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Author Topic: 'They' cannot see you now.  (Read 40900 times)
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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2004, 10:34:06 pm »

To cause another piece of innudating spam to be spat forth upon this forum (and to give me another post)...

Yes, Lightman, that is what I meant.

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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #31 on: February 14, 2004, 04:29:56 am »

I recently learned that the movie Stalker is based on Roadside Picnic.

There is no escape if "they" are you
« Reply #32 on: February 14, 2004, 05:14:42 am »


They are also just cuts, not something that looks diseased. And the crew doesn't seem to worry at all that they will be infected by any parasite or disease. No one on the ship dies as a result. If it were some kind of flesh-eating parasite, surely others would become infected?

These cuts could be self inflicted, and "they" could just be some kind of mental disease, where someone that learns the "truth" and wasn't prepared for it goes crazy, or normal in that person's mind.
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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #33 on: February 14, 2004, 11:20:06 am »

Although Orz come off sounding sinister, I think they're simply miss-understood!

First of, I'm fairy sure the *they* are the *Nggn* , the things that dart and leap that the Orz are after.

The Orz seem childlike in a way,  Whereas the Arilou are like Parental like - The animosity between the two might simply be because of their natures -- The Arilou don't really appreciate the Orz for their efforts because Orz are reckless and don't realize that their actions have consequences.

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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #34 on: February 14, 2004, 06:01:15 pm »

But since they both are very different, and mysterious, I think they are both creepy.
The orz are probably more creepy becaus of the childessness. According to many orz translation guides, the *games*, and *parties* mean combat.

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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #35 on: February 14, 2004, 07:47:11 pm »

I don't think the arlou are ou to hurt us. I think they want soemthing from us, but I think that wonce they get it they will leave and not look back. But I think that is all - they won't kill us. Now the Orz on the other hand...... :-/

EDIT: (None of this is SC3)
« Last Edit: February 14, 2004, 07:52:27 pm by FalconMWC » Logged
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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #36 on: February 14, 2004, 07:51:26 pm »

Alright I wanted to reiterate my Orz/Arilou belief's so that people could see where I'm comming from.

First, throw out SC3 -- Its not hard to do heh  Nothing learned from SC3 is valid.

What does Orz tell us about itself? Orz, come from *below* which seems to be a dimension relatively below Realspace. Orz is not *light reflections* meaning that unlike in our universe, we percieve objects through sight by the light that reflects off them -- with Orz this is not so.  Also, Orz is not *many bubbles* or a multicellular organizm even though to us we would THINK Orz is made up of *Tiny bubbles*.  However Orz is probably a projection *finger* into our universe by some form of entity which resides in a dimension relatively beneath our native one.  Remember, we do not *see* Orz bubbles, but we obviously percieve them.

Orz came to our universe because they learned about it because of Androsynth experiments with IDF.  Seemingly, Androsynth learned how to open portals between dimensions, whether or not this facilitated travel for the Androsynth is trivial.  It merely allowed other Denizens of other Dimensions to somehow observe Androsynth.  

Orz was one of the beings that learned of Realspace because of the IDF experiments,  Before this, Orz did not even know Realspace existed!  Concieveably there are probably infinite number of dimensions, with inhabited ones few and far between.  At the same time, however, *they* also learned of the Androsynth.  

Now Orz watched the Androsynth and wants to help Androsynth.  So, Orz does what it feels is best!  It starts pulling Androsynth into Orz's dimension, or another dimension, safe from the *they*.  Orz, not really having comprehension of Death (hence, combat is always *dancing* or something fun) pull every bit of Androsynth they can find, living, dead, decaying -- everything)  After all, Orz wants to help every other *slider* it can find, it probably did so with the Taalo (more on that later).

So Orz pulls the Androsynth out of Realspace -- The Androsynth probably had no idea what was going on and reacted negatively -- And now Orz is hiding the Androsynth.  To further protect them, Orz does not want to talk about the Androsynth incase *they* finds them again.

Now,  The Arilou are also interdimensional travelers and they frown upon the Orz.  I think because they see Orz as reckless and acts without considering things.  Orz refer's to Arilou as *Quick Babies*, probably simply a reference to the Arilou popping in and out of dimensions, and Also because I think on a time scale, Arilou are more like Us and less like Orz (which may or may not be eternal) therefore even though Arilou are wise and their species ancient, it might be nothing compared to Orz.

The Arilou tell us that they have been hiding our smell from beings which would hurt us.  I think we can take this at face value, they're making it hard for other inter dimensional beings (or maybe only one particular inter dimensional being) to find us.

When asked, why the Arilou are in realspace again (outside of looking after us) they mention they are here catching *Nggn*.  When pressed about the *Nggn* the Arilou brush humans off and don't really want to explain it.  However, I get the impression that the *Nggn* and Orz's the They or Them are one and the same.  The Arilou are only found in Realspace, near their natural break into Quasispace from Hyperspace, that explains their small sphere of influence, but Technically, Quasi space travel means Arilou can quickly show up ANYWHERE they need to in the galaxy (and probably the entirety of realspace) fairly quickly, so geographically their location is trivial.  The way Arilou describe the *Nggn* is meant to make the captian not really think they're important.  Arilou don't want us to even contemplate looking for the *Nggn* because if we do, then the *Nggn* will find us!  Bad news.

Now, there's some animosity between Orz and the Arilou because they're both trying to do the same thing (protect things from some more evil form of ID being) and have different modalities for doing so. Arilou like to protect and hide beings in their own dimension (and maybe they're exclusive to humans) whereas Orz simply just rip an endangered race or society from where they are and hide them somewhere else.  

As for the Taalo, I dont think the Taalo were pulled into another dimension by Orz in the way the Androsynth are.  I believe the Taalo were more or less ready for IDF travel by the time Orz learned of them.  The Taalo probably left willingly our dimension for other dimensions (to protect themselves from being wiped out) In the time that has passed, the Taalo are probably profficient *sliders* through dimension, but are better then Orz at dealing with issues related to time, which Orz doesn't seem to have much of a grasp of.  So when the Taalo play with Orz, they use this to their advantage.

Now, that all being said, here's the reason WHY I believe all this.  Because its NOT the obvious selection.   There are tons of hints WHY Orz might be evil,  however alot of them come from the Arilou and I don't really think they're 100% trustworthy.  Honestly though, believing Orz are bad is just EASY -- and much of the stories in SC2 are complex and detailed.  If TFB ever made a REAL SC3, they would probably want to surprise people over their incorrect pre-concieved notions about some of the various races, and this is a perfect example of a set up to me.  Anyways, thats my opinion,  if you have any questions about some of the terms, and things I've left out, ask and I shall answer them as best I can about my interpretation.
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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #37 on: February 14, 2004, 08:44:21 pm »

Wow. The nggn make a lot more sence now.

So do the orz. I always assumed they were evil. I would still say they are really really warlike, so they cant be too good.

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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #38 on: February 14, 2004, 09:01:06 pm »

They're not warlike, they're just playful.  Thats why the computer translates their term for fighting as *dancing*  not *fighting* because to them, its not Fighting as since they're not dieing as a result of the fight, they don't understand that you might be..
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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #39 on: February 14, 2004, 10:04:48 pm »

I've seen lots and lots of posts on this specific subject.
However, every now and then someone brings up a bright new idea that nobody could formulate before him.
I think this thesis is better than most of the others I've heard.
(Although Fred's statement that they thought the 3rd game - should they make one - would be about an EVIL Orz, kind of contradicts it. But maybe Fred's statement was misunderstood or out of context.)

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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2004, 10:37:28 pm »

Heh thanks!  There was a huge thread about Arilou and Orz but I didn't read though it all (its like 20 pages) so I wasn't sure if my theory had been brought up by someone before me.

As for the possiblility of a SC3 focused on the "Evil" Orz, it would still work,  Espeically if they're trying to use missdirection,  Make it so the *Nggn* finally find humans,  The Arilou try to help you, but so do the Orz, only like the Androsynth of my theory, Humans don't realize they're trying to help, and all hell brakes loose.

In the end, the twist is Orz was only trying to help Tongue
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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #41 on: February 14, 2004, 11:09:35 pm »

The orz may not intend to be warlike, they are only intending to be playfull. But the fact (or theory) remains that they enjoy fighting, which is bad.
Then again, they do seem to control that in sc2.

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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #42 on: February 16, 2004, 07:09:07 pm »

1) When did the Orz find out about the Taalo, if they only found out about real-space when the Androsynth alerted them?

2) The Arilou can't just jump anywhere in the galaxy. If they could, they would have in SC1, wiping out hierarchy starbases and mines instantly. Even setting aside that SC1 is a tactical simulator, not a representation of the war itself, if they could jump about arbitrarily, the hierarchy would have had to have every starbase, mine, and colony defended by enough ships to make it hurt if every Arilou in the galaxy suddenly popped up at once.

This is not how it worked.
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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2004, 08:55:53 pm »

1)  They mention the Taalo in SC2 as playing *time games* with them.  This suggests that since they don't know about our Realspace, they Met the Taalo somewhere in another dimension -- meaning that the Taalo met Orz in another apce.

2) Um,, Quasispace allows the Arilou quick access to many key locations in Hyperspace -- SPOILER :

Have you no idea about the Portal Spawner and Arilou Quasispace?Huh?


Furthermore, the Arilou didn't really care about the outcome of the Hierarchy wars, as long as Humanity didn't end up alerting the *They* and getting themselves destroyed.  Slaveshileded earth is a GOOD thing to the Arilou.

« Last Edit: February 16, 2004, 08:57:16 pm by CrowZone » Logged
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Re: 'They' cannot see you now.
« Reply #44 on: February 16, 2004, 09:03:13 pm »

Yeah - He has heard of it. - But what he is saying is that the Arlou CANNOT pop up anywhere. Think about it! - The arlou in SC1 would be invincible! - They can attack anything at anytime. They could pop up behind deadly lines, assinate leaders etc. and anything they wanted if they could pop up anywhere.  Why they could take a few ships attack a homeworld and zip out without anyone noticing. It is not feasible for the arlou to pop up anywhere.
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