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Author Topic: I'm going away for a while....  (Read 6580 times)
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I'm going away for a while....
« on: February 17, 2004, 03:54:17 pm »

No, it's not something bad. While the level of debate around here (with a few outstanding exceptions such as CrowZone) hasn't been the greatest, that's not quite enough to drive me away, even though it tends to depress me. However...

As of feb 14th, this blessed year 2004 I am no longer single. Well, I've been not single before for limited durations before, but never like this. I suddenly have someone in my life that I love, and that brings me great happiness. [/sweet sugary rant that could give a diabetic a seizure]

So, anyway, I will be out of touch for a while (again). But I'll be back sooner or later, never you fear!

Now, since I wont be back for a while, I'll leave you all some instructions Wink.

Death_999 & Culture20: Since we lost Nic, and I'll be gone for a bit, you're in charge of keeping the level of stupid down. Your level temper, your excellent debating skills and your high intelligence make the two of you perfect for this job.

Falcon: Your job will be to make new topics about things you wonder about, and then pay attention to what D_999 says in those topics. You have promise, but you need training.

DJ: Your temper has improved greatly since you came here, so I really have no instructions for you. Kepp going, but keep in mind that skills in CS aren't everything, and that recoding UQM for the Net is a big job.

Guesst: You're not showing your face around here enough. You're myfavourite grumpy old man, and I'd like to see you keep an eye on things, valiantly defending newcomers from trash such as myself. Wink

Necro_99: Keep the flag high, the Androsynth will never die. You bring humour to this forum, and that is a great gift, cherish it. Also, you're in charge of pillows.

Terminator: Straighten up, stop acting liek an ass, and stop trying to annoy DJ. You may well become a good memebr on the forum, but that remains to be seen.

Censored: Keep adapting the real world to the SC universe in every possible topic, we need to rememebr why this messaging board is here.

K-P, GM, Omni and other fallen heroes: Come back, and relive the glory!

What's up doc?
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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2004, 04:08:56 pm »

Enjoy your trip to happiness, when you have diabetes, come back here for the SC-high standerd of medicine (humour is still the best medicine).
Best wishes to your valentine!

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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2004, 04:59:25 pm »

Congrats Luki!

Which reminds me....

I will be gone till march 7 - So I will be gone as well! - Though probaly not as long as luki. - Anyway, since they probaly don't have a CPU's that I could us, I might not post for the next several weeks. (No I am not getting married, I am only 15 )  Wink

EDIT: I am not leaving until tonight. (Incase some people were wondering why I am still posting!)  Smiley
« Last Edit: February 18, 2004, 02:08:37 am by FalconMWC » Logged
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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2004, 05:54:26 pm »

Another one bytes the dust.
We'll miss you in that never met you, but you're an interesting poster type of way.

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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2004, 07:57:47 pm »

I would say "bye" but I know the Syreen song of Star-Control will bring you back sooner than you think (hopefully your S.O. too).
Death 999
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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2004, 08:01:31 pm »

Give my best to your love.

And do remember to drop a line; I'd like for you not to completely drop off the face of the earth like Kohr-Ah Primat did when she got married. You'll still be welcome!
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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2004, 08:17:25 pm »

Good luck man Smiley

Beware from the 5 M!

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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2004, 08:52:40 pm »

Guesst: You're not showing your face around here enough. You're myfavourite grumpy old man, and I'd like to see you keep an eye on things, valiantly defending newcomers from trash such as myself.  Wink

And he even used a smiley. Luk, you know what'll piss a guy off. *laf*

Hey, enjoy married life. I know I do.....WAIT A MINUTE! If he's taking off, why am I writing him a reply. He's outa here! He's not going to read this any time soon. Gaah. What a stupid head I am.

It's true tho. Between Andrew, school, and work, I've had less and less time to post on these boards and to tell the truth, less and less intrest in them. But while my intrest in waning, I  expect no one cares but myself. Still I will stick around waiting for the day that UQM comes out in version 1.0.

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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2004, 10:43:00 pm »

Terminator: Straighten up, stop acting like an ass, and stop trying to annoy DJ. You may well become a good member on the forum, but that remains to be seen.

Very well I'll calm down knowing you, you'll probably read this post within the week I know you, u can't stay away,  u may not post anything but u will almost certainly read it.

We must each create our own paths. Do not mimic mine, I don't even like myself.
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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2004, 03:39:37 am »

Necro_99: Keep the flag high, the Androsynth will never die. You bring humour to this forum, and that is a great gift, cherish it. Also, you're in charge of pillows.

I should draw up an Androsynth flag, thinking about it. As long as I'm around, the 'synth will always have a voice.
As for pillows, I'll make sure that they are distributed in a...justified manner. *whaps everyone whilst in the spirit of things*

I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2004, 03:53:46 am »


K-P, GM, Omni and other fallen heroes: Come back, and relive the glory!

I know how we can get them back! - Same way we did Censored. Just take a really old and thread that they were posting in a lot. Bring it back to life and volia! - They get a email reminder.  (hopfully)  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2004, 04:18:00 am »

what? no words of wisdom for me... =sniff=. ive got some for you:

May the Gods bless the ground you both walk on.
May the sun shine for you bright.
May good fortunes always present themselves.
May the wind, always be at your back.
And always remember where the home and heart is.
So in your many travels you can always come back...


*Many bubbles*
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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2004, 01:31:00 am »

Good job on not making it so dramatic!!!!!!
Oh well good luck, you will come back Smiley

It is as though your species' brain is too small to hold a simple thought
This is not a complex idea.
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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2004, 06:02:58 am »

I hope you come back soon. And by the way, really great exit.

Though I notice that you didn't give me any instructions (hmph)

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Re: I'm going away for a while....
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2004, 05:34:23 pm »

... and I'm back. For a while at least. School is stressful as well, and the girlfriend does take up a lto fo time, so I'll probably be more of a sporadic poster from now on, but rest assured I'll be maintaining some sort of rpesence on these boards for a unforseaable amount of time.

Nice to see you've all handled yourselves well, and that no major ruckus has been kicked up while I left you unattended. some of the younger members seem to be letting their nerves get the best of them every now and then, but that's as could be expected. On the whole you're all doing just fine. Makes me proud.

Side note for those who weren't mentioned in my goodbye post, I didn't forget you. You were simply doing your job so well I thjought it unneccesary to give you any extra instrucions. I nparticular Mr. Ship-Building factory who is kind of a charismatic enigma to me, and has been since the whole copyright/Primat incident Wink

Oh, and I've had a few interesing hours of reading up, please bear with me if I resurrect some topic you viewed as dead, as they aren't so to me.

What's up doc?
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