Topic: Plot ideas for a sequel (Read 24323 times)
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Okay, so maybe not _all_ fan created plots are better...
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
The Utwig seem to be doing a good job once they get their Ultron. Of course, they're less like Knights, and more like Templars or Asian fighting Monks. The Ultron guides them to the betterment of other races... those races need not always understand or appreciate the immediate outcome.
Frungy champion
Posts: 67

It's real velour, just let yourself go.
Hi, guys, glad to see all the interest in Timewarp. There seems to be more comments about TW in this thread than the engine one, so I'll add comments about full-game TW stuff here. Incidently, feel free to post in TW's actual forums:
I've been experimenting with some full-game code for TW, using an intermediate scripting langauge called Lua. Right now, these are just experiments, the decision to use anything other than C/C++ hasn't been made yet. One major problem is that none of us know Lua very well, I only started seriously poking around with it about a month ago. If someone else knows Lua and wants to help out, that'd be much appreciated. Right now, I'm trying to focus on the engine, not plot per se, although of course ideas are always welcome in the forums.
Also, Geoman has been working well on his missions etc, and the rest of the team continues to contribute code to the project.
Anyhow, so progress is being made on a full game in Timewarp. As for any kind of timeline, well, to use the standard open-source answer, it'll be ready when it's ready.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
timewarp seems set on ressurecting races. id like to c the thraddash, ilwrath, androsynth, mmrhn-mhnm and chensesu stay dead, and most of both ur-quan to die. Also, have some new ideas, like sc3 tried and failed. Not another precurser ship and more mining... and dont break the ultron again.
Colonel E
Zebranky food

Posts: 20

Byrpoduct of the Wahoo Reaction
Wait, the Ilwrath and Thraddash die? They didn't in my game... I guess the Ilwrath go attack the Thraddash, but the game ended before they actually got there.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
they both died in my game... i think
« Last Edit: January 11, 2004, 02:42:09 am by Chrispy »
Posts: 817
what i want to see is fred and paul pull a sequel out of the "ur-quan matsers" (ur-quan masters II). and make it the best game of 2005. is that too much to ask? cause, i think its the only way we all would accept a story/sequel. it has to be written by its creators. then and only then would it be worthy.
Colonel E
Zebranky food

Posts: 20

Byrpoduct of the Wahoo Reaction
Is making the best game of 2005 (only two years away, don't you forget) too much to ask? Well, yeah, probably.
Colonel E
Zebranky food

Posts: 20

Byrpoduct of the Wahoo Reaction
Sorry to doublepost, but I had some plot ideas:
-The Alliance is formed into a formal governing body with a Council at the head. It initially consists of the Chmmr, Yehat, Zoq-Fot-Pik, Earthlings, Utwig, Orz, Syreen, Shofixti, and Supox. The Umgah and VUX remain wary of the New Alliance.
-Thraddash (who survived in my game, I'm going to pretend like they did overall, anyhow) establish Culture Twenty. It quickly falls to the Alliance-friendly Culture Twenty-One, based on Pkunk ideas.
-The Pkunk Dynasty of the Yehat is a very influential new member of the Alliance Council, as evidenced by my above point.
-The Ur-Quan are forced into new negotiations by the Alliance where they establish the new "Canon of All Time" doctrine, which is essentially a softened version of the PoNaF that allows species to voluntarily leave the Hirearchy if they so desire. Naturally, they all do. The Hirearchy is allowed into the Alliance on a probationary basis.
-The Slylandro with the help of the Alliance (particularly Chmmr, who after all have the knowledge of the Chenjesu and Mmrnmhrm) construct their first actual starships and develop a method of recording their history chants. They essentially act as record keepers for the Alliance from that point onward.
-The Ilwrath, steered from their course against the Thraddash shortly after the Battle of Sa-Matra, are exiled from the sector.
-The Melnorme mysteriously disappear after observing the first meeting of the new Alliance Council.
-The Council votes to break all slave-shields because of their nature as an emblem of the old Ur-Quan Tyranny (as the old, pre-Canon-of-All-Time Hirerachy is generally known by this time). Thus, the Spathi are forced out of hiding. They don't like this too much but are calmed down by the assignment of a permanent Alliance guard over Spathiwa to protect them from "The Ultimate Evil."
-As it turns out, the Spathi were right concerning "The Ultimate Evil," it shows up on the heels of its Mycon terraformers sometime later. Some new species enters the galaxy, perhaps called the Juffo. The Juffo need a radically different kind of enviroment for their insane expansionistic plans, which is what the Mycon were supposed to do in the first place...
-...but not all is lost. Also re-entering the sector are the Hhonil-er (as I call them, just a working title), an ancient species which was familiar with living Precursors. The Hhonil-er sent the Mmrnmhrm into the sector years ago to prepare for their coming. When they arrive they immediately explain that a great number of species will soon be converging on this part of space, most tantalizingly "the heirs of your Precursors," all coming to reclaim worlds inhabited by their terraforming projects or biology experiments.
-The Alliance must deal with the various Incoming Groups (besides the two one-species units detailed above) as they enter the galaxy and prevent the Juffo from having their way.
-There are rumors of Androsynth scouts again in certain parts of the galaxy... just because the Orz dragged them down to *below* doesn't mean they can't still exist...
-The Druuge side with an Incoming Group (probably not the Hhonil-er or Juffo) in hopes of profiting off their seemingly endless supply of slaves. Thus, they become a "bad guy" for much of the game.
-The Shofixti set up their new homeworld on a planet somewhere in the Gorno constellation. (Sorry, I can't remember where the life-bearing worlds were...)
-The Umgah and VUX both make declarations to the effect that they will maintain their long-desired independance from the council unless the situation with the Incoming Groups becomes too dire.
-So the galaxy is at a short time of peace... at least while they try and weather the storm of the Incoming Groups. The Alliance Council at the start of the game consists of Chmmr, Yehat, Zoq-Fot-Pik, Earthlings, Utwig, Orz, Thraddash, Syreen, Shofixti, Supox, Slylandro, Spathi and Ur-Quan (probationary).
« Last Edit: January 11, 2004, 06:04:54 am by colonele »
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
i have some really random idea that could be implemented, but no real set story idea.
-the syreen and the earthlings have merged before the game starts, you later find out that the syreen used to be humans that the ariloo brought to syra as an experiment. this has no real bearing, it just kinda adds depth.
-id like to see the orz turn evil
-the pkunk kinda disappear within the yehat, cus they have less strong genetic meterial, so their 'powers' are lost. this means take about the pkunks resurection and special abiltiy, and maybe give it more crew, and faster dinamo
-id like to c the chmmr die. their too tecknologically advanced.
-maybe you find the whole precurser thing that the ultron belongs to, and you have to do some wacky quest to get the ultron from the utwig.
-the game should start with the korh-ah and kzer-za dead
Zebranky food

Posts: 41

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I had this really good idea for a plot. Ok, here goes.
Hyperspace breaks down one day, so you build another starship and travel the stars with this thing called a "warp bubble." Anyhow, you gather some races and fly off to this strange galaxy full of the dumbest races to ever exist. All the races get lost, so you spend some time finding them, building up resources, making new bases. You also find some other empire (this is where the stupid other races come together) that also has an identical ship with the "warp bubble" so they can fly around too. This whole time you get to do stupid quests (like fix the ultron.... AGAIN!!!) and find out what really happened to the Precursors. In the end, you have this really crappy battle against a bunch of weak ships and save the galaxy by mixing blood samples of a few races.... THE END 
How's that for a story?
Posts: 817
i like that one. tell it again ACE, tell it again! it sound like heap full of fun! 
« Last Edit: January 11, 2004, 11:58:20 am by DEFIANT »