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Topic: got a cd-burner? (was: CR/LF problems?) (Read 18216 times)
Ain't your shell supposed to restart UQM whenever UQM is quitted? Therefor we should not be able to enter something into the console... Ctrl+Alt+F3 will switch you to a console where you can poke around the system, fix stuff, break stuff, or whatever. I kept typing "poweroff" in that console out of habit, and since code is easier to fix than habits... 
You mean "UQM_SAVE.S"?? (8letter restriction!) FAT12 volume labels are restricted to 11 chars, and . is an "illegal" character unless you're using VFAT or non-MS tools to label the disk (i.e., FORMAT.COM from DOS 6.22 will not let you name a disk "UQM_SAVE.S" but will let you name it "UQM_SAVES")
I'm thinking future revisions of the CD will include mtools so that people can make save disks from inside the CD, but floppy saves are kindof a stopgap solution until I figure out a "nice" way to save to hard disks; so that may ultimately be unnecessary.
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Yeah rigth! I messed that up with Directories...
Sorry about that... BTW: for me disk support is all i need.
How many saves do you guess will fit?
Hmm, don't mind, i'll try at home.
BTW: next week weill be hard for me, so don't expect an answer too soon... Best wishes!
I don't know how many saves a 1.44MB floppy will hold when the "new" XML-based savegame format is finished, but the "old" (currently in-use) savegame format takes less than 3k per savegame, so I'd wager that you could save about 450 games with it, and still have room for some custom teams in melee.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2003, 09:15:53 pm by Nic. »
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Sorry Nic. Some dumb ___ broke into my car and picked some things. That took some time the last two weeks to fix, so that UQM-bootROM just lay around unused.
I'll come to it in time, whenever that may be I'll try (and i'm positive that it'll work, since it booted fine after i burned the ROM).
Grretings, Martin
Frungy champion
Posts: 90

Submit or die.
I think save to FTP is a good idea. Also, there is a new wrapper for microsoft NTFS driver out, that allows full read/write support for NTFS on linux..
Dont know about distribution issues, being that it uses the MS driver directly. One would think if you already owned windows it would be legal ?
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Cool Nic.! it works! I played very slowly By now i have: sun device (no Chmmr - yet), Vux-Beast (the Maidens are still on board), nearly - repaired Ultron.
Bad luck the floppy got some bad-sectors over the week-end. Me thinks, most saves are broken. So i guess i have to start again.
But I'll wait for UQM 0.4 to start anew.
Keep it up to date - please. If you have the time, that is.
Bye, Krulle
Sorry for the late answer, but real life crushed down on me, and it still gets harder for me to leave the computer for work, so in my free time i stopped using PCs at all.
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