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Topic: Manual's confusing me (Read 14740 times)
Umm... How do I make it fullscreen, etc?
This also runs a lot faster than the Genesis version I've got. Is it supposed to, or should (and can) it be slowed down?
Also... how do I refuel? Can't see anything in the manual about that...
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
To make it fullscreen, add a -f to the end of your command string (I expect you're using windows, so right click on your shortcut icon, click properties; there's your command string!).
Refueling: have you tried going to earth yet (and the little space station orbiting it)?
Slowing the game down; hmm, maybe moslo would work on a windows box. Does anyone know for certain?
« Last Edit: February 03, 2004, 06:46:01 am by Culture20 »
Got the refueling, ta... i'll try the command line stuff in the morning.
Something else now... how do I decipher the basic scan info (that seems to be warning me about atmospheric disturbances etc)?
Is there any way to protect the lander against places like Venus, where you seem destined to lose crew by the bucketload..?
I get the feeling I'll be coming back to this thread a lot...
When the Commander says there're 2000 men at the base, does that mean that's the maximum amount of crew I can use, or is it unimportant? Is the cost of a crewmember anything more than 1 RU?
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

Try experimenting, and most of these questions will answer themselves. The precise details of crew cost are elsewhere on this board; however, they are also spoilerriffic.
As for speed: Ballistix ran extremely slowly compared to the other versions of Star Control. UQM matches the combat speed from Star Control 2.
This might be of use to you with regards to modifying the basic game behaviour
Yeah, I'd rather avoid spoilers... I'm just a little worried that I'll suddenly find out there're no crew left for me to get, or they're astronically expensive.
Could someone give a vague description of the speed the game's *supposed* to run at (in battles)? It's going nearly twice the speed of SC1... which isn't necessarily bad, since that got really slow at times, but it makes some of the battles pretty tough - i just don't know if they're tougher than they *should* be (my flagship got destroyed by a single one of those fire chucking/cloaking thingies).
Another question!..
Is there any way of finding a particular star system on the star map without just moving the cursor over star after star until you reach the right one?
And do the slightly bigger stars signify anything important, or are the just a bigger star (eg. Red Giant)?
Thanks again
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Your first question - I have no idea how to explain how fast the mellee goes on my CPU. What are your system specs.?
Second question: In the game, no. Sorry. You always have to put your cursor over it in order to get the name. (I know it is very frusturating if someone gives you the name of the star with no cordinates .)
However you can do a star search online here. This place is called the pages of now and forever (PNF) and has a major wealth of info on races and other things. Anyway here is the link to the star search:
Third Question: Depends. For instance, if you want to mine, the hotter stars have better minerals (careful - your landers get fried more often). On the BIGGEST stars are the Melnorme traders which come in handy in the game with info and tech.
If you think that all the "items" (Utwig bomb, warp pod etc.) are found at the biggest star systems you are incorrect. If you are stuck on were they are just ask around. (make sure to buy all info on from the Melnorme if you are stuck)
Hope I answered your questions!
Thanks guys... what exactly would 'wasting crew,' be, though? It seems virtually every time I go for minerals I lose a dozen or so... but it appears to be a choice between that and bankruptcy. Is it actually possible to completely exhaust the crew supply?
Am I going to get a better clue about what the system containing the creature the VUX commander wanted than the one he gave me? It sounds as though he means some snake shaped constellation, but he was incredibly vague about it.
Same question about the Probe's homeworld... I've got 'on the same line as Alpha Tucanae and Epsilon Muscae, but it's a nightmare trying to figure out what *that* means.
I don't want to be told where these things are if I'll discover them ingame, but if that's it by way of clues, i'm stuck!
Am I supposed to know what 'truespace coordinates 100:50', considering there's nothing at those coordinates on the starmap?
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