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Topic: (Read 9699 times)
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Edit: Okay, last update today (20.04.2004): By now, we have more than just one region:
Star Control Home Quadrant <---- the action is here Orion Mix with Master of Orion nations (e.g. Psilon)
possibly and likely incomplete
Original message follows and had following time-stamp: (by now, the rest of this message can be seen as useless) « Last Edit: 18.02.04 at 13:07:47 by Krulle » --------------- ( in character ) -------------------
As regional delegate of the region Star Control, we would like to inform you of a nation-simulation game in the world wide web, where you can found your own nation and rule it with an iron fist or let your people live free. Currently, in our region we got rid of the Ur-Quan KzerZa menace and are currently enjoying the rebuilding of our warchoked nations. Since the war led to the destruction of several races, we would like to invite new races connected to the Star-Control universe to settle in our region.
Please be welcomed,
Kiki UN-ambassador for the region of Star Control
Furthermore we are urgently looking for the leaders of following nations:
The Insidious Dark Lords of Dogar And Kazon
The Happy Bubbles of Frumples
The Holy Empire of Slylandro
The Safe Ones of Fwiffi The Heirarchy of Ur-Quan KzerZa
The Empire of The Vux
The Democratic Republic of Starbase Commanders
Your nations are ungoverned since 25 27 days. Remember that most nations will suffer un uproar after 28 days, resulting in the elimination of your nations. If you provided a privisional government, since you planned to go on vacation and not leaving your people unwatched, then the normal uprising time of your people is 60 days.
Enjoy! Kiki
« Last Edit: April 20, 2004, 09:17:03 pm by Krulle »
Posts: 817
thats funny stuff. whats that, one of thoes online rpgs, set in the star control universe? i like the part of extended time for thoes on vaction...ha ha!
« Last Edit: February 17, 2004, 09:12:09 am by DEFIANT »
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Actually, it is not really RPG, since you can interact verbally, but that will not change the simulation.
It just happened, that the player who played the Ur-Quan KohrAh just did not login for 28 days, so the system eliminated the nation.
In Nationstates you receive one nation (or more if you like), and every now and then you are confronted with a political or social issue of interest. You are offered several choices, you choose your decission and the game evaluates the impact on your nation. This way you'll know if you are leading a "father-knows-best state" or if you are a "psychotic dictator". There are even more possibilities, but some of these issues are really fun. The programmer did not want people who are in holiday to loose their nation, thus he gave the possibility to set a "vacation mode", in this mode, you'll receive no issues to decide on, but your nation will be granted 60 days of inactivity.
Just try, if you want to. You'll receive a max. of 2 issues a day, so it can all be done in 5 minutes a day, or 8 minutes every 2 days. (number of issues are dependand on your settings, from 5 a week up to 14 a week.)
Enjoy, Krulle
btw: the password for our region is "freeworlds"
« Last Edit: February 17, 2004, 01:27:56 pm by Krulle »
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Greetings all I'm glad to see that Nationstates Star Control 2 region is still going strong! I have been absent for a while but now I'm back (along with my 3 races!) Just like to say I created the NationStates Star Control region a while ago but never expected it to take off!! we now have 20 nations (although some people have more than 1 nation), but even so I think it's going very well for somethign I started on a whim! Many thanks Krulle as I get the feeling you've been keeping it alive :-) Ta Frumples (original nation Frumple)
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
D'oh have had to re-register!! ;-)
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
So you need to make some posts, eh?
Thanks for your thanks. I just got regional delegate (although it was luck, 3 nations had one vote each...) and i thought, what's with seizing power if everybody else stops playing? So i advertised here, and seemingly it worked.
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Sorry, i already moved to The Star Control, since there's simply more happening down there.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
I made the nation of vlik (supox), and would like to join the region of the star control. What is the access code.
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