Topic: Plot ideas for a sequel (Read 24287 times)
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
swinging from trees...? You've never seen an inch-worm or other caterpillar move around in twigs and leaves before; they grab on with their back 6 or 8 legs, and swing/move their fore-body to another twig. Since the 'Quan are predatory caterpillars, and not predatory centipedes, I'd assume this would be their mode of travel (and hunting: a young Grynelk walks under a tree. Suddenly, an Ur-Quan's fore-body swings down, talons extended. The Grynelk dies quickly before the Ur-Quan begins coating it with digestive enzymes). I suppose they could do either, I just read through the Melnorme, Ur-Quan and Kohr-Ah quotes and didn't see anything about them climbing in trees or crawling. I suppose my arboreal idea is decade-old conjecture from the SC1 & SC2 manuals:
Ur-Quan: Physically, Ur-Quan resemble the predatory caterpillar native to Earth's Hawaiian Islands, only grown to over ten meters in length. The Ur-Quan equivalent of a face is rich in sensory organs, and its expressions are varied and horrific. Aboard ship, these creatures cling to webbed ceilings with their back legs, dangling down over their controls and their slave-crew like hungry spiders.
Colonel E
Zebranky food

Posts: 20

Byrpoduct of the Wahoo Reaction
We need a good place to find all these SC2 manual tidbits...
Aye-aye, Colonel:
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 155
One of my ideas for a part of a sequel would be a second (but much smaller) invasion of Ur-Quan Kzer-Za ships. My rationale was this: there had to be more hierarchy thralls elsewhere in the galaxy. When the Kzer-Za move on to continue their travels around the galaxy, what do they do with these thralls? Obviously they can't just leave them to their own devices. But at the same time it's obvious that the thralls don't travel everywhere the Kzer-Za do: they entered our part of the galaxy all by themselves. I think that after an area of the galaxy is conquered (one way or another) they allow the thralls to stay around that area, probably close to their homeworlds. But again, why would they leave these thralls to their own devices? They should remain subservient to the Kzer-Za, that's what the Path of Now and Forever is all about!
The answer is that they naturally leave some Dreadnoughts behind to look after things and to make sure there aren't any rebellions or anything of that sort. Kzer-Za authority must be maintained, after all.
The fight between the Kzer-Za and the Kohr-Ah lasted, what, some 20 years or so? This would be time enough for at least some of those Dreadnoughts that were left behind to regroup and come in as reinforcements. Of course they wouldn't be a significantly large fleet, nothing like the Armada. But they could still cause a lot of problems. Naturally they wouldn't bring any thralls with them as only Ur-Quan are allowed to participate in the Doctrinal Conflict.
The timing is critical. Depending on how the sequel is set up, I think it'd be nice and challenging to have these Kzer-Za strike when it's least convenient. Like after certain plot elements come to pass the player is thinking, "Great, what else could possibly go wrong?" and then he/she gets a report that Dreadnoughts are attacking a certain race and it's like, "What the hell??" And then the whole quadrant is thrown into a frenzy at this new threat (which in reality isn't that big a threat at all).
I wonder, given this situation, how the Kzer-Za fleets would react upon hearing that nobody won the Doctrinal Conflict and that the Sa-Matra's been destroyed? They'd probably refuse to believe it at first.
So while it wouldn't be a very good basis for a sequel, I think this idea would add an interesting twist (like a monkey wrench thrown into the works) to the game. Or at the least it'd make an ok fan-fic.
But think of how this could set up future games and/or future stories. With more Dreadnoughts gone, it would be possible for the battle thralls to stage a rebellion... or maybe even a civil war between loyal thralls and what few Dreadnoughts are left and the thralls who want a better deal for themselves while freeing the enslaved races.
Anyway... I'm rambling and I'm done now. =)
philosophy is the talk on a cereal box religion is a smile on a dog
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I suppose SC2's official end should be reasonably close to the end of the war. So if the reinforcements were supposed to arrive before the end of the war at all, they should arrive pretty quickly in the beginning of the sequel, before the war would have been won.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
and as I remember, when the utwig got at attacking the ur-quan, they did a good job of it. Less ur-quan would be an easier job to do.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 478

Androsynth Combat Tactics Specialist
on 13.01.04 at 18:54:17, Bladestar X wrote:
? Ok well heres the deal Ace. Even with about 200,000 years of advances in our sspace travel technology, there is no way Intergalactic travel would ever be possible. The distance between the Milky Way and Andromeda, the closest galaxy is mind-boggling. Even the Precursors would not hvae had that kind of technology, its just not possible or practical. Even so it would take dozens or hundreds of years.
Just due to a plateful of close-mindedness, and a side dish of blatant ethnocentrism, I must burn this post and it's poster.
Blade, you ever thought OUTSIDE of the "human" box? You ever met a Precursor to know what kind of technology they had? I didn't think so. If you need clarification, and I can't really tell if you will or not, do ask for some. I hope you understand what I'm trying to get across here so that I don't have to get a 2x4 and drive it in.
Ok, I feel better now.
As for the Ur-Quan and moving about...I'd wager, being the predators that they are and all, they'd do both. There was probably some kind of slow, fleshy critter that lived on the ground that the 'Quan figured out how to hunt. Probably some fast, fleshy critters too, and they'd use the trees for them. Birds nest in trees as well, so there's eggs and, well, momma bird to boot. Eventually, during gameplay, weapons would come about. Stuff designed for an Ur-Quan to assist them in hunting (and self defense). Or would they? It's a little presumptious to say that "All sentient, thinking creatures undergo a growth of their entire species into a Stone, Tool, Bronze Age, so on and so forth..." We know that, eventually, they pull together as one unified group, and I'd wager that's when buildings would start to appear. They'd more than likely want to settle somewhere so they have return points for their food and a relatively safe place from the elements. A little presumptious, sure, but it seems most likely. Start with crude shacks made of mud, then Tryy'g Wood and Jhambu Leaves, then, continue up from there... Someone, continue forth!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2004, 12:45:43 am by NECRO-99 »
I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 155
I suppose SC2's official end should be reasonably close to the end of the war. So if the reinforcements were supposed to arrive before the end of the war at all, they should arrive pretty quickly in the beginning of the sequel, before the war would have been won. The Doctrinal Conflict doesn't happen in a set period of time, it just occurs until someone wins. So there's really no way for the reinforcements to know when the war will end or that it even has when they arrive. And anyway, from their point of view as long as they're alive and fighting the Path of Now and Forever is still a valid doctrine. The only thing that could stop these new Kzer-Za, short of blowing them all to pieces, would be if they knew the Sa-Matra had been destroyed. But that's a difficult thing to prove... no matter what is said to them they could just think it had been stolen and hidden somewhere.
Maybe the "native" Kzer-Za and/or Kohr-Ah could convince them otherwise, but who's to say what the consequences would be? The idea that the Sa-Matra is destroyed would be a total culture shock to the invaders and there's no real way to predict how they'd react to it. Maybe they'd go on a total rampage and try to destroy everything. Maybe they'd suddenly become docile. Or maybe they'd finally start thinking clearly and would submit to the idea that they should join their fellow Ur-Quan in trying to piece together what remains of their culture.
I think a good lead into this sidequest would be if the current Ur-Quan leader (whoever it may be) or representative or whatever actually requests that you try to reason with them since they're not up to speed on current events. Maybe you'd have to take along a shuttle with a Kzer-Za diplomat on it to reason with them. A nice way to stop their current rampage could occur once you have a Kzer-Za with you, perhaps in the form of an obscure law that was once passed and never negated that forces an end to all hostilities until a certain minor issue is cleared up. In other words, a technicality that the bureaucratic Kzer-Za can't ignore lest they violate the laws of their precious Hierarchy. =)
I mean, there are so many possibilities I'm almost salivating here.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2004, 12:35:05 am by Matticus »
philosophy is the talk on a cereal box religion is a smile on a dog
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
I have a very simple plot idea. Several Years after SC2 The main character starts off as a Freighter captain. The starting ship is not the mark 2 but a sucky freighter. The main character come across some information that tells him the end of the universe is coming. And also acquires a partial precursor map to a starship factory. The character somehow must find the remaining pieces of the map to get the precursor ship (Mark 2). No one believes the information to be reliable so the main character goes it alone. As the character discovers more and reports it to the authorities they slowly give it more credit. The character as time passes finds parts to some precursor device that is important to saving the universe. Final part of the story would be with the help of the alliance the character fights of the threat to the universe. Wither the threat is powerful alien race or ancient evil.
What you guys think? I also have a engine idea in the engine thread
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I take it that this is not our captain...
« Last Edit: January 29, 2004, 07:39:02 pm by Death_999 »
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
hhmmm... Interesting - Needs some work - but it has potential. I think that you would have to collect RU's for the Precursor Factory and then you could build the ship.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
On the idea of thinking outside the human box, how about some completely different games, based on the starcontrol universe. An open ended rpg taking place on feudle shofixti land?
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Yu mean basicly a land battle of where the shofixty are going to livenow that they can't live on Delta Gorno?
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
no. I mean you live as a shofixti, before the yehat contact them.
It was only an example of a completely new game idea for starcontrol. Why wright new history when their is so much already written.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
In this timeline would the Yehat help you in terms of tech?