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Author Topic: Favourite ship  (Read 34054 times)
Deus Siddis
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« Reply #75 on: March 07, 2005, 07:36:59 am »

NO!!!  Shocked What have I done?!  Sad


All this. This whole place everything. It's gone. Just gone.

Oh the Humanity!

Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry

Let's not get nuts here, I bumped one post for fun. Think of all the things which you probably hate more than seeing an old thread, like needles, lawyers, jury duty, small dogs, WWIII, bathing, people in general. . .

Note to Moderators: Can I get a warning when I'm about to be kicked off the forum for general evilness. If I can, that'd be great, I'm gonna need it. Thanx.  Wink
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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #76 on: March 14, 2005, 03:59:41 am »

Back to favorite ship topic.  My favorite ship is the Spathi Eluder.  It's good against almost any Heirarchy ship.  
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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #77 on: March 15, 2005, 06:58:44 pm »


The thread I started about 2.5 years ago still lives!  There may have been dozens of pale imitations since then, but this was the original favourite ship thread Smiley  (well, on this forum anyway)

The Eluder still basically owns.  In my recent games I have re-awakened my love affair with the Orz Nemesis though.

Deus Siddis
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« Reply #78 on: March 16, 2005, 12:29:56 am »


The thread I started about 2.5 years ago still lives!"

Yes, I brought it back in honor of your holiness. Sadly I was met with the pointy swords of extremist forum zealots, accusing me of breaking their ancient laws. But Lo, you have returned to punish the oppressors and bring salvation to the holiest of ships, who dance through the heavens in glorious super melee combat.

My favorite craft is the Earthling Cruiser. There just isn't any other ship like it, nor one as versatile. Plus, how could you ever pass up a ship that launches ICBMs like a monkey flings crap!

Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #79 on: March 19, 2005, 01:22:41 am »

The Thraddash is the best ship, hands down.  Computer opponents are mauled by it no matter the ship type, skilled human players were also basically unable to beat me with it, though a camping Chmmr could lead to a standoff, and someone who is REALLY good with a Utwig could beat me sometimes.  The trick to ultimate success with the Thraddash is patience.  If they are stupid enough to chase you, they die fast.  If they hang back and wait for you or try and take you from long range, use your maneuverability to evade their shots in a hook maneuver, and as you come out of the hook, take a potshot with your little peashooter.  It takes time, but eventually you'll take down any ship this way, as long as you are good enough at not getting hit yourself your victory is inevitable.

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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #80 on: March 19, 2005, 07:04:27 am »

a good hunam can kill a thradash with alot of ships although a cmmrrrr that plays well might lead to a fight that lasts forever the cmmmrrrr would have to try to pull it into the world but a good thradash would be able to avoid it.oh and either the orz or the kohr-ah.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 07:06:55 am by michael » Logged
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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #81 on: March 23, 2005, 08:16:02 pm »

It's not UQM, but when playing Timewarp against large amounts of people on a LAN, the Ilwrath Avenger is godly. The arrows don't show up on your opponents' screens for your position when you're cloaked. Grin They can switch to target you when visible, and when you cloak the targeting remains, but as usual all seeking weapons lose their lock, and it becomes quite disorienting fighting against a big chunk of black space when you've got 4 other ships breathing down your neck. Much fun.

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« Last Edit: March 23, 2005, 08:24:03 pm by NECRO-99 » Logged

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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #82 on: April 04, 2005, 12:14:57 am »

my favorite ship, well that's the Chenjesu I think, as far as a fight is concerned. I get the funniest battle when I use the VUX, though, so for fun the VUX is my favorite.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2005, 02:03:17 am by GeomanNL » Logged

Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #83 on: April 04, 2005, 02:25:11 am »

my favorite ship, well that's the Chenjesu I think, as far as a fight is concerned. I get the funniest battle when I use the VUX, though, so for fun the VUX is my favorite.

Yes, the VUX lead to some funny situations.  Especially VUX-vs-VUX where both ships end up covered in limpets.  It's like two hogtied men trying to kill each other with butter knives gripped in their mouths.

NECRO, I didn't know Timewarp worked on LAN, but then I haven't played it in a while.  Is there a way to play it over the net?
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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #84 on: April 05, 2005, 01:24:25 am »

I dont know about the net, and I really don't know how we got it to work on the LAN was my old high school, so...*shrug* probably check out the boards there to see how to make everything click.

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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #85 on: April 05, 2005, 11:07:46 pm »

Would be interesting to see how good CPUs are against each other with all ships. I bet someone has already made a list like that. I thought the torch would be great against mycon, but it didn't fare so well. The ZFP did better despite not using the lick enough.

Oh yes, ZFP is my fav ship. Very satisfying to make a kill with the lick.

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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #86 on: April 06, 2005, 04:53:42 am »

I have set all of the ships against each other on AI, except for the Supox (the AI is so horrible it's pointless), the Pkunk (because I need to count the kills manually to average out ressurrection), and the Thraddash (I hadn't gotten around to it yet).

The ZFP vs the Mycon maintained a point loss ratio of 3:4 (i.e. against the ZFP).
The mycon were weakest against Utwig, Chmmr, Slylandro, Yehat, and Pkunk.

The best ships for killing Kohr-Ah were Spathi (3:1), VUX (2:1), Utwig (5:3), Shofixti (3:2), and Arilou (4:3). Everything else broke roughly even or got creamed.

The best ships against the Ur-Quan were the Utwig (4:1) and Ilwrath (5:2), with the Androsynth, Chmmr, Orz, and Yehat around (6:5). Several others broke even; many got creamed.

Ur-Quan vs Kohr-Ah slightly favored the Kohr-Ah. (26:25)

In case you're wondering, hooked this up in the background and didn't spend much time actually paying attention to it...
« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 04:55:20 am by Death_999 » Logged
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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #87 on: April 22, 2005, 03:54:10 am »

I didn't know Timewarp worked on LAN, but then I haven't played it in a while.  Is there a way to play it over the net?

You could try downloading the full-release here, I'm not sure if it works well though, since I never tested it fully, but Culture20 did some testing and it seemed to work fine. In order to play, you've to tell someone who wants to join a game you host your IP address, which he's to type in manually.

Would be interesting to see how good CPUs are against each other with all ships.

I think the outcome depends on how well the AI is written and in which map environment it's performed, so it may not be portable to other games or settings. In case of multiplayer games, it might be better to see how human-vs-human matches end. In timewarp, there was at some point a counter which automatically collected this kind of data (written by Varith) - but that part of the code was abandoned later I believe. In timewarp (and other games I suppose) it is also possible to automate battles by continuously spawning ships, but it requires some tweaking of the code.

The best ships for killing Kohr-Ah were Spathi (3:1), VUX (2:1), Utwig (5:3), Shofixti (3:2), and Arilou (4:3).

The Shofixti? And the Arilou?? Amazing.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2005, 04:17:08 am by GeomanNL » Logged
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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #88 on: April 22, 2005, 05:33:32 am »

Mmm yeah, I suppose it's tricky to keep statistics with all the special powers and stuff.

Did you weigh in ship score/price? Awesome cyborg skill?

Shofixi vs Kohr-Ah was fun to watch cuz the Scout is so dodgy and in the Marauder's face. It did pretty well but it took four Scouts per Marauder when I ran it. Arilou did better.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2005, 05:38:14 am by Arne » Logged

Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #89 on: April 22, 2005, 01:05:54 pm »


The Shofixti? And the Arilou?? Amazing.

I remember reading a chat transcript where Fred Ford said he'd programmed an Arilou AI that was literally unbeatable (at least he found it impossible to beat) with any ship. By giving the computer perfect reaction time and removing the computer's ability to make the mistake of not leaving enough energy for a warp, the Arilou's turn-on-a-dime steering and escape-from-anything warp made it unbeatable. The warp also made it possible to get close enough even to ships that were faster than the Skiff, and enough hit-and-runs will kill *anything*. The Arilou AI in the game had to be consciously programmed to make mistakes in order to be beatable.

So the fact that Arilou can get good kill ratios against Marauders on Awesome AI doesn't surprise me. In fact I feel like the Arilou may have been nerfed from SC1 -- Skiffs in SC1 on Awesome AI are pretty godly. They're only weak ships for Melee because it seems that most people (okay, I) have pretty slow reaction times and take a lot of practice to learn all the tricks you can do with them.
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