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Topic: I need help to install!! (Read 4081 times)
From Brazil
I´ve dowloaded all the files, in a broadband computer. Now, I want to install in another one. When i run the installer (windows), it tries to download the other files. How can I instaal without having to download?
Mark Vera
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 219
Me?You mean me,personally? How nice of you to ask!
Install the game without the downloadable parts; content, 3DO music, Speech.
Then manually download the zip files and put them to the content directory of the uqm.
Not sure about this new installer if it looks from the installer exe directory for the zips before download. The old (0.2) one did this though.
If someone got better instructions, feel free.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Well here is the REALLY easy way to do it. (Note - You must have a CD burner)
Download and install the full version of 0.2 on the broadband CPU. (Yes, I know it is no the most recent version, but it works on this one the easiest) :-/
Next find the directory you installed it in and select it.
Copy and paste on the CD. Let it burnnnnnnn.......
Then take it to your "other computer", select the folder on the cd and copy.
Paste on the directory of the C: of you choice. (Just remember where it is)
Once that is done go into the folder. You should see Content in the top left along with other icons. The one you are looking for is a purplish icon marked UQM or Ur-quan masters, or 0.2. I forget which. Copy and paste to your desktop. (Or just rightclick on the icon and click send to desktop if you have windows XP.
Next, ENJOY this great (and old!!!) Version of UQM.
Hoped that helped!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2004, 08:44:55 pm by FalconMWC »
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Download the Windows installer and content packages from the UQM downloads page, choose "Executable only" in the installer, and unpack the content files as described on the download page.
Or do like I did; do a CVS checkout on the broadband computer, burn the entire CVS module to a CD and copy that to your own computer.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
3 or 4 - As many times as I need to as it is very easy instead of typing a new one - Anything wrong with it?
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
I just did a simple CVS checkout according to SourceForge's instructions, compiled and ran. Sometimes, the Linux/Unix way is the easy one.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Spamming without spamming - ??
Flaming people who don't search? Yes, it is slightly annoying, but not worth flaming anyone. I bet that I could find a few topics in which you asked a question that was asked by someone else. Be careful about that Terminator.....
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
Luki I'm aware of that but that doesn't stop people for doing that does it? The mods are pretty lax proably cause there are way too many threads to overlook. Just like flame wars can ruin the atmosphere in a forum, strict policing can do the same. If a bit of flaming occurs, just don't respond.
Also, I understand it can be annoying when different people keep asking the same thing, but from their perspective it's just one question. You can't expect people to search the forums when there are FAQ lists. If a FAQ is missing, the list should be updated ([1]). Also, if someone repeats something that has been said, you can just in a few friendly words refer them to the FAQ. If you can't do that without flaming, then just ignore them. A good first impression may cause them to stick around.
[1] Are the people that wrote the two FAQ lists still interested in maintaining them? The tech issues FAQ thread is locked, but that can be remedied.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
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