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Author Topic: Plot ideas for a sequel  (Read 24293 times)
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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #45 on: January 11, 2004, 06:48:29 pm »

-Save the Faz, finally. How long have they been there anyways? The first line should probably be "What the hell took you so long?!?"

-Orz should definately be somehow evil. Because they are. Really. You don't know if they've already captured a whole dimension (Õ_o) and move to another etc. Or then they just drunk a little too much of that liquid (it's ethanol = alcohol)

-More information about Supox. And more supox anyways. Not as salad though.

-I want the darned Delta Lyncis to have a sentient race that is about to launch satellite to it's orbit. Though how have these sentient beings survived when the mad beast was on the loose? Let's say this sentient race is just superb. Smiley

-Orz having a "zoo" in their dimension, consisting many many many races. Including Burvixese, Gg, Taalo etc.

-I want the Arilou to get dead already. They're creepy.

-TW still has that one race I like a lot; Kterbi. You can think of the rest.

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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #46 on: January 11, 2004, 09:20:33 pm »

how about the ariloo explane some stuff right before the orz kill them.

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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #47 on: January 12, 2004, 04:57:50 am »

On the above idea:
How about we have to fight the Orz plot for word domination? "The Ur-Quan Masters II: The Orz Plot." And the Orz have a whole slew of things they can do that we don't know about yet... including perhaps bringing some of their friends in from *below*?

Part of game should include getting better translators so we can finally ask the Orz very specific questions. Obviously the Arliou would play a large role in this plot... *campers* can't destroy *many bubbles* without more information.

And, uh, who are the Faz? Just curious. And I thought the Burxivese were destroyed by the Kohr-ah, so they're really gone.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2004, 04:59:24 am by colonele » Logged
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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #48 on: January 12, 2004, 05:23:49 am »

id prefer it if the mycon were the main enamy. the orz would play more of a kohr-ah role. the force seperate from the good and bad, that just want everything dead.

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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #49 on: January 12, 2004, 05:42:45 am »

There is plenty of room for multiple enemies. However, I can't very well see making the Mycon the main enemy, since a single Arilou, Syreen, Pkunk, Thraddash, Zoq-Fot-Pik, Yehat, Utwig, Chmmr, Ur-Quan, Kohr-Ah, or Spathi could destroy a battle group of them, with a little practice. Unless all of these ships are unavailable, they will be at worst an ancillary enemy.
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Plot idea
« Reply #50 on: January 12, 2004, 06:45:18 am »

Here is a crazy idea, but why not make the sequal pick up right where Ur-Quan Masters leaves off.  Perhaps even in that same year. The idea would be to wage war directly on the Kohr-Ah, perhaps make a treaty with the Ur-Quan...

Some side plots might include fighting off a VUX invasion force.

Also, I think everyone wants to fight off some Mycon, right? Put an end to their deep-children business.

Having the Orz push their plan (whatever it is). Maybe have the Orz attack the ZotFotPik. Thus forcing the "Hero" to find a way to block the Orz from travelling into our dimension.

Lastly, I'd like to see the Chmmr go kinda crazy. Something about quickly merging two races sounds like an opening for an unstable mind.

Oh, one more thing. I think humans should develop slightly better ships.

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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2004, 06:58:53 am »

That's a good idea too. Maybe we could have you running around trying to negotiate the creation of a new Council and maintaining the tenuous peace when suddenly... (insert favourite Big Idea here: Orz invade, Precursors return, Dynarri reborn, Incoming Groups reclaim worlds, etc.)
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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #52 on: January 12, 2004, 10:26:05 pm »

You know, Star Control is and always has been about the Ur-Quans. Volume IV was "Famous Battles of the Ur-Quan Conflict", volume V is "the Ur-Quan Masters." IMHO, and sequils should be about the Ur-Quans too.

However, how's this for a plot twist.

The humans try to set up the New Alliance of Free Stars, but not many races care to join and be the Human's battle thralls. Annoyed, humans respond by setting up an agressive recruting plan, going into the unexplored regons and negotiating alliance contracts with everyone they meet. (Kterbi, whoever.) A few humans do not agree (including our captian) with the new style of the NAoFS, and break off, find the MKII, and meet and befriend the BSS, Yehat, and the remnants of the defeated Ur-Quan. In order to have the help of the Ur-Quan, they agree to let the Ur-Quans lead them in battle to curbe some unrelated galactic threat. They win, but the Ur-Quan are not so willing to let go their new battle thralls, because our captian and his ship are to become the first in the front line for the Ur-Quan to defeat the new threat in the galaxy, the Orz. However, from the perspective of a thrall, the humans learn that the Quanny's actually may be in the right on this one, and agree to let the Quans lead them untill the galaxy is at peace.

Once the Orz are defeated, our captian calls on the Quans to follow through on their deal and let them go free. However, the Quans have a new threat that must be defeated. The humans. Bracing for combat, the Quan Master informs our captian that they are not the humans in question. It seems the NAoFS has become somewhat meglomanical, becoming worse than the Kohr-Ah ever was with a scorched earth recutement policy and our captian and his remarkable battle ship is to help disperse the corupt NAoFS. They do and peace is restored to the galaxy.

This idea may need more than one game to impliment. However, since I am only a fan and not on a development team, I expect it to be forgotten in time.

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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #53 on: January 13, 2004, 01:05:06 am »

I like the idea of the "Heirs of the Precursors" being the makers of the Mmrnmhrm, but I think the Mycon should still be of Precursor Origin.  Maybe the Heirs knew about the Mycon and what they were supposed to do (terraform shattered metal worlds into water worlds), and expected this galaxy to be filled with water worlds that their MmrnMhrm would build cities on.  Having arrived in large but crowded multi-generational ships from a far-away galaxy, they aren't happy to find few water worlds, and they're already populated.  Even worse, someone apparently broke the Mother Ark and some crystaline race took the remaining MmrnMhrm hostage.  The Heirs might be nice folk, but they've got to live somewhere...

Ideas of a corrupt NAoFS have always been grating to me.  Part of the allure of SC was the overt "we're good, they're evil."  (putting aside the "Empire of Me" comments, and the Ur-Quan's attempts to explain their actions)

If some of the races started becoming corrupt, others would withdraw (assuming the NAoFS remains intact after the UQ threat is ended); the first Treaty explicitly stated that:

Earth forfeits prior sovereignty and agrees to place
Star Control, its military and diplomatic structure, under the control of Alliance C-in-C Bzrrak
Ktazzz and Secretary of Space Zeep-Zeep for the duration of this agreement.  The agree-
ment shall remain in force for as long as the Hierarchy menace persists.
Special Clauses:
Should the Alliance be defeated at the Hierarchy's hands, the Concord is null and void.  In
case of an outright Alliance victory, the united Supreme Council will determine the appro-
priate steps.
Failure to defend the Earth, or its space stations, lunar or belt colonies may be taken as
cause by Earth for leaving the Alliance.

The MmrnMhrm and Chenjesu failed to defend Earth...

Volume VI of the UrQuan Conflicts:  The UrQuan Legacy (Think I'm remembering it from somewhere else)
« Last Edit: January 13, 2004, 01:09:44 am by Culture20 » Logged
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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #54 on: January 13, 2004, 03:26:42 am »

You know, not all these ideas are mutually exclusive... it would be fun to have a game with a huge, tangly plot that takes literally hours and hours of time to unravel... with dozens of sectors of space to explore... and a Council whose ideas may not always conflict with yours...

Barring that, Culture20's idea sounds excellent too  Wink

And where's the "The Ur-Quan Conflicts" thing? In the manual? Where can I get a copy of the AoFS-Earth treaty?
« Last Edit: January 13, 2004, 03:27:27 am by colonele » Logged
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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #55 on: January 13, 2004, 03:10:44 pm »

You know, not all these ideas are mutually exclusive... it would be fun to have a game with a huge, tangly plot that takes literally hours and hours of time to unravel... with dozens of sectors of space to explore... and a Council whose ideas may not always conflict with yours...

From a designer's point of view, tho, what you suggest approximately translates into, "GAAAAAAHHHHHHGGGGGGHHHHH!" That's alot of development hours you're talking about.

Now, I've suggested this before, there's the idea in the game development world to design smaller eposidic sequils. In other words, what if UQM2 involved 5 or 6 smaller games that all used the same engine. Imagine that StarCraft, instead of having 1 official addon pack, had 5. When you buy the game you get the first 10 human missions (at a lower price than they sold it for initally). Then, you can buy the first 10 Zerg Missions for some small amount. Then the first 10 Protos missions. They'd release them either as they developed them or on a schedule. We're seeing a bit of this with Uru. I wouldn't be opposed to online content delivery, but I think that having mini-CDs with the new content on it that you could put at the register of any game, comic, or general shop would be a good way to deliver the content too.

Now, one might argue that with a game like what alot of people want to see in UQM2 this wouldn't be possible, but I'm sure that a clever developer could come up with a way to make this possible.

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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #56 on: January 13, 2004, 09:05:06 pm »

Well, if they need help... they have my email address. Wink

It would really be best if the developers just picked a plot they liked (preferably from our ideas) and then just ran with it. Hopefully they won't end up with something as bad as the SC3 plot...
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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #57 on: January 13, 2004, 09:15:11 pm »

I personally  did not mind the SC3 plot. Yes, it could be better, but that was good for people who were more interested in in money then making a good game.

**SPOILER** I like the added twist of having the precursors "deavolving" into cows **SPOILER**.  

HOWEVER, the way the presented it was not good. The game appeared to be rushed out before it was ready - why I had to start my game over again 6 times due to bugs in the game. (Mostly while trying to get a certain missile. Wink )        

Oh - And I forgot to ask what is the target date for the release of timewarp beta version? - I am not talking about the melee - I am talking about the full game with storyline. Does anyone know?

« Last Edit: January 13, 2004, 09:39:50 pm by FalconMWC » Logged
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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #58 on: January 13, 2004, 09:54:17 pm »

? Ok well heres the deal Ace. Even with about 200,000 years of advances in our sspace travel technology, there is no way Intergalactic travel would ever be possible. The distance between the Milky Way and Andromeda, the closest galaxy is mind-boggling. Even the Precursors would not hvae had that kind of technology, its just not possible or practical. Even so it would take dozens or hundreds of years.
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Re: Plot ideas for a sequel
« Reply #59 on: January 14, 2004, 12:29:42 am »

There is plenty of room for multiple enemies. However, I can't very well see making the Mycon the main enemy, since a single Arilou, Syreen, Pkunk, Thraddash, Zoq-Fot-Pik, Yehat, Utwig, Chmmr, Ur-Quan, Kohr-Ah, or Spathi could destroy a battle group of them, with a little practice. Unless all of these ships are unavailable, they will be at worst an ancillary enemy.

give the mycon new ships? anyways, i wont be stubbern about my idea
« Last Edit: January 14, 2004, 12:30:08 am by Chrispy » Logged

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