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Author Topic: Favourite ship  (Read 34061 times)
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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #60 on: April 24, 2003, 02:36:01 am »

There was also that unlimited battery code which basically turned the cruiser into a death machine.... nukenukenukenukenukenukenuke.....

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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #61 on: April 24, 2003, 08:17:18 pm »

For me, the start of a Cruiser/Dreadnought battle was always a "race to the gravity well"  If I couldn't get a speed boost before coming into the Dreadnought's weapons range, it was a terribly short fight.

But once I remember running to the gravity well, with a Dreadnought in hot pursuit, and its response to my gravity whip was to do one of its own, which put me very comfortably within weapons range.  The fight didn't last long after that.  Angry

Once I was in a battle against a friend -- me Cruiser, him Dread.
He began chasing me, got bumped by an asteroid while still far away. went with the bounce, and began chasing me from the other side. Wrapped around, the planet is between us. We both charge.
I get to the planet first, but as I'm leaving he tags me once.
I loop around and try to execute another gravity whip (no other option); he camps the planet and tries to shoot me. He misses three times in a row. We bounce off of each other; he crashes into the planet and has to spend some time getting straightened out, while I get another nice gravity whip.
He is chasing me, mad. Does a good job of shooting down my missiles. Then that asteroid he hit earlier comes up, catching up with me... inspired, I thrust to the side to get in its way -- wham, a collision later, I'm tied in speed with the dread! He reverses course AGAIN. This time I'm pretty screwed, as he's getting in front of me. I shoot my missiles and get shot again. I bounce off of him, but we're not lined up right to shoot at each other. I shoot him once more, getting him down to 2 crew. The last fusion blast comes home, and the cruiser is history.

Cruisers would be awesome fighting machines if they had a system similar to the VUX warp -- namely, enter near the planet.
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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #62 on: April 25, 2003, 03:45:59 am »

what?! no one likes the shofixti scout?!

It's hilarious how those enemy ships just flee in terror as you approach them with two switches flipped Smiley

then as you finally evade their futile shots and slide up next to the hull... and shoot them with your peashooter before... KIAYEE!!!

Ah, good times  Grin
« Last Edit: April 25, 2003, 03:48:29 am by yipyapyup » Logged

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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #63 on: April 25, 2003, 03:48:26 am »

Oh, they're great if you're up agains a moronic Kzer-Za player who shoots out half of his ship's crew in fighters.

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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #64 on: April 25, 2003, 05:19:32 am »

Hmm, good question.

I'd have to say for style, what would be more impressive than a tweaked-out Penetrator, with 26 meter exhaust rims. The artificial wind in your hair, the gamma rays in your face and a crew of space-babes on your lap. Roll Eyes Cool

As for combat, my own personal favorite, and I see some of yours, is the Orz Nemesis. Not many can defeat a skilled Orz pilot.

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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #65 on: May 21, 2003, 08:09:10 pm »

Actually, the easiest time I've had with dealing with Orz is slaughtering them with the Arilou, their hated enemy. You're too fast for stupid Marines to get in (unless you steer wrong) and the laser shoots faster than the turret can rotate. Even on Awesome Cyborg, flyby, zap, teleport, wait, repeat. Marines on the tail? Just move.

New favorite: Slylandro Probe. I know no one likes this ship, but it kicks royal tail in melee. It's the best flanking ship in the game. Plus, if you can stick your spinny self onto some nice target like a Mauler's engines or a Jugger tail, they cant move. Unload batteries, wait for an asteroid, repeat.

Gotta admit too, tounging people with the Stinger is fun as well.

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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #66 on: May 21, 2003, 09:02:39 pm »

My favorite all around slugfest ship is the Chenjesu Broodhome. Once I did an experiment: in a head on rush, the Chenjesu can actually do more damage rapid-firing photon crystals than a Chmmr laser. That ship is just plain nasty in a meatgrinder match (Forget DOGIs unless you're up against an Utwig and want to make him nervous - photon crystals all the way). Unfortunately, there are those who use fast ships to run away. Evil bastards.

I suppose the Pkunk takes the best support ship role: it's fast, it's funny, it's feckin' deadly with its peashooters.

The most *annoying* ship to learn to play and to fight against is the Slylandro. It's fast, wobbly, and it gets behind you and zapifies you like Emperor Palpatine on speed.

For the fun factor, I like the Orz. I love the cannon, but it's inaccurate and the fire arcs are pretty annoying.  That and it's got pretty short range. A few lucky hits with a photon crystal and it's history, and you can always gun down incoming marines if they aren't launched from point blank range.

To fight a thraddash, all you have to do is stay put and shoot it from a distance. I admit, I haven't fought an experienced human Thraddash captain, but they've always seemed to be ineffective against a patient Chenjesu. Same with zoqfotpik - they aren't even all that fast. They're cheap, and if you got like two or three against a 30 pointer they'd be deadly, but one against a big ship like a marauder seems hopeless.

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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #67 on: May 21, 2003, 09:18:36 pm »

Hi guys, first post here. wheee!

I would have to cast my lot in with the Ur Quan dreadnought. It was the first ship I got sorta good at, way back when I was playing SC1 on my old 8080 machine. (actually, now that I think about it, it was the *only* ship i got sorta good at)

Anyway, the computer was so slow, all the battles would be in slow motion, and as a result, I learned how to lead the plasma bolts of the dreadnaught just right. I became a real sharpshooter with the thing, so when SC2 came out and the college dorm SC2 tournaments were ripping through Norman House, I would pretty much take out opponents' entire fleets with a single Ur Quan dreadnaught. People were not pleased. But I sure was! hehe Grin
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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #68 on: May 21, 2003, 09:24:51 pm »

Mine's favourite is the Spathi Eluder. I can't ever hit anything with it's main gun, but it's fairly easy for a reasonably skilled player to B.U.T.T Dreads and Marauders to death while dodging their shots.

Second comes the Zoq-Fot-Piq, since it eats Dreadnaughts for breakfast and can do reasonably well against most other ships due to it's maneuverability, speed and long-range main gun.

Third is the Utwig Jugger - even in hands of a beginner, it can easily destroy Dreadnaughts without taking a scratch.

Fourth comes the Pkunk Fury, due to it's superior maneuverability and speed, plus the style factor.

Fifth would be the Traddash Torch, at least against AI, since it can reach great speeds with it's afterburner and also use it to destroy enemy ships. The main gun is quite useless.

I especially hate Earthling Cruisers. I recall that only fight I've won with one was against the undercrewed Avenger without cloaking device you have to fight at the start. I just can't get those bathubs move anywhere fast enought. My attempts to use planet gravity to my advantage usually result in me getting stuck in the gravity well and slamming into the planet until I die.
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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #69 on: May 21, 2003, 09:58:07 pm »

Earthlings are one of the best ships to gravity whip with -- maybe the problem is that by the time you get close to the planet you're being attacked and dodge into the planet? Or are you fighting Druuge or Chmmr and are pushed/pulled into the planet?
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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #70 on: May 22, 2003, 12:13:06 am »

Stupid Chmmr. Although my favorite thing to do if ever I'm bored is see how many ships I can kill by only bashing them into planets. Its amusing when a Dread launches 1/3 of their crew in fighters (ZapSat Food) and each bash into a planet kills 8 of em, three or four hits usually does it. Other fun one to fling around (albeit a bit dangerous) is the Umgah Drone. For being so small, it must have a huge mass, because that thing gets going in a hurry! Speaking of Umgah, they're fun too, especially against cocky players.
One of my buds, thinking size = power: "Heheh, the little green ship is turning to run away from my massive Dreadnou-- what the hell?!!?" Good times.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2003, 12:13:36 am by NECRO-99 » Logged

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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #71 on: May 22, 2003, 01:02:31 am »

Earthlings are one of the best ships to gravity whip with -- maybe the problem is that by the time you get close to the planet you're being attacked and dodge into the planet? Or are you fighting Druuge or Chmmr and are pushed/pulled into the planet?

I'm probably just plain inept at using gravity whipping to my advantage. I do okay without it with most ships.
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« Reply #72 on: March 06, 2005, 08:12:17 am »

There must be three dozen threads on this one topic.
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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #73 on: March 06, 2005, 09:55:19 am »

Yes, and this one died long ago- in 2003!! Sorry to say, but your feat of thread necromancy isn't helping matters.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2005, 09:56:23 am by Halleck » Logged

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Re: Favourite ship
« Reply #74 on: March 07, 2005, 12:21:52 am »

I hate necroposting.
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