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Topic: Star Control d20 RPG? (Read 19190 times)
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Hanging around by chains all day probably does not make one dexterous. I wouldn't think the Druuge to be very intelligent either; they get tricked fairly often (the Utwig, the Captain). Heck, they probably bought their spacefairing tech.
Zebranky food

Posts: 19

dark horse disney
Thank the progenitors, something other than shofixti eliciting comments.
As for Int, The druuge have an organized interplanetary bureaucrat-government that spans a huge corner of the galaxy. They are one of the more powerful races, actually. They habitually trick their customers, they hacked into the Captain's computers to pull out data, etc.. I'd say they are pretty clever. Anyway, not getting suckered into a deal usually falls under Wisdom.
As for Dex, have you seen the way that guy tugs on chains? He's pretty fricking good at it. You don't see the humans tugging on chains and swinging around like monkeys.
As for Cha, I'm sure most of the aliens smell. Most probably don't even breathe the same air as humans. They look pretty much human in appearance without serious hideousness, unlike the VUX for example. Cha is not appearance-based anyways. It's force of personality. Most players probably end up getting coerced into dealing slaves with them, for example. They are pretty persuasive.
Anyone who knows anything about d20 think much of the abilities?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 478

Androsynth Combat Tactics Specialist
I know d20 (hate the "[insert type here] hero" buisness), and as far as I see, the skills look ok. One thing I'd add for the Druuge is some bonus to interpersonal communication skills (Bluff, Intim, Diplom, Sense) when dealing with enslaved people, even if they're not their own slaves. They're just good at that, I wager. +4 or 3 I'd say. Perhaps they'd have some skill at, well, Rope Use (even though they are chains). The higher the level the better, as they've had more time swinging around in them. Negative CON? Why sayest thou that? If its an issue of balance, I think their general reputation offsets any stat penalites, hands down. (Most [good]) hunams aren't going to want to deal with the Druuge if all the Druuge's interest is in is getting the said person to sell them their child for a can of gas. That and they never seemed that sick to me in any encounters I had with them (Except for the time that I drained all the fuel from the one...he turned kinda white). As for CHA...Taken from PNF:
Physiologically, the Druuge are humanoid, but they possess certain characteristics which make them less than attractive to people from Earth. Chief among these traits are body odor, constant oozing from the mouth, nose, and ears, and breath best described as putrid. Now, call it ethnocentric of me, but I doubt that any race would enjoy dealing with such a set of, well....phisiological problems that the Druuge have. Indeed, one race might enjoy the smell of the Druuge, but I bet most don't. Humans obviously don't, anyway. Maybe give them a negative to intial reaction mods due to known nature (if it IS known, anyway) and general disgusting scent. Heheheh, speaking of which, give them an aura that keeps anything with any sort of ability to smell at a 5 foot radius. If forced into the aura, the person/animal/alien has to make a FORT save, DC 18(?) or become nauseated for 1d8 rounds. Those that make the save cannot be affected for another hour. Creatures with the Scent feat (I forget the name, I think that's right) have to stay 30 feet away. The DC save for more sensitive noses is 22, and the nausea lasts for 2d8 rounds, re-tried every hour.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2004, 04:57:03 am by NECRO-99 »
I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

Note that the same argument regarding ugliness holds true for the VUX. The Yehat call them "grotesque monsters" -- the VUX believe everyone else to be disgusting, but the vote is against them. CHA penalties should be assessed to the VUX before the Druuge, I'd think.
There's more to CHA than appearance, anyway.
Zebranky food

Posts: 19

dark horse disney
Splendid, splendid. This is the type of feedback I was looking for. What is this PNF? I believe I shall switch the Con bonus for a short-ranged breath weapon of some sort.
Posts: 1059

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PNF = Pages of Now and Forever
They have immense data ragarding races - what they say - were they live etc. It is the place of info for SC2.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Maybe you could bring back comeliness into your d20 system to split apart beauty and true charisma, then you could apply bonuses and penalties appropriately.
Breath weapon? Why not give them gaze attacks too? /sarcasm
« Last Edit: February 04, 2004, 10:36:32 pm by Culture20 »
Posts: 1059

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If that is your special attack for the druuge what are you going to do about Arlou?!
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
But arlou sometime look - well - weird - not gross, but weird. Therefore they could have a gaze attack as well as pisonics. I mean - if the Druuge have it - then I think Arlou deserves it too.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
The Ur-Quan have 4 tendrils, do the Arilou deserve 4 tendrils too?
Posts: 1059

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Well... I don't know - Just something about the arlou looks creepy to me. Maybe it is just me :-/
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