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Topic: The passion of the christ (Read 8888 times)
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Posts: 208

I watched this movie yesterday. I thought it will be about jesus's enlightenments and how he bases his opinions on the subject, and how the people based the christianity about him. What I only saw is a movie which is intended to COMPLETELY degrade the jews.
99% of the movie is just to see how Jesus suffers and get hit, and crucified while the jews nonestop standing near him and want him abused.
In the start when Yehuda is *selling* Jesus, there was a scene when he gets the money when the jew throws him a small bag of money and he doesn't catch it, it falls and all the coins are dropped on the floor and like a rat he starts collecting them one by one, this only shows a pathetic side of how jews would do anything for money, brilliant! The roman king is of course a saint one, he wanted jesus freed but the jews insisted at all cost that he will be crucified, even as an exchange for freeing a murderer prisoner.
The language was wierd too, like Miriam(mary) was talking, half sentance in hebrew, half in aramic, other in latin, all mixed and massed up, a sentence with 2-3 languages in it is not very understanble(although there were english subs). also when there was someone entering mary's house, she started "shma israel adonai elohinu adonai ehad" which is in hebrew but has no connection between the event and the pray, it's like the directors chose a sentace to pray out of nowhere. that shows what really the knew about jews.
And how in the end jesus prays to god "father, FORGIVE THEM, FORGIVE THE JEWS" - THANKS 
That's the first movie I watched that purely has to do with how jews are cold hearted murderers and fools. A nice fact is that Mel Gibson(the one who made the film) and his father is a known anti-semetic, which also renounces the holocaust.
Opinions are welcomed(duh)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2004, 12:59:09 pm by Slylendro »
It is as though your species' brain is too small to hold a simple thought such as, WE WILL KILL YOU FOR DISOBEYING! This is not a complex idea.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
History does not agree with the story of jews pressuring the romans into killing Christ. I think that this is another story that got warped over time.
Something wierd about the word holocaust. It orriginally meant the holy sacrifice of animals. This word doesnt fit.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Sure. I'll take it in strict progression order.
First, you seem to suggest that Jesus was not crucified, and call into doubt that Romans actually crucified people. On the contrary, crucifixion was a favored execution method, as it left the victim alive for an extended period, usually days, right where the public could see the example of people who opposed Rome. It was hardly reserved or invented for Jesus.
Second, Jesus' methods were not brain-washing, in the fairly reasonable definition used by the FBI.
Third, it is unnecessary to point out the capitalization on 'my father' since the erroneous interpretation that the first element of the trinity would be opining to you in particular does not readily leap to mind.
As for picking up coins off the ground, look, just about everyone does that. We all know it. It's not reserved for Jews. If this movie blames the Jews, that is hardly a great example of it.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2004, 09:34:39 pm by Death_999 »
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Picking coins off the ground could have a bad conotation though. I would have to see the movie to know.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Haven't seen it yet (should have taken up a local church's offer for a free viewing), but here's what I've heard:
The movie shows many Jews who are unkind. It also shows many Jews who are kind, one in particular who was forgiving unto the end (or the beginning depending on what you believe). Remember, Israel at the time was a Jewish state. That means that the cast of characters in the movie will be Jewish (with the Romans too). There were going to be all sorts of people among the populace, including the greedy and the power-hungry, just like every other group on Earth.
Judas Iscariot (or Yehuda), was one of 12 Jews who followed Jesus very closely. If you only consider those 13 Jews, that's 1 out of 13 Jews who will do anything for money; not a bad number compared to U.S. businessmen or lawyers.
If anything, Pilate condemning a man to death when he believes he is innocent makes him no where near a saint.
As for the "Jews" standing nearby and cheering on the guards? What do you think people do in a public execution, and what kind of people go? The kind who like to see blood spilled. That is not an attack on Jews, but an attack on human nature. You assume that because the crowd was Jewish (in Israel!), that it was an anti-semitic statement on the part of Gibson.
The language in Israel would have been weird at the time; Rome tended to influence its conquered countries - mostly with language and coinage. I'm surprised that a woman would have been speaking Latin though, I would have thought (in my non-historically-trained mind) that Latin would have been the province of the educated in the conquered lands. More than likely the statement Mary said was a quote attributed to her from the newtestament, translated into hebrew. Since I don't know what it means, I can't say for sure.
I'm surprised at the statement "father, FORGIVE THEM, FORGIVE THE JEWS" because that's not in the new testament in any bible I've read. The only similar statement was luke chapter 23 verse 34 "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.", and that was directed to either the Romans or all of humanity. Hopefully that wasn't in the movie, and you've mis-remembered it. Mel's father is anti-semetic, but sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2004, 12:58:17 am by Culture20 »
Posts: 917

Good Grief
Quote: didn't quote exactly what Jesus said in the end when he said father, forgive them. But isn't it quite obvious? That was all the point -- the roman king wanted to release him, wanted to even free him at a cost of exchange of a murderer(which he thought the jews will rather the real murderer prisoned instead) but they showed that the jews insisted he will die, and even threatend him.
Well, as I recall, that was pretty much how the Bible tells it. Granted, Mr. Gibson took some liberties with his artistic license. However, since the Bible says that the Roman governer did (as I recall) offer up a murderer in the place of Christ and the people did demand that Christ die, I think the movie sticks fairly well to the story line.
Look, I hate to break it to you, but the jews did (biblically speaking) want him dead. So, if you want to blam someone for the tone of the movie, maybe you should pick on the bible writers, not the movie filmers.
What sound does a penguin make?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Point: Pontius Pilate was the one with the Roman legions under his command. The Jews couldn't force him to do anything he really objected to (this was tested some years later, and the point was demonstrated)
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