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Author Topic: What do we like to do in our café?  (Read 19046 times)
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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #60 on: August 17, 2006, 11:59:28 pm »

I prefer drinking some some red wine or white beer. The color is important.
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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #61 on: August 18, 2006, 12:47:04 am »

I like tropical Alcoholic beverages, can't stand vodka, whiskey, or rum straight. I prefer mixed drinks you could say. Favorite beer is Miller Genuine Draft for its crispness. I like coffee a lot and I will drink it when I can get it but I never drink more than 3 a day if I can help it. Lance, 8 cups are WAY too much, how do you sleep? My favorite cola is Diet Coke and my favorite Citrus soda is &up because the sweetness and crispness is balanced unlike sprite (too sweet) and sierra mist (too crisp). But mostly, all I drink is a glass of purified tap water and a twist of lemon.

As for Mel being a maschist, south park took this way out of proportion in their episode "The passion of the Jew" by making Mel Gibson look like a deranged pervert who likes torture. This was one of the only time I thought South Park tryed getting their point out a little too strongly  Tongue
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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #62 on: August 18, 2006, 08:50:59 am »

FYI, you leave a chicken bone in a cup full of stomach acid and it'll be worse Smiley

Indeed. If you want to compare the acidity of different thigns you drink, this might be a good start. As you can see, coke isn't the only thing that can dissolöve teeth. Most of the stuff yuo drink can.

If I want alcohol (usually don't) then those drink that you don't feel the alcohol in them.

This is an interesting difference between alcohol. I enjoy the taste of alcoholic drinks, but I dislike most of those that hide the alcohol taste completely. Would you say that you drink alcohol only for the effect that it has on you then?

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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #63 on: August 18, 2006, 09:06:39 am »

Mr jiggles:

like tropical Alcoholic beverages, can't stand vodka, whiskey, or rum straight. I prefer mixed drinks you could say. Favorite beer is Miller Genuine Draft for its crispness. I like coffee a lot and I will drink it when I can get it but I never drink more than 3 a day if I can help it. Lance, 8 cups are WAY too much, how do you sleep? My favorite cola is Diet Coke and my favorite Citrus soda is &up because the sweetness and crispness is balanced unlike sprite (too sweet) and sierra mist (too crisp). But mostly, all I drink is a glass of purified tap water and a twist of lemon.

As for Mel being a maschist, south park took this way out of proportion in their episode "The passion of the Jew" by making Mel Gibson look like a deranged pervert who likes torture. This was one of the only time I thought South Park tryed getting their point out a little too strongly   
about the 8 cups of coffee - that's on days that i can't afford to sleep...
however coffe doesn't really have that much effect on me anymore so it's understandable. there's a joke that's told by the senior years that is very appropriate to me - "by your last year you will have some blood in your caffine..."


This is an interesting difference between alcohol. I enjoy the taste of alcoholic drinks, but I dislike most of those that hide the alcohol taste completely. Would you say that you drink alcohol only for the effect that it has on you then?

and you don't drink it for it's effect at all? me, besides smirnoff ice the only reason i drink alcohol is for the effect.
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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #64 on: August 18, 2006, 09:25:43 am »


and you don't drink it for it's effect at all? me, besides smirnoff ice the only reason i drink alcohol is for the effect.

Nowadays I drink very little. I'll have a glass of wine with dinner, or a whiskey in the evening with some chocolate and some good book. I might have a nice cool beer during a hot day. But I rarely drink more than one beer, one whiskey, or one to two glasses of wine. So I really don't get much of an effect from it, it's mostly because I enjoy the taste.

If i go out with friends, or attend a party of some sort, I'll have a few beers and feel a slight buzz. But I never drink  in order to become drunk anymore, and on the few occasions that I do become drunk I mostly regret it the next morning.

So in short, no. I drink it for the taste. This is why I don't really like Smirnoff Ice/Bacardi Breezer/whatnot. For that taste, I might equally well just be consuming some soft drink. In which case I'll have a soft drink, and not have to worry about not being able to drive after a few glasses.

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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #65 on: August 18, 2006, 12:12:28 pm »

As the name suggests, I normally pint on coffee - type irrelevant (within reason).

When under stress or dealing with deadlines, I go for 24-Nuclear or quintuple espresso (if available).

On the occasion I drink something else, I go for a dry white wine or a dark beer.

On the rare occasion I want to obliviate myself, I hit the tequila or the absinthe (which is illegal down here).

Or both, if it's been a bad year.

Putting a glass of vodka in front of me usually solicits an abrupt reponse.

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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #66 on: August 18, 2006, 05:13:55 pm »

When I got out with friends and I need to drive I don't drink alcohol at all.
I drive around 90% of the time (they don't have license, I live in another town).

When I don't drive I sometimes want to experiment with said effects. Though I never got really drunk since I'm not interested in making a fool of myself and getting a hangover.
Not to mention that I suspect that I'm the sleepy kind of drunk. So drinking just so I'll fall asleep there is silly.

About acids - thanks Lukipela, this illustrate the point quite well - Drinking coke is not much worse then other things. And your stomech is designed to deal with worse.
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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #67 on: August 19, 2006, 02:19:40 am »

Distant watcher that is rather unhealthy, but yes i drink coffee for the taste and the buzz I get off it. Distant, you seem to have developed a tolerance to caffine. I also drink alcohol for the taste and the buzz. I seldomly drink cheap alcohol because it tastes offensivly terrible most of the time.
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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #68 on: August 19, 2006, 07:02:02 am »

Mr jiggles:

Distant watcher that is rather unhealthy, but yes i drink coffee for the taste and the buzz I get off it. Distant, you seem to have developed a tolerance to caffine.

yep, its DEFINATELY unhealthy...
as for tolerance, it reached a stage where i had to stay awake during night shifts ( iused to work as a security guard during my degree) and in order to stay awake i whipped up some kind of homemade filter for coffee which filtered hot water through a spoon (yep a spoon) and a half of coffee into half a cup. i drank that and was pretty jumpy for an hour or so but i managed to stay awake. anyway, those days are over now, thankfully.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2006, 07:06:27 am by distant watcher » Logged
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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #69 on: August 20, 2006, 07:33:44 am »

I've developed a tolerance to caffeine myself, mostly because I drink it before work.  For years, I used to work temp jobs, so every 6 months to a year, I'd take a week or two off and detox from it so I could make use of its effects once I started a new gig.

I've been at the same job for 2.5 years now, and I have to make sure to remember to have some coffee when I get up on the weekends, or I end up all sluggish and with headaches and such.

The sucky part is that if I have a weakened Mt. Dew (at a restaurant, usually), I'll actually get sleepier than if I hadn't had anything.  I used to scoff at people who had that reverse effect from caffeine.  Now I know better.

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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #70 on: August 20, 2006, 08:30:27 pm »

About acids - thanks Lukipela, this illustrate the point quite well - Drinking coke is not much worse then other things. And your stomech is designed to deal with worse.

Indeed. There are plenty of good reasons to not drink most sodas, or at least to not drink excessive amounts of them. There is little point in fabricating extra reasons, especially ones that are so obviously faulty

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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #71 on: September 02, 2006, 09:36:22 am »

does anybody have a favourite homemade mixture?
the kind of one that really knocks you off your feet?
failing that, just something with a mild buzz and a nice taste to it?

EDIT: noone??
« Last Edit: September 04, 2006, 03:39:05 pm by distant watcher » Logged
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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #72 on: September 05, 2006, 11:34:33 am »

Err.. define homemade. That you've distilled the alcohol yourself? That you've mixed an alcohol and other liquids yourself?

In the former case, it's illegal in my country. But rumour has it that my grandfather used to make something not quite unlike that, which I may or may not have had the questionable privilege of tasting.

As for mixing things, I'll assume you just mean drinks of different sorts then? There are plenty of those to go around, the internet is full of recipes. And anything I recommend might be hard to reproduce, seeign as not all liquers and alcohols exists in all parts of the world.

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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #73 on: September 05, 2006, 03:10:14 pm »

But rumour has it that my grandfather used to make something not quite unlike that, which I may or may not have had the questionable privilege of tasting.

heh, do you mean "the drink that has mostly apples in it"? the one that can corrode metal? Wink

bu seriously, i just meant mixing the alcohol, and although there are numerous recipies on the internet many of them aren't very strong so before i go out and buy the ingredients i like to get personal opinions. And although drinks do vary from place to place what usually varies is the quality - vodka, tequila or gin will usually be the same, no?
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Re: What do we like to do in our café?
« Reply #74 on: September 05, 2006, 08:58:18 pm »

And although drinks do vary from place to place what usually varies is the quality - vodka, tequila or gin will usually be the same, no?

Unless you try to buy cider in Finland, thta is generally true, yes.

Alright, a quick one which is both fresh and tasty. It is normal strength, but has a nice taste.

Nalle Åkerlund

2 cl Sour Apple liquer (or equailent)
2 cl Vodka

Crush half a lime in a high glass. Put ice in glass. Pour alcohol in. Half fill with apple juice. Top up with Sprite. Alternatively, use only sprite.

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