Well, our clan in TO has recently bought a server! I have an access to the server but we have a problems. Since none of us knows how to use linux we are screwed. I downloaded Putty and I know how to enter and run the server but we don't know how to close it(it is nesseceray for several updates in files). All I require is help in linux, no TO. I will appriciate if you will answer it quickly, since we need this server today.
edit: I understood from a friend how to move from dirs(like dos, cd "dir") and how to active the ssh files. (./TacticalOpsServer.sh in this case).
« Last Edit: February 22, 2004, 06:07:34 pm by Deep_Jiffa »
Oh, THAT's what you were trying to do. I thought it was a bit more complicated. You do realize that if you had done it in the foreground of a terminal that was still open, you could have sent it the interrupt signal by hitting control-c, right?