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Author Topic: All about the probes, baby.  (Read 3207 times)
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All about the probes, baby.
« on: January 23, 2004, 09:09:00 pm »

I've read in a couple of places (on this board) that those evil, super fast probes are suppose to show up nearly every day. I tried testing this by not getting the self-destruct code for the probes. However, it's often weeks between encounters with the things. I like killing them for resources, so is there a way to make them show up more often?

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Re: All about the probes, baby.
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2004, 09:33:59 pm »

If you DON"T  go to the starbase then a probe pops up every day. The programmers put that in to "direct" you to the starbase. The reason why you heard about it was there is a current challenge going out about who can beat the game first without going to the starbase. When you go to starbase the level of probes go WAY down. Before you go to star base it is 100% chance that a probe will show up that day. When you go to starbase it goes down to 2% then it slowly goes up unless you talk to the Slyrandro.
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Re: All about the probes, baby.
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2004, 09:55:32 pm »

This is probably some lack on my part, but killing probes is hard for me. I mean, I can take out a probe with a cruiser assuming the probe stays away from me, but when it gets close it rips me to shreds. I can usually beat it with an Eluder, but not without losing 20-29 crew. Is there some ship you people use to kill these things? Is there some strategy to fighting the computer I don't know about?
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Re: All about the probes, baby.
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2004, 10:01:13 pm »

keep practicing with the eluder. You will be able to beat them without taking damage, since they have to weave around (and slow down) to dodge the missiles.

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Re: All about the probes, baby.
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2004, 10:12:03 pm »

Once you practice you can kill probes without a loss with the eluder. However it is sometimes a long fight. So what I use is:

 1. Thraddash Torch - Simple wait till the probe is close and fire the afterburner! The probe follow ignoring the damage it takes.

2. Equip your ship with 1 hellbore and 2 tracking modules. As soon as the fight starts the probe will charge. Simple turn towards the probe and let loose the big gun. 2-3 hits and that thing is RU in your bank account.
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Re: All about the probes, baby.
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2004, 10:21:20 pm »

Actually, I use the Chmmr ships to fight probes. I got their ships early on...and they're darn good at probe killing. I'm on year 2158 now, still waiting on the probes. Maybe I should play with the code a little to speed them up. Can anyone point me toward the source file where the probes' probability is stored?


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Re: All about the probes, baby.
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2004, 02:41:15 am »

How to use Fwiffo to take out probes:

Step 1: run away straight in one of the cardinal directions, and launch a BUTT. The slylandro will turn around and loop.

Step 2: come to a dead stop, facing away. Accelerate so you're heading away but not so fast that the Probe loops around.

Step 3: release BUTTs.

If the probe is too far, it will dodge and run away. If it is close enough, it will dodge ineffectively, then find that this maneuver let you drift back into the first category, so it runs away to loop around. If it is too close, it will run around the missiles and cause intolerable damage.

So, play it safe and try to let him come just close enough. Assuming that you don't drift in the other cardinal directions you won't hit the planet, which means you can do it flawless nearly every time. Practice makes the process go faster by getting the range better-judged, but it should work even with only a little practice.

Says the guy who's been exploiting the AI since 1984...

Re: All about the probes, baby.
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2004, 11:00:03 am »

At the very start I stay the hell away from probes. After a bit of minning, I fit the Vindicator with spit-fire (first and second slot) ion cannons along with a couple dynamos and 100 crew. Combat strategy: point in their general direction and mash the fire button while they're nearby. The casualties you'll take won't be pretty, but it works. Spathi and Orz ships can both beat probes early on but it's always long and tedious.

This is probably some lack on my part, but killing probes is hard for me. I mean, I can take out a probe with a cruiser assuming the probe stays away from me, but when it gets close it rips me to shreds. I can usually beat it with an Eluder, but not without losing 20-29 crew. Is there some ship you people use to kill these things? Is there some strategy to fighting the computer I don't know about?

Uh, what? I can't see why a probe would be beaten by a cruiser, ever.

Edit: In an effort to make an ass out of myself (a noble cause indeed), I opened up super melee and fought the probe as a cruiser 100 or so times. The above is wrong, it can be shot down if you play right and get lucky. Launch a nuke at it as close as possible it while it's headed right for you but before it starts using lightning. If you fire while it's far away, you'll miss every single time. If you shoot into the lightning, it'll get blocked most of the time. It chickens out momentarily when it's near you sometimes for reasons I'm not clear on, but I think keeping your front pointed right at him helps. It takes three successful shots to kill it. Gravity whipping doesn't seem to help much. Neither does dropping the difficulty because it plays exactly the same on all three settings. If any of you guys get bored, consider trying this match out until you win it.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2004, 11:31:54 am by Shiver » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2004, 07:05:33 pm »

I find that my chances of taking down a probe with the cruiser are about 50-50. It usually depends on how often the probe re-charges, I think.

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Re: All about the probes, baby.
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2004, 09:56:28 pm »

I find that my chances of taking down a probe with the cruiser are about 50-50. It usually depends on how often the probe re-charges, I think.

Sounds about right. If the thing gets a VUX start on you, you're pretty much screwed.
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