Thank you very much for the manual. I'm reading the story and I love it. Also thanks for those spoiler warnings
But so if I just concentrate on killing ships in the hyperspace, in some point of the game I can't beat it anymore (I was doing that a bit in my last game. At one point I decided to invade a mycoon planet I thought was full of minerals [I believe the one who sold info and tech hinted me there] only to find it was empty. Well, I had lots of cash after that  )?
They\he\she\it didn't sell, they\he\she\it gave it away.
<..spoiler> <Big spoiler>
That planet isn't empty, it has a device in it.
</big spoiler> <Huge spoiler>
That device is the Sun Device, which is vital to complete the game. If you want to know how to get it....
</huge spoiler>
<ffs it can't be bigger spoiler!>
Do the Syreen task by... That's enough
</ffs it can't be bigger spoiler!>
edit: sorry about the colors,something is wrong in this forum... I wroth it properly and it is still messed up. :\
« Last Edit: March 16, 2004, 04:42:56 am by Deep_Jiffa »
Anyone know if Reiche and Ford are still around? i.e. Alive? Â If so what are they doing these days? Â Has anyone contacted or tried to locate them? Has anyone contacted them about maybe getting them involved with the project and/or in the development of a true SC3?
Hi. Though belatedly, I met them last October. So I believe they are still alive -- Paul is tall and a cheerful man, while Fred is sturdy and a calm and kind person, and both of them are funny like SC2 aliens:p My site has a couple of their pictures, so if you are interested in them, please pay a visit:) Btw, currently I think they are making their next game related a movie and I'm looking forward to it anyway though it's a license based game and unfortunately not a SC.
Actually if you bring the Ultron back to them they make nice with you like nothing ever happened...if you look on here, there's a thread where I post how to make everything in the game angry and what happens when you do.
*** spoilers again ***
I have a faint rememberance that I would somewhat 10 years ago been dumb enough to make the Utwig angry and then I didn't have a chance to give them the ultron anymore. Therefore I could not get the bomb.