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Topic: Same Sex Marriage (Read 33104 times)
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
There has been lots of talk about same sex marriage in the news lately. Where do you all stand on this subject?
I am completely for it. Gays and lesbians are asking for legal marriage, not christian marriage, so it affects no one but themselves. It is one of the most obvious unfairities towards gays, and it can be easily stopped.
EDIT: By christian marriage I meant to say all religeous marriage
« Last Edit: March 02, 2004, 02:07:33 am by Chrispy »
I think they should be able to, but it doesn't really affect how I'd vote based on the fact that marriage is utterly retarded and gays are damn lucky they aren't allowed to. I mean, divorce is such a royal screwing. Just ask Harrison Ford.
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
As long as social rights (like tax-cuts or taxfree bonus handover to the partner) are given to you because you are married, i'd say no to same-sex marriage.
The moment all these bonuses are linked to having a child together, i do not care a lot then. I recognize their whish, i'd allow them to, but i am very conservative. Same-sex-marriage cannot be good for society, because society needs children. The marriage was a protectionhaven for those who wanted/have children together, and that would not be the case with Same-Sex-Marriage.
Enjoy, Krulle
Posts: 917

Good Grief
Quote: because society needs children
Well, yes. But we don't need a LOT of children. We've got plenty. So if all the queers stopped having kids, it's not going to put a dent in our economy.
I'm for the idea of gay marriage. I mean, they're got just as much right to civil tax cuts, reponsibilites and such as straight people, right? I think the idea of picketing churches to force the issue is silly and immature on the part of the gay community. Gay marriage is about choice and freedom. If the church doesn't want to marry them, that should be the church's choice. However, our country (Canada) being a democracy, I think needs to treat everyone (queer, traditional) equally. Thus, I support legal marriage.
What sound does a penguin make?
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Society does need children, but society should have to put up with gay couples. Marriage should not be based on the ability to procreate, it should be based the ability to love. I have only lived my own life so I don't know this for sure, but I'm guessing that gays and lesbians can love.
Also, the human population is growing too much for its own good. A slower population growth would be a blessing.
Posts: 917

Good Grief
I don't really see the connection actually between gay marriage and the number of children born. Gay people, in gay relationships, aren't exactly likely to produce children on their own, married or not. Now, I realize that there are ways, obviously, for gays to have kids. But I don't think the presents or absents of marriage will change the rate at which they're reproducing.
Seond point. Why shouldn't queers be allowed to adopt? I mean, I know lots of straight people that make absollutely TERRIBLE parents. What gives them the right to raise kids? Because they're straight? That seems to be a pretty silly reason. Now, while some kids might not do so well with gay parents, I don't think they'd be a lot worse off than children of a striaght couple.
Besides, if gay people are adopting a child, it's likely because the atright person was unable to properly care of the child. Hey, why not give the gay parent-wannabe a chance?
What sound does a penguin make?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

But the problem here, in my opinion is child-adopting. I mean, gay couple adopting a child.... It is just wrong! When he will grow up he will think that he needs to be "gay" and in fact, this is what he will see every day!
Not all children mimic their "parents" in this respect. I've actually quite a lot of info in this topic (being as how I live with a gay couple). I know of quite a few homosexual couples that have children tied to them (as in one or both parties involved bore these children before "discovering" they were gay). I only have a small sampling to work from, mind you, but every instance I've found of this I see children growing up with gay "parents" and turning out straight (so far). One of the children even has children of his own!
Granted, I can see the possibility that a child that deals with this his entire life might seek to mimic that, but if he does, it is his choice, and therefore none of your business. But there's an equal chance that the child will not mimic (whether out of rebellion or level-headed thinking), and it's still not your business.
I don't really care if people want to be married to one another, and if they think they can raise children, good. That's fewer children that have to live in orphanages.
The churches don't have to marry people if they don't want to, it's their choice. But it seems unfair that gay people don't get that choice, that's all.
Disclaimer: I'm not gay, I just have a lot of gay acquaintences. Joke: I'm not gay, my boyfriend is.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2004, 08:33:09 pm by sageallen »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I take it that we should also ban high-prescription glasses and pocket protectors, because of the teasing they would provoke.
Kids are going to tease and be teased, and changing the subject of the tease won't make a whit of difference.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
I dont see your logic terminator. More kids with same sex gardiens would bring much more acceptance.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

Let's see this realistically if SSM is legalized want happens to the family unit. Stupid nitpick that is irrelevant to the discussion at hand: A question should have a question mark (?). Counter to your statement: What happens to the family unit? I'd say it's pretty messed up right now as is, wouldn't you? Divorce and married separations aren't a new thing, they've been on the rise for decades.
Oh? Adopt? that is a stupid idea did any of u go to public school? children in that situation will be tortured and have a shattered childhood, how do u explain to a child, a teacher, a class, that ur dad is ur mom or vice-versa. I went to public school, and I can say from experience that it doesn't matter what you say, do, or are; children will pick on other children no matter what. If a child is tortured for having a gay parent, then I guess they should also be tortured for having divorced parents too, eh?
How to explain this phenomenon to people: 1) Don't. It's nobody's business. 2) Just explain it as it is.
And if that isn't enough for the teachers and other classmates, then fuck them. As stated in #1, it's none of their business anyhow. If you seriously think that your (un)popularity in public school will really have an effect on anything outside of those walls, then you really need to reevaluate your life up to this point.
Seriously if they must be allowedat least made it illegal for them to adopt. doing so will just make the population even more against these people with special needs. Right now it is illegal for gay couples to adopt, simply on the basis that they aren't married. If you give gay people marriage but don't give them adoption, they'll continue picketing and complaining because they're not getting equal rights. And they would be completely right in doing so.
You're saying that people's rights must be determined by what they do in private? Turn the situation around: Don't you think it would be unfair if you were denied your rights simply because you like having sex with the opposite gender? It's a private act, after all. Why should it matter?
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