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Author Topic: Manual's confusing me  (Read 14744 times)
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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2004, 04:32:33 pm »

I didn't mean the place they are now - i meant Syra.

I knew about the Utwig, but I didn't come across the Supox when I visited them... I'm feeling a bit ticked off atm, 'cos it looks as though I'm going to have to start the entire game again since the Ur-Quan are going to destroy various vital items before I can get to them. I could've done with a bit more warning that the war would *actually* end... I'd been assuming it was just a backdrop to the game.

The game requires some exploration. That's the way it is. If you don't win on your first try, it's no big deal.

I don't understand what you mean by "find Syra"? You don't need to find Syra. Also, there are numerous hints in the game about what the Kohr-ah will do, as well as the fact that you can see their sphere on influence moving - IE time is actively progressing.

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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #46 on: February 08, 2004, 04:58:04 pm »


The game requires some exploration. That's the way it is. If you don't win on your first try, it's no big deal.

I disagree... RPGs, pretty much by definition, don't have much replay value (at least, not until you've mostly forgotten the first experience); you can't unsolve the riddles you know the answer to, and there's little satisfaction to be gained from hearing the same dialogues you're so familiar with for a second time. True, some people become fanatical enough to want to do just that (I know I have in a few other cases), but they're inevitably in a tiny minority, and it doesn't make much sense just to pander to their needs - which you could do without forcing a replay on the less willing, anyway.

I fully agree that being able (even required) to explore is a nice touch, but what's got on my nerves is that I wasn't told that there was a time limit on doing so. As you say, there are a fair few hints, but the thing is, the game doesn't consistently follow its predictions about time - before being told by the Zot-Fot-Pik that the war would end in 6 months (which I wouldn't even have heard if I hadn't been at a loss about what to do that prompted me to go and see if any of my allies had anything to tell me), I was told by the Pkunk that they'd be destroyed by the Ilwrath within a year, and the starbase commander that the probes would overrun the galaxy within a year. LIke I said, I took my time and got stuck a few times, and it became glaringly obvious that this wasn't going to happen. So when I heard the six month prediction for the Kohr-Ah, I apprehensively assumed that it was probably meaningless. But at that point I still wouldn't have time to complete all the tasks, much less do so without continual reference to the walkthroughs.

I wouldn't be bothering to criticise if I hadn't enjoyed the game so much up to this point - but right now I feel doubly cheated - firstly because I feel like I've been coerced into consulting a walkthrough in a bid to avoid having to restart the entire game so ruining the fun of solving the puzzles myself, and secondly because it turns out that I'm still going to have to restart anyway. If it's not obvious from my posts in this thread, this game has basically accounted for the last 96ish hours of my life, and it's a hell of a kick in the teeth that that's all wasted  :-/
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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #47 on: February 08, 2004, 09:38:10 pm »

If you've played RPGs before, then you know that you should never ignore warnings;  some are bogus, other's aren't.  Plus, any game that gives you a calendar very likely has a time limit.  I would like to think that the Metachron warning would have helped here, but I doubt it.

96 wasted hours?  I think not:  almost everyone here has spent much more time replaying this game over and over.  We're all fanatics here.
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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #48 on: February 08, 2004, 09:40:52 pm »

I wasn't talking about whether or not RPGs have replay value, but I disagree that RPGs do not "by definition". How do you define RPG? I don't even consider SC2 to be an RPG.

Anyway, you can hardly blame the game for the way you play it. Trying to win it for the first time in 4 days seems a bit rushed to me. And where are your saved games? You ought to be able to go back to a point where you saved the game and still had enough time. It's not that I think they intended for players to have to restart, but it's common sense to save the game and expect you will probably botch things a bit on the first go.

When I played, I sometimes saved the game, then would go out on exploring missions, find where I needed to go next, reload and go there. That way, I could do exploring without wasting a bunch of time. I may have restarted the game at the very beginning, before I had made any real progress, but having to do a FULL restart should not usually happen.

Rather than blaming the game or the walkthrough, I think you should have just accepted the fact that you messed up, and gone back to whatever point could remedy the situation. Nobody forced you to look at a walkthrough.

The starbase commander says, "If this continues, in a year space will be crawling with these things!" If you don't do something about the probes, they CAN become a problem.

The Pkunk say, "we have calculated that at our present rate of attrition we will exist only on the spiritual plane in a matter of a year or so." Whether or not they do get wiped out after "a year or so", the point is that they need your help and to do something about it. If their calculations prove wrong and they are still around after a year, is no reason to just throw out any mention of time/dates in the game.

It sounds like you just tried to blast through the whole game as fast as possible and when you didn't do it right, you got discouraged. Understandable, but if you can't go anywhere but back to the start, you really have only yourself to blame. Management of saved games can easily remedy that.

And 96 hours weren't wasted if you enjoyed the game. If you have to restart, you'll at least know what you are doing this time around.

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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #49 on: February 08, 2004, 11:45:48 pm »

Not to mention - This game is suppose to be fun. If you are not having fun with it - Take a break!!! - Then you feel more apt to play and have fun - do it. Don't play the game "because I wan't to beat it and get it over with." The game is meant to be enjoyed - play it that way!!!
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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #50 on: February 08, 2004, 11:59:46 pm »

Unless you want to beat the game without going in starbase... And there are/is other/s who try to become the first who beat the game like that.... Wink

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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #51 on: February 09, 2004, 12:12:34 am »

Let's just put it this way - DJ and myself have, err... Technical problems determining who finished first when it came to this challenge. Wink The one thing for sure we can say about it is that anyone else who does it from 1 and 1/2 weeks ago will not be the first person to do it.

Although DJ - I think I was the first one to finish because... *Stops and sits down after all the others glare at him and threaten him with pillows*.
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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #52 on: February 09, 2004, 12:16:10 am »

Pillows-mob pwns.

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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #53 on: February 09, 2004, 12:18:37 am »

What does pwns mean??
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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #54 on: February 09, 2004, 02:50:22 am »

What does pwns mean??


Go figure why.

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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #55 on: February 09, 2004, 05:10:22 am »

aahhh... I get it now!
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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #56 on: February 09, 2004, 08:16:24 pm »

Thanx for the info. It was really a must for me to know it.

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Re: Manual's confusing me
« Reply #57 on: February 09, 2004, 09:34:03 pm »

One could say the same for both of you.

Incidentally, DJ is at the number of the beast posts, and Falcon is at 2^8th.
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