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Author Topic: Thanks and suggestion  (Read 5522 times)
Lord KiRon

Thanks and suggestion
« on: March 07, 2004, 01:58:33 am »

First I want to thank the developers for reviving one of the 3 best computer games I ever played (other two are Master of Orion and Master of Magic Smiley )
I just found this project and it surely brings some memories - I am playing for a days again Smiley

Secondary I want suggest something , there is one small thing that was very anoying in original Star Control II :
- When the alien give you the coordinates of some world you have to hurry to write them down , in most case there is no way to make him repeat what he said like with commander on star base so you have to rely on prev. saves and have piece of paper always around.
This is a bit annoying, so I have actualy two suggestions :
1. As minimum: Make in the scripts in all cases where someone tells you some coordinates posibility to ask hm to repeat what he just said.
2. Better make "automatic log" where such things automatically logged.

Thank you again guys , you are great !
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Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2004, 02:26:41 am »

Well in version 0.3 you can always looked back at your conversation with the alien. sorta.

Lets say you talk to fiffwo. He says it and darn, you forgot to get your pen. Well you can bring that line back throughout the converation (I think) But once you have temrinated the conversation that option disappears. So you do have your feature, sort of.

Acually, for your request I was expecting internet melee. That is what most people want around here and we have a few who are working on it and I think some mods too.  

O - If you really want to thank the makers of the game, email them or PM them. In my opionon that makes the thanks all that more genuine. (Not that yours is not)  

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Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2004, 02:28:23 am »

you say u played the original but in the PC verison which IS the original if u hit the spacebar when get with choices of what to say it will list the reply in straight text, and this has been carried over to UQM.

EDIT: got to learn how to type
« Last Edit: March 07, 2004, 02:29:47 am by Terminator » Logged

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Lord KiRon

Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2004, 02:35:48 am »

Well I was more interested in second option Smiley

Also , sorry did not noticed spacebar thing in UQM , somehow it sliped my mind , probably because of speach addition Wink

FalconMWC - Are you sure that the best way to thank developers is to send PM ?
They probably have more importent stuff going on in their mail boxes then my thanks , I afraid it will be mmore like spam  Tongue

About internet melee ... cool thing , but remember the game have two separate parts Melee and Quest/Economics and thats the combination of two that makes it so great , internet melee is just a melee .
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Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2004, 03:33:45 am »

Your idea of the automatic log was brought up before, and I'm afraid it was shot down. It was decided that this feature would harm the game. If you don't take your own notes then the game seems less real.
Also, that would require work, though I am not sure how much.

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Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2004, 04:04:29 am »

First I want to thank the developers for reviving one of the 3 best computer games I ever played (other two are Master of Orion and Master of Magic Smiley )
I just found this project and it surely brings some memories - I am playing for a days again Smiley

Secondary I want suggest something , there is one small thing that was very anoying in original Star Control II :
- When the alien give you the coordinates of some world you have to hurry to write them down , in most case there is no way to make him repeat what he said like with commander on star base so you have to rely on prev. saves and have piece of paper always around.
This is a bit annoying, so I have actualy two suggestions :
1. As minimum: Make in the scripts in all cases where someone tells you some coordinates posibility to ask hm to repeat what he just said.
2. Better make "automatic log" where such things automatically logged.

Thank you again guys , you are great !


Deep Jiffa Owns j00!
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Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2004, 04:28:53 am »


DJ relax that was blatent and unnecessary I only attack a select few u happen to be on that VERY short list, newbies should only be made fun of if they say (type) something ridiculous (like my theories on orz/arilou) and obviously have no idea what they are tlking about.  I understand ur people complain alot being hereditary and all but focus ur rants at people like me and not useless newbies who are too lazy to register.

EDIT: do not label me as racist a have never in my lifetime meet someone of ur nationallity that didn't rant and complain with the one exception luki.There must be at least one exception.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2004, 09:57:54 pm by Terminator » Logged

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Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2004, 04:29:57 am »

I think the game is fine as it is. Writing your own notes is a trivial task.

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Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2004, 05:10:27 am »

As one of the developers involved in the UQM project, I'd like to respond to Lord KiRon's thanks by saying it's my pleasure (for my part in it).

I also want to apologise for Deep-Jiffa; he apparantly thinks making fun of others makes him look good because he's the one who found the somewhat relevant image on some web site.

As for recalling what aliens have said, if you haven't changed the default key bindings, you can press the LEFT key to rewind the dialog as it is spoken, and you can press the spacebar to see the text again after the speech is finished.
A log which automatically records all the clues detracts from the gameplay, in that you lose part of the experience of detecting.
But if you're lost without a piece of paper you could always have a notepad running in the background and switch with ALT-TAB during the game (assuming you're running on Windows).

Terminator: repeating that image was unnecessary. I'm sure people remember it from half a page before.


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Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2004, 06:19:56 am »


FalconMWC - Are you sure that the best way to thank developers is to send PM ?
They probably have more importent stuff going on in their mail boxes then my thanks , I afraid it will be mmore like spam  Tongue

Good to consider, but I have found that every person I have thanked via email, no matter how old the game is has wrote me back with a positive response to my thanks. This may be just me - but I think that a thanks should never be considered spam.
Lord KiRon

Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2004, 09:00:50 am »

First thank you guys for replys, meep-eep brings very good point - making notes IS part of the game expirience , the problem is that if you miss something - you can't finish the game and sometimes you even don't know when you missed it and to what save you have to return Sad
Well if it aren't broken ... Sad

Btw: bad intensions aside have no hard feelings on Deep-Jiffa post I AM a newbee here after all , and I don't think it should insult me it's a state of facts.

Terminator - I am not lazy , I am just do not intend to stay here for long , just jumped in to say thanks because I just found this project.

Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2004, 10:10:55 am »

First I want to thank the developers for reviving one of the 3 best computer games I ever played (other two are Master of Orion and Master of Magic Smiley )

I remember playing those old games. You might want to try Master of Orion II if you haven't already. Don't go near the third one though, it's a cat turd. Master of Magic was also great. There's a handful of MOM'esque games around but none of them play quite right.
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Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2004, 03:58:11 am »

Btw: bad intensions aside have no hard feelings on Deep-Jiffa post I AM a newbee here after all , and I don't think it should insult me it's a state of facts.

No, it's not just you. DJ has been trying to push people's buttons for a while now, and I think he's starting to get on some people's nerves.

DJ, knock it off. Be courtious and while you're at it, give yourself a less ... questionable avatar. I thought it was cute at first. Impressive having digitized video for your avatar, but really, man. Use your powers for good instead of evil, 'kay?

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Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2004, 06:05:22 am »

I do declare that Guesst has been trying to fufill the final words of luki.  

One other thing. Don't flame guests for not registering. I know what you are thinking but, look at the members section. 9/10  of the members are 10 posts or less. That is not impressive at all. In my opionion that is not a perspective that this foruym can boast about.
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Re: Thanks and suggestion
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2004, 10:01:04 am »

im just waiting for the members count to break a 1000. its getting up there. 900 something. if we were a town, wed need our own zip code, heh. Wink

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