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Author Topic: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel  (Read 4778 times)
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A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« on: February 05, 2004, 05:27:05 am »

OK - How many times have you been traveling through hyperspace and all of a sudden a black circle comes and chases you?

Well, wouldn't be neat if you could chase other ships!!!

I mean like this.

Youa are traveling through hyperspace when you see a black circle leaving a system. You chase it and catch it and it turns out to be a Ur-quan ship that had just finished mining. You enter combat and you get ?1000? RU for destroying it. Or some other ship for any reason.

And what could happen is if it was a mining ship you could go straight to combat. Or choose through to enter combat or let it go or to talk. Maybe a icon below the ship could tell you if it is a mining ship (and is therfore worth more RU's). That way it could acually be implemented because you don't need more voice files.

Then if it were a ally on patrol you could be brought to normal talking procedures as if they had chased you.

If you choose to do combat with a mining ship then maybe the opposing ship could have a handicap of less crew or secondary weapon is no longer usable or or etc. Or it could have no handicap.  

So what do you guys think?
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Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2004, 05:32:35 am »

I think thats a fantastic idea, but I dont expect to see it done. It would involve new speach for the minding ships, and other stuff.

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Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2004, 05:35:04 am »

That is what I am trying to say - You could not talk to the mining ships or you could talk to them, but it would be like talking to a regular ship that was chasing you or one that you would find in a solar system.
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Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2004, 08:02:24 am »

MMMmmm.... Piracy. Smiley

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Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2004, 10:24:27 pm »

Exactly!  - But from a non-programmer to a programmer how hard would this be to implement? I mean - you don't need any more speech files and you don't need to reprogram much of hyperspace - so hard hard would it be?

Also any suggestions regarding the idea would be welcome!
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Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2004, 01:34:44 am »

how about 2 different types of black orbs, chassers, and chassies.

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Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2004, 02:28:48 am »

How about instead of orbs, ships? With turning rate and stuff... it will be more realistic and nicer.

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Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2004, 03:15:13 am »

so could actually do battle in hyperspace, or would you still go through into the fighting arena

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Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2004, 07:16:32 pm »

How about instead of orbs, ships? With turning rate and stuff... it will be more realistic and nicer.

Well.. I like that - the only problem is that, it would require a lot of energy and time to put in the game. As apposed to my idea it would not take as much. (for as much as I know). Can any programmers tell me how hard putting ships that run away from you and are worth more RU in the game?
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Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2004, 07:30:21 pm »

Well, if you wanted to include this little thing it would probably be best to include a generally more realistic representation of other fleets in hyperspace. Like, they don't pop out of nowhere, some of them aren't chasing you (going about their business, say), etc. More like the in-system behavior.

I don't know how hard it would be to add them in -- not SO hard, I suspect -- but would it really make sense on its own just to have those two types?
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Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2004, 08:14:00 pm »

Well I suppose you could have ships partroling the border. Oh - And you could have battle groups consisting of about 50 or so ships simulate battles. OK - So how hard would it be to instead of putting black dottes - put the acual ship?  

A side note - Am I only one who went to the place were the mycon were ambushed hoping to get in on the action.  I also tried the supox/utwig/urquan ...O- Well

Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2004, 08:50:03 pm »

OK - So how hard would it be to instead of putting black dottes - put the acual ship?

It all depends, naturally.  I do think it would be rather cool so see the ship that's chasing you at the center of the TrueSpace vortex, but that's alot of new content (16 angles * 22 ships) and I can readily think of cases where it would look silly, e.g., when ships in HyperSpace "hover" over a star waiting for you, the ships would be doing loupe-de-loupes.  It might also take some of the "mystery" out of HyperSpace encounters, and it definitely violates the "straight port" doctrine of the project.

A side note - Am I only one who went to the place were the mycon were ambushed hoping to get in on the action.  I also tried the supox/utwig/urquan ...O- Well

I did much the same thing, and was suitably disappointed, too..  Wink  I do think it would be a nifty addition to have symbolic "fights" in InterPlanetary mode, e.g., two battle groups of different types "see" each other, move towards each other, and one of them disappears.  But as far as I've been able to infer, this would require a bit of an overhaul to the InterPlanetary code, for not much of a benefit, and also violates the "straight port" doctrine.

As far as "mining ships" goes, I've only seen one class of ship in-game capable of mining, and it's a giant Precursor service vessel.  All other ships are fighter class ships, that are capable of building mines (as per SC1), but they ostensibly leave the actual mining to other, more capable ships.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2004, 08:54:42 pm by Nic. » Logged

Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2004, 05:03:31 am »

Not a bad idea. Just wondering, but was this somehow inspired by EV Nova, an SC2 knock-off?
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Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2004, 05:56:28 am »

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Re: A Neat Idea For Hyperspace Travel
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2004, 10:02:45 pm »

It's an interesting idea, but I think it would be too complicated to implement in a worthwhile way. There would almost have to be an infrastructure for all the resources/activities of the races. Arbitrary trade routes or random encounters would seem out of place. What if you followed a cargo ship all the way to its destination? Where would it go? Would you see it go into a base and come out again? Wouldn't it have escorts?

Also, as Death_999 mentioned, it would probably be best to include a more realistic representation of ships in hyperspace. You would then have ones that chase, get chased, patrol?... and what else? It would only seem natural that they would start interacting more with each other. Ilwrath would go after Pkunk, etc. There would be attack groups, defense groups, mining groups (with escorts)... there are many possibilities... but it seems to me that there would be something unrealistic or weird about ships patrolling in hyperspace. Time and fuel consumption go much more quickly, right? And what advantage would it give them over patrolling the solar systems?

Just showing a representation of other ship types in hyperspace is another matter, but is that what we want? Should you be able to see other ships in hyperspace?

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