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Topic: Age of Mycon (Read 7985 times)
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Hmm, too lazy to check if it's been mentioned in this thread, or in the SC forum one, but I seem to recall a distant discussion, or imprression from somewhere.
Something along the lines that Mycon live to spread Juffo-Wup. when the Quan arrived, the Mycon simply accepted that they could not stand against the Hierarchy, and that the Hierarchy would most probably win. Therefore, by joining the winners, the Mycon would be given more opportunity to spread Juffo-Wup.
Of course, this would only apply for as loong as the Quan were significantly stronger than the Mycon. There is no doubt in my mind that after the Quan left for new worlds to enslave, the Mycon would grow in strength, until they one day became strong enough to Void the Ur-Quan Non.
Posibly this was from SC3? i'm not sure. But it sounds kinda logical anyway. After all, Non must be voided, Juffo-Wup must be spread. Can't really do that while slaveshielded...
What's up doc?
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