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Author Topic: Help with UQM, Mac Version  (Read 5284 times)
Zebranky food
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Help with UQM, Mac Version
« on: January 11, 2004, 02:47:17 am »

I'm having some trouble with UQM on my Mac running OS 10.3.2. I haven't found much in the way of help here with Macs...but here it goes.

I have no trouble running the actual program, but when I go into "Show Package Contents" and (eventually) into the folder "packages", it won't allow me to add any of the new files/updates. Instead, a message comes up that reads, "The item ________ could not be moved because 'packages' cannot be modified." I've queried Mac Help several times, but it doesn't help, either.

Any and all help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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Re: Help with UQM, Mac Version
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2004, 03:47:49 am »

I'm not much of a hand with Macs, but I have a suggestion. The "blah cannot be modified" error messages sounds like the directory is write-protected. That bascially means that you're not allowed to change, delete, add-to the directroy/folder.
How do you fix this on a Mac? I dunno. But try looking through the help files for "Directroy (or folder) permissions" and "write protection".

Hope this helps.

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Re: Help with UQM, Mac Version
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2004, 06:45:10 am »

Try to do it as an administrator and you should be OK.

If you know how to use the terminal, navigate into the application (it is a directory) and tell us what permissions it has, e.g.
This can be determined with the command
ls -l
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Re: Help with UQM, Mac Version
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2004, 07:09:16 am »

Okay, what I did was I went to the help and searched "folder permissions" (thanks, Zeep-Eeep!). That said that I should open the "Get Info" file for the UQM disk (yes, it's classifying and showing it as another hard disk...should it be) and then set UQM to ignore ownership. I tried that, and it still won't work. Currently, it says that the "Owner" is me and the "Group" is "unknown." When I try to change either of these to something else (like "admin" in the "Group" menu) the computer tells me that the operation couldn't be completed because of error code 195. Also, the access rights for the "Owner", "Group", and the "You Can" pulldown under "Ownership & Permission" are all grayed out, and I can't access them.

I hope that helps!

Thanks a bunch for helping me...I've been using a Mac forever, but I've only had OS X for two weeks.

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Re: Help with UQM, Mac Version
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2004, 09:45:57 am »

Ah, you're playing the game directly out of the disk image.  This will work, but the disk images are read-only, and as such you can't add any extra content unless you drag the game out of the image and onto your hard disk first.
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« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2004, 05:21:37 pm »

I agree with Nic, disk images, CDs, etc are read-only and thus "write-protected". So, my suggestion is to copy the contents of your disk image into a directory on your hard drive. I think you can do this on your Mac by dragging/droping the files in the disk image to a new location.

With that done, bring up the file permissions for the new folder. Start right at the top at "Games/" or "UQM" or whatever it's called. In the permissions, set yourself as the owner and set the permissions so that you can write to the files. If there is an option for "Recursive" permissions, select that too, so all the sub folders/files are also made accessable for you.

On a last note, if you do use the command line, you can change file permissions for the entire directory (the new one, not the disk image) using this command:
chmod -R 755 directroy-name/*

Best of luck!

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Re: Help with UQM, Mac Version
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2004, 05:50:16 pm »

Tony, if you've only been using os X for 2 weeks (and don't have any experience with *nix) then do yourself a favor...stay out of the command line Wink. while it sounds like you are running the game from the disk image, i,m curious, are you able to save your game?
no bearing on your question at all, just curious Smiley

Re: Help with UQM, Mac Version
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2004, 08:26:10 pm »

Saved games are written to one's home directory, not the media from which the game was loaded.  Home directories are usually writable by the user who owns them, so I'd say loading/saving games will work correctly.  Smiley

(and since I put the OSX version together, I guess I can fancy myself an "expert" on the subject)
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Re: Agreed
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2004, 08:48:35 pm »

On a last note, if you do use the command line, you can change file permissions for the entire directory (the new one, not the disk image) using this command:
chmod -R 755 directroy-name/*


This will make non-executable files executable, etc. This is Bad.

If you want to make the file just as public to everyone as it is to the owner except not writeable, then you should execute

chmod -R go=u-w *
which means recursively set the group and other bits to the same as the user bits, minus any writeability.

This is much safer.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2004, 08:48:58 pm by Death_999 » Logged
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Re: Help with UQM, Mac Version
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2004, 09:52:40 pm »

Thanks so much you guys!

What I ended up doing was creating a new folder in my hard drive and putting the contents of the UQM disk in there. I had tried doing that before, but just placing the whole disk in my hard drive...and all it did was make an alias to the UQM disk. But now everything works, and again...thanks to all of you to helping me with this problem!

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« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2004, 09:22:56 am »

I have to agree and dis-agree with Death-999 on this. I agree that chmod -R 755 does make files executable, even if they are not normally executable files. Technically, this is a security problem.

However, the chance of this posing a problem is minimal. While it gives people the right to run any file in the UQM directroy, this isn't very dangerous. However, if you wish to tighten security, you can run
chmod -R 700 UQM/*
This will make sure that you (and only you) can access and run the UQM game.

Also, since some of the files in the directroy have to be executable to run (execute) the program, making them executable makes sense.

Sorry for the previous mistake. "700" is a safer, if anti-social method.

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Re: Help with UQM, Mac Version
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2004, 08:12:25 pm »

But you're still making random text or image files executable. This is sloppy and potentially dangerous. Furthermore, if you ever do go through these directories trying to distinguish files, all that info will be lost.

Better to use the method I described, since it doesn't make anything executable that shouldn't be.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2004, 08:13:17 pm by Death_999 » Logged
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« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2004, 09:08:01 pm »

The method you described, however, does not give the user/owner the ability to write to the files/directories in question. It simply made sure that other people couldn't write to the files either, which they couldn't in the first place.
Which is why I corrected myself and suggested using mode 700. Files with mode 700 can only be run by the owner and thus can't cause any problems...unless the owner attacks him/herself. Which seems pretty unlikely.

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Re: Help with UQM, Mac Version
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2004, 08:50:10 pm »

well, if you want to give the owner read and write permission, use

chmod u+rw
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Re: Help with UQM, Mac Version
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2004, 07:07:11 am »

Okay, it turns out there's a second part to this question...

UQM is working fine...I downloaded the updated music with no problem and it plays, I can save, etc, etc...The only thing is, now I can't change any of the new music around! Here's the scoop:

I downloaded the new music files (UQM remix packs 1 and 2) and placed them directly inside the "packages" folder along with the content, voices, and 3DO ZIP files. As I said, they've been running fine. However...this is where the problem comes in. I downloaded the extra, non-ZIP file music (i.e. Yehat, Utwig, etc ditties) from the downloads page. I then unzipped one of the UQM remix packs to see how everything was organized, and I created a new folder and organized it in the same way (the file "yehditty.ogg" is within the folder named "yehat" which is in the big folder and so forth). I then put this into a zip file two different using Aladdin Software's DropZip and OSX's own Archive capability. However, when I put these in the "packages" folder (under the name " and launched the game...they didn't work!  I then tried unzipping one of the true remix packs, and then zipping it back up using Aladdin/Archive...and it doesn't work either!
They're just zip files, right?

I would appreciate any help that you can give. As with before, it's probably a really simple answer...but since I have almost no experience with this OS, it's not so easy!

P.S. I went back and read all your replies...and realized I have no idea how to get into the command line (and the computer "help", being [of course] no help whatsoever refuses to tell me) so if the solution involves this "command line", please talk me through it as much as possible.

Thank you sooooooooooo much for helping me with all these problems! I hope someone in the future with Mac problems will be able to come back and use these, also!

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