesome technology. If the Ur-Quan have been around for over 20K years, and these Melnorme have better weaponry available for sale, that really makes you wonder. The fact that they are one of the few races that refuses to talk about their past really enhances the mystery. They also know a lot about galactic history, including the story of the Ur-Quans. Aside from that, it seems only poetic that these guys, who once fled from utter destruction at the hands of the Ur-Quan would be assisting someone aimed to take them down.
(maybe some day I can save up enough credits to find out why their bridge turns purple.)
Zebranky food

Posts: 3

Re: melnorme
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2002, 12:30:57 pm » |
I think the Melnorme are very generous with their fuel, 1 credit per fuel unit; that's 20 RU! for 1 credit! I stopped mining after I found that out, now I just collect data (takes no room) mod my ship for fuel tanks, fill 'em up and take them home to the starbase so sell the fuel. After a few runs of that I have all the RU I need.
I tell a lie, I do mine a little, but only at the start, and only radio-actives or better - maybe a few precious metals here and there if convenient.
However, by mid-game I am fully converted to the data/fuel industry.
It serves me well so bless the Melnorme.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2002, 12:33:11 pm by Aquisitor »
Frungy champion
Posts: 55

Re: melnorme
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2002, 01:04:08 pm » |
I only mine at the start to get resources for modules. Mid and late game I use credit for fuel and any resources I need I get from killing ships or selling ships that the Pkunk, Zot-Fot-Pik, Umgar etc give you.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2002, 01:05:23 pm by TD »
Frungy champion
Posts: 73

To be idle is to be ideal
Re: melnorme
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2002, 01:27:03 pm » |
I think buying fuel from the Melnorme is kind of foolish, unless you are in a serious jam or you've already acquired all the tech from them and the info or you just don't want to bother returning to the Starbase to fill up. Once you have the Portal Spawner your fuel problems should be minimal. If you've played the game before, knowing the location of the rainbow worlds makes getting all the tech very easy. In fact, I think the fastest way to beat the game is to get enough fuel to make it to the Ur-Quan Pod, then to the Arilou homeworld in Quasi-Space for the Portal Spawner and finally back to your starbase, using the nearest opening, which is about 6 units away. Then you need to look at most of the rainbow worlds, which are much easier to reach if you've got Quasi-Space mapped to HyperSpace. Along the way, you can pick up the Umgah or Burvixese caster or both. At this point, the Melnorme should be contacted, all info sold, all tech purchased, and if you need it, refueling. Now, getting the rest of the RUs to buy all those ship upgrades is a lot easier since your shuttle is safer. And you can hit the really dangerous worlds on ultra hot planets to pick up the largest and most valuable minerals. Selling all these minerals will then allow you to remove all your cargo holds (you won't need them any more) and make your ship into a Dreadnaught killer. All the rest of the quests can be done with little worry about fuel, since collecting bio on dangerous worlds is easier, and getting RUs from destroyed ships is easier. The one thing you must watch out for is losing the ZoqFotPik (unless you are heartless and don't care).
The Melnorme are the pivotal role (aside from you and your ship) of this game. They have the greatest effect on increasing your chances of success.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2002, 01:29:46 pm by PsiPhi »
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