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Topic: Ur-Quan on Home Consoles (Read 2191 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 5

I haven't posted in a LONG time... (Actually, I only ever made one post) So here goes my idea...
Since Nintendo seems to be re-creating a LOT of games, or porting, or enhancing, why not do the same with Star Control 2? (Or the Ur-Quan Masters?)
I propose this game be re-made for the Nintendo Gamecube. Keep the game in a traditional 2D style, but with 3D character models, etc. For an example, see the ever popular Super Smash Brothers Melee - one of the first and still best games for Gamecube. All the characters and stages are 3D objects, but they move in a 2D fashion.
Hypermelee in Star Control 2 would be INSANELY fun on the Gamecube. I would say keep it to two players. If the game is widely popular, a proper sequal could be made with four player support in Melee.
What does everyone think of this idea? Please reply with your opinion!
Great idea! Let us know when you've got a finished version for us to test.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Marcuslycus - Here is the scoop when it comes to these things. There are MANY people here work very hard at making UQM for CPU's. In fact they are still working on the 1st version. So you really need to be careful when it comes to suggesting things like that. Soem people are really touchy and understandable so. They have worked hard on debugging, programming, testing etc. So unless you have the expertise, time and willingness then I would suggest that you phrase your ideas differently.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
plus nintendo people get paid.
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

Hypermelee in Star Control 2 would be INSANELY fun on the Gamecube. I would say keep it to two players. If you're keeping it to two players, use a Playstation 2 instead. DevPS2s run Linux, and SDL (the backend library we're using) has been ported to the PS2's hardware. So it's a project that's at least sort of feasible. (Rewriting the memory system so that it doesn't require the devPS2's hard drive, however, would be rather more challenging.)
I trust the UQM license covers any source-stealing game-porting money-making nintendo schemes, aye? Nay. UQM is licensed under the GPL, which is not a "noncommercial use only" license. If Nintendo were to take the CVS code, write a GBA backend, and rewrite all the graphics so that it fits the GBA's graphics specs, they could sell it for profit.
But they'd have to also provide the full source code from their website, and credit all the people who worked on it all the way back to 1991.
In practice, this wouldn't work. Why pay for a stripped-down version when the full one is free? "Commercial" use of UQM is likely to take the form of UQM being part of those $5-$10 game compilation packages, if a Linux distribution is burned to CDs and sold. (After all, we're in at least three distros, right now.)
« Last Edit: February 14, 2004, 04:25:06 am by mcmartin »
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