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Topic: Ideas for "Ur-quan masters 2" engine (Read 21169 times)
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
So basically you are saying that there would be whole lot of conversation databases and that depending on the NPC it would have access to a list of possible conversations. And in each conversation would be requirements to be met before it appears to the player.
I believe this is how RPG are done right now or am I missing something?
For talking characters we could use a program that I have heard of. It turns text into believable voices. I could be wrong but I think it costs about $3,000.
now all we need is funding....... and alot more planing
« Last Edit: January 30, 2004, 04:23:00 am by BioSlayer »
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
How much do you actually know about C++ classes? Because publicity of an item in terms of a programming API has little to do with the kind of privateness or publicity you're talking about... I know, I stated it poorly; I meant that the publicity would be used in terms of inheritence, not in terms of the knowledge being "publicly known". It was a concept generated in 1-2 minutes; give me a break. 
Note that most opinions are fixed over time and can be looked up. When changes occur, relatively little needs to be done. We can manually program in all moments of enlightenment (e.g. explaining the probes' behavior), so no inference work needs to be done in the AI. Remember, it is mainly their reactions to you which is determined here. That can be handled pretty quickly by grabbing the RELEVANT bits of info talked about in your statement and handling them. And you can grab them the moment you go into that category rather than waiting until you finalize the statement. As you can see, my understanding of AI's is full of holes.
So basically you are saying that there would be whole lot of conversation databases and that depending on the NPC it would have access to a list of possible conversations. And in each conversation would be requirements to be met before it appears to the player.
I believe this is how RPG are done right now or am I missing something? Almost every RPG I've seen uses a very rigid, scripted format since that's the easiest way to control a story. Every once in a while, unimportant NPCs will say something random that seems to have meaning, but it very rarely deals with the main plot that you want to enforce. Hey Death_999, do you think your idea would work with parsed input strings like the old text adventure games? Maybe a combo of the two: We've seen that the Captain has a quick wit and always has a few quips on the tip of his tongue. Maybe there could be 3 easy, ready made responses from the Captain, and a text input box to ask more in-depth or off-topic questions. (e.g.) Commander Hayes: Great Haul! I'm glad you're still prospecting mines for us, Captain. Is there anything I could do for you?
Choices: 1)Give me a report. 2)No, just passing through. 3) (manually typed in) Where is breakfast being served? 3 is chosen
Comander Hayes: Breakfast? It's evening by Station-time. Maybe the Pkunk Ambassador has some poot-worms in his quarters...
« Last Edit: January 30, 2004, 04:49:09 am by Culture20 »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Which is why you will note that I did not call for typing English. The last thing we want is to write a program aware of grammar.
I was thinking that there would be a few classes of questions, e.g.
What do you know about X? What do you think about X? Where is X? Who can do X?
and a few classes of statements, e.g.
There is an X. X is Y (Y is an adjective)
Beyond the standard static questions like "How are you? Where are you going? Who are you?"
This would be beyond any of the witty repartee which was manually generated by the designers.
In general, you can gather background info and intel via the specialized questions, or ask where the gas station is, but all of the plot-related questions and statements are hard-coded. This avoids the really annoying problem of guessing the word the designers wanted you to say.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Most of the older parsers would focus in on keywords like Eliza (the virtual psychiatrist). Believe it or not, they didn't need correct grammer. I've generally found parser games to be superior to any of the point-and-click adventures you youngsters are used to. Gimme Zork or Kings Quest 1-5 any day. True, there were so many things that weren't obvious, but that actually lent to the charm; it wasn't "hold your mouse over everything until something glows". Any attempt to add a parser to an RPG is okay in my book.
Ultima 6 had an extremely unsophistcated parser. It took the first 4 letters of any word you said and compared them to a DB of what each character would respond to. Keywords would be highlighted red in their text that you could ask them about (like hypertext in a web document today). There were always 3 words any character would respond to: name, job, bye.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
::cough:: ripoff from exile...
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Other way around actually (or they borrowed from a mutual source). "Exile: Escape ftom the pit" was produced in 1995, "Ultima 6: The False Prophet" was produced in 1990. Considering that web browsers and HTML really became popular around the early 1990's that seems the likely source of inspiration for Exile. Ultima was in development before Tim Berners-Lee wrote the first web browser, so Origin must have had some other source; gopher maybe?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2004, 08:22:37 pm by Culture20 »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Oh, I guess I got Ultima 6 confused with Ultima 16, which is due to come out next week ;P
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