Posts: 1059

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Arbitrary trade routes or random encounters would seem out of place. What if you followed a cargo ship all the way to its destination? Where would it go?
Well you would see it disapear in a system and when you followed it in you could see it move to: A. A planet to mine B. A homeworld
Would you see it go into a base and come out again? Wouldn't it have escorts?
I suppose it could, 2 or three fully armed ships - thats all the escort they need. (remember the mining ships themselves ar handicapped)
Also, as Death_999 mentioned, it would probably be best to include a more realistic representation of ships in hyperspace. You would then have ones that chase, get chased, patrol?
Sure - The ones on patrol can patrol the borders and homeworlds. Then there can be the "alert" when you ship enters a border and a ship appears in hyperspace and chases you.
... and what else? It would only seem natural that they would start interacting more with each other. Ilwrath would go after Pkunk, etc. There would be attack groups, defense groups, mining groups (with escorts)... there are many possibilities...
Well all you would see in hyperspace is the Thraddash and Illwrath colliding. Then they would dissappear. That is what your ship downs. Remember you can only fight in truespace.
but it seems to me that there would be something unrealistic or weird about ships patrolling in hyperspace. Time and fuel consumption go much more quickly, right? And what advantage would it give them over patrolling the solar systems?
Well - it would let them know when someone crossed the border and you need only have a few ships on patrol. It does not need to be "tight". Just enough to keep out enemie miners and alert the homeworld when a battle fleet comes.
Just showing a representation of other ship types in hyperspace is another matter, but is that what we want? Should you be able to see other ships in hyperspace?
I vote yes, You should be able to. They can see what yours is. (That is why they only chase you and not each other)