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Topic: 'Al-Qaeda' Got nukes! (Read 17445 times)
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Neat - Translator!! - I like that! 
What I meant was that we should ivade/disarm North Korea, if we had some way of finding out whether or not it would becoem a nuc and massive war. (Which if we invade right now is going to happen.)
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
You DON"T want to let the nukes go off - Do so and it will affect the USA through radiation and everyone but Iraq (Deslator Necro99) Will be exposed to it. What you want to do is attack and when/if they launch the nukes - you have nukes with no uraium in them - through spies and other good stuff. Or you could do a precision bombing strike against all the silos - You just have to make sure you get them all.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2004, 10:59:47 pm by FalconMWC »
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Not carpet bombing - but bomb of the silo that hold the nukes - that way they would be unable to launch them. (That is what I meant when I said that we had better make sure we get them all!)
At the rate you folks are loosing troops in Iraq, I don't even want to imagine how the french would tear you apart...
I really don't think so. France doesn't have the good old fashioned religious zeal to suicide bomb endlessly. Plus, western countries tend not to get pissed on the same level if they're occupied by another western nation. The French would put up a better official war I'd hope, but then that'd be the end of it. But honestly, if we went to war with France just because of the current mutual pettiness, I would move to Guam.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
It is precisely because they are not religious fanatics that the French would be more effective. They weren't all about dying with a blaze of glory and getting into heaven. They were all about causing the maximum harrassment. Find an incoming oil truck and dump 5 kilos of sugar in while no one is looking. Not too much later, they have to reconstruct the engines of several tanks and humvees. Sure, you may say that someone is always looking, but the French would find a way.
They would both go for roadside bombs, sure.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Here is a different angle to think about it. The USA was called "fanatics" too. In the revolutionary war were we fought for independance, the british call us many a bad name such as religious fanatics. We replied with "we are fighting for our country". I am sure that Iraq feels the same way. (Now on the subject of if they are right or not is another mattter to discuss. But they called us that because we were not fighting like a normal army. We were sniping through the brush and they were marching in neat rows. Well, when you think about it, we are experiencing the same thing. Anyway - just another (weird) angle to look at it from.
Posts: 1059

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Yes, but look at the "accident" that happen in Russia that involed nuclear power. We are dectecting it in the north pole, USA and north of USA. Since the explosion would be so big with china - it would probaly affect almost all of the world. As a desolator would say, "time for meltdown!"
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
right now france is full of poeple who hate america with a passion for little or no reason. (Inferority complex)
And yet another fashionable opinion. Have you been to France? Do you know very many french people? Though many french (and I might point out, the rest of the world as well) dislike the US, you'll have to search a bit deeper to find someone who HATES the US.
I'm not adding anything to the discussion, I know, but this is a pet peeve of mine. I see the same thing here, where it's "fashionable" to criticize america for everything because "everyone knows america is powerhungry, stupid, and you can sue everyone LOL LOL WTF OMG!!!" On your side, I see people calling France and Germany cowards because that's "hip". Well, enjoy your freedom fries and hope you feel trendy. But unless you can present a COMPELLING argument as to why the FRENCH HATE the US due to their INFERIORITY complex, then you might want to rest up on the foreigner bashing.
Side note: Also, wer're talking french here. They dislike everyone Don't feel to special.
What's up doc?
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
I know they do but, I don't know why they dislike the US. I mean, they saved the US of A in the revolutionary war. The USA saved them kinda in the war of 1812 (The British might have attacked the french when they were done with us). Not to mention that the USA helped save them in WWI. Then in WWII, USA saved French, English and many other countries from Hitler - So what do they have to complain about when it comes to the USA?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2004, 05:33:54 pm by FalconMWC »
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