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Topic: What do we like to do in our café? (Read 19046 times)
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I prefer drinking some some red wine or white beer. The color is important.
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Posts: 208

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I like tropical Alcoholic beverages, can't stand vodka, whiskey, or rum straight. I prefer mixed drinks you could say. Favorite beer is Miller Genuine Draft for its crispness. I like coffee a lot and I will drink it when I can get it but I never drink more than 3 a day if I can help it. Lance, 8 cups are WAY too much, how do you sleep? My favorite cola is Diet Coke and my favorite Citrus soda is &up because the sweetness and crispness is balanced unlike sprite (too sweet) and sierra mist (too crisp). But mostly, all I drink is a glass of purified tap water and a twist of lemon.
As for Mel being a maschist, south park took this way out of proportion in their episode "The passion of the Jew" by making Mel Gibson look like a deranged pervert who likes torture. This was one of the only time I thought South Park tryed getting their point out a little too strongly
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
and you don't drink it for it's effect at all? me, besides smirnoff ice the only reason i drink alcohol is for the effect.
Nowadays I drink very little. I'll have a glass of wine with dinner, or a whiskey in the evening with some chocolate and some good book. I might have a nice cool beer during a hot day. But I rarely drink more than one beer, one whiskey, or one to two glasses of wine. So I really don't get much of an effect from it, it's mostly because I enjoy the taste.
If i go out with friends, or attend a party of some sort, I'll have a few beers and feel a slight buzz. But I never drink in order to become drunk anymore, and on the few occasions that I do become drunk I mostly regret it the next morning.
So in short, no. I drink it for the taste. This is why I don't really like Smirnoff Ice/Bacardi Breezer/whatnot. For that taste, I might equally well just be consuming some soft drink. In which case I'll have a soft drink, and not have to worry about not being able to drive after a few glasses.
What's up doc?
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Posts: 134

Robot in Disguise
When I got out with friends and I need to drive I don't drink alcohol at all. I drive around 90% of the time (they don't have license, I live in another town).
When I don't drive I sometimes want to experiment with said effects. Though I never got really drunk since I'm not interested in making a fool of myself and getting a hangover. Not to mention that I suspect that I'm the sleepy kind of drunk. So drinking just so I'll fall asleep there is silly.
About acids - thanks Lukipela, this illustrate the point quite well - Drinking coke is not much worse then other things. And your stomech is designed to deal with worse.
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Posts: 208

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Distant watcher that is rather unhealthy, but yes i drink coffee for the taste and the buzz I get off it. Distant, you seem to have developed a tolerance to caffine. I also drink alcohol for the taste and the buzz. I seldomly drink cheap alcohol because it tastes offensivly terrible most of the time.
Frungy champion
Posts: 72
does anybody have a favourite homemade mixture? the kind of one that really knocks you off your feet? failing that, just something with a mild buzz and a nice taste to it?
EDIT: noone??
« Last Edit: September 04, 2006, 03:39:05 pm by distant watcher »
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