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Topic: they don't make them like they used to (Read 13538 times)
Posts: 817
No, No; the best game controller was for the Fairchild. Â You could move the controller in 3 dimensions: Left, Right, Forward, backward, press-down, pull-up, twist clockwise and counter-clockwise. What? you never played a fairchild? Â It had fun built-in games like pong and hockey (very fun), and game catridges like hangman, shooting gallary, and a rudimentary precursor to xwing vs tie-fighter (Space War or Galactic Space Wars) that used the controller to its full potential:
thats the craziest looking thing ive ever seen, short of the intellivision's controller. it almost needs "in case of emegency, pull this" lol. id like to see you use that for gran turismo Culture20. that ought to be down right funny to see...twist left, no wait... pull, ok now push, twist hard right. 
« Last Edit: March 10, 2004, 06:13:20 am by DEFIANT »
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
Ya know, the best part about the C=64 was the fact that the manual said something along the lines of "If your unit is having problems, first remove all connectors from the back of the unit, hold 12 to 14 inches from a padded surface like a bed and release. Then reconnect all connectors."
Seriously. That was the first step in fixing any hardware problems with them. Ahh, how I miss it.
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

It's true that there are very few good games nowaday but there is still good games too. Most recent good game I played was Freedom Fighters. I lose my hope sometime too but just wait and there will be some good ones too.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
You know, I always found this whole oldskool thing farily amusing. Have any of you ever stopped to think about this? Everywhere I turn, I hear complaints about "They just don't make games like they used to." and "It's all graphics and effects nowadays, no story". You're all old. No, seriously. Ooooold. Substitute "games" with "movies", "politicans", automobiles", "winters" or any other word, and it'll probably remind you of a conversation with your dear old grandparents.
The world changes my friends. Times move ahead. What you once had, whilst young(er) and (more) innocent, is seen through the pink sunglasses of nostalgia. Somehow you manage to forget that there were a lot of godawful games produced for the NEs, the C-64 and whatnot.
And while it's only natural that it's the good old classics that stick in your memory, this gives you a very skewed view of the past. This is very similar to your grandfather remebering the cold winters when he was young, just because -29 and -36 happened to be especially cold winters.
Ah, but now you can point to global warming, and state that maybe winters back then were indeed colder overall? And I'd have to agree with you. Maybe they were. Mayber overall coldness back then was colder than overall coldness right now. But that DOESN*t mean that EVERY winter back then was super-duper-mega-ninja cold and that EVERY winter nowadays only requires you to wear pants instead of shorts. Perhaps there were more fresh ideas out there back in the old times, but all of them weren't necessarily good. And there are a LOT of good games out there nowadays too, as long as you wait paitently and look carefully. They might not always be the ones recieving the most hype, but they are out there.
Cuz the cold truth is that we too have aqquired critical thinking. Back in the day, any good game was great. If you could "do" "things" for several hours, preferably with loads of restarting, it was radical. This is no longer true. And if we go back to some of those great games with what we know today, they aren't necessarily that great. Still good yes, but not great. Some may even be downright boring.
As for the console controller arguement... Well, kind of thin ice to me, seeing as I don't do consoles as a general rule, but it seems to me that each and every one has their own personal favourite. Furthermore, maybe this preference ought to be based more on the quality andf usability of said controller and system rather than some sort of vague idea of "Those guys suck! I hatez them! filthy hobbitzez!".
I mean, seriously. Yes, your well within your rights to dislike any company on the planet. And of course it's your personal right to boycott any one product. That's free will. But I've never felt it's valid as an arguement when comparing different models. That's like having a cola competition where you include Pepsi-, Virgin-, [Insert any local cola brand here]-Cola but excluding Coke because you don't agree with their business, and are boycotting them. fine, good for you. But just because you wont drink it doesn't mean it can be automatically excluded from the competition, if we seriously want to know the answer to the question "Which Cola tastes the best".
And one day I'm going to kidnap C-20 and finds where he comes up with these things. That's the strangest controller I've ever seen.
What's up doc?
The D-Pad on the playstation controllers is absolutely horrible! I prefer a SNES controller for digitally controlled games, and for analog controlled games I would go with a playstation duel shock 2.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Hey, bringing back dead threads is OK... after all, the great Kohr-Ah Primat read every thread then extant and raised a good fifth of them... After a while you get used to it.
Hey, bringing back dead threads is OK... after all, the great Kohr-Ah Primat read every thread then extant and raised a good fifth of them... After a while you get used to it.
She sounded hot. We should get her back here and make her post a pic for the good of the forum. I would've asked a year ago but I guess it just never occured to me.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Um... thats a very strange idea...
If by "strange" you mean brilliant, you are correct.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
I meant something closer to random.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I think this sort of creepy stuff is like we only have four registered users who admitted they were female.
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