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Topic: Serious speed issues (Read 3853 times)
Matt Weaver
I played the origional SC1 on an XT, beleive it or not, and I do remember it being rather slow. HOWEVER! the speed of this game is un-playably fast, most markedly so on planet surfaces, and when trying to fight, ship-to-ship. I have encountered planets that I should be able to land on with some hazard, but be able to harvest resources with only some crew loss, but due to the unruly speed of the game in these situations, I cannot even pick up one resource, if I land almost directly on it, without losing a lander and all its crew about 70% time. I am an action/arcade fanatic, and have played my fair share of fast-paced games, but this is totally unreasonable.
Matt Weaver
I didn't mean to come across harshly, I LOVE what the dev teams efforts have produced so far, I was simply commenting on my only real beef.
I am in the process of trying to get an old p100 running, so I can see if that makes the game a little more playable from a speed perspective. I didn't realize that portions of the game were still processor dependant for speed.
I am not much of a programmer myself, but can anyone give me an idea if that type of throttling will be hard to implement, and if not, when it could possibly be expected?
Dave Morse
I'm running on a AMD K6-450, and I sometimes have problems of the opposite you describe: the graphics get backed up and several frames are lost before the screen updates. Pressing and quickly releasing keys often gets ignored. And I think that somehow the /sound/ is what is really taxing my linux box.
However, all in all, it sounds like my problems are not nearly so bad as yours. I pity you when you have to buy the lander speed upgrade. 
My main point in making this post is that your 100 mhz machine might be over-kill for the problem you have. You might want a 300 mhz'er.
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