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Author Topic: Trillian Sound Pack?  (Read 7949 times)

Trillian Sound Pack?
« on: March 10, 2004, 08:31:52 pm »

I've been part of the xbox modding scene for a while, and I've witnessed many great sourceforge projects become ported to the xbox.  SC2 is my favorite PC game, and I think an xbox version would make a lot of fans happy, as most xbox users have classic pc-gaming roots.

Any plans for an xbox release after the pc version is finalized?

Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2004, 08:32:39 pm »

Oops, sorry for the topic title...stupid auto-complete...
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Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2004, 10:01:22 pm »

OK - Listen, you have touched on a very touchy subject. For one, many designers want to say "Well, let me know when it is ready". I can understand that considering the fact that they have worked VERY hard on the game and then people request that more be done - it is kind of frusturating. Also, you have to remember that this game is being done FREE. So unless some money was thrown in, you need to wait on the programmers. So just be careful about the subject.  However the idea is great and has been brought up many times. Currently I am not aware of any move that will be porting SC2 (aka UQM) to Xbox.

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Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2004, 10:26:29 pm »

It seemed like an enquiry to me, not a request.
But the answer is no, there are no plans, and it's not very likely that any of the current developers will put time into an X-box port in the future, even after the work on the main port is done. However, should you want to give it a try yourself, we're happy to accept patches.

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Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2004, 10:30:46 pm »

I know - I just wanted to save him the experience as some people have trouble telling the difference.
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Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2004, 11:05:19 pm »

This could have been avoided if people would actully read the FAQ's and numerous previous posts.  But for the sake of agruement todays consoles use CD's and DVD's wouldn't a hand-held system be much more practical I mean porting a game that's 256 colors to a system that is 128 bits is kind of ridiculous porting to say GBA which is only one step up 16-bit would much more realizitic.  On a second note porting to PS2 X-box or the Cube would force TFB to introduce online play which doesn't seem to be practical since the same game on different consoles are incompabile with each other.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2004, 11:06:21 pm by Terminator » Logged

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Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2004, 01:42:12 pm »


First, of PS2/Xbox/GC/GBA, PS2 is the "easiest" (for reasons which have been covered elsewhere).  There's no rule that says you have to use every capability of the hardware (while you're at it, go pick up the Atari Anniversary Edition packages for PS1 Smiley).  GBA ports would require reformatting and probably severely cutting the size of the content, not to mention completely rewriting the backend.  However, of all the consoles, GBA developers have the most skilled amateur scene, so I'd personally guess that of all the ports to console, GBA has the best chance of actually happening.

On a second note, we aren't TFB.  We're just a bunch of hobbyists doing this in our spare time.  On a third, lots of console games don't have netplay.
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Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2004, 04:52:46 pm »

Fourth, there's no reason why games on different platforms have to be incompatible for netplay.

FalconMWC: How do you think your remarks reads to someone new here? If I'd have to compare it with something, imagine entering a shop and having a security guard follow you around and look over your shoulder "just in case you were planning on stealing anything".
And that while all he/she was asking for was whether there are plans for an xbox version. Noone would even be annoyed if he/she would *request* for an xbox version, as long as he/she does it in a nice way. It's only the people that pretend like they have a right on an xbox version that get frowns (by the non-developers on the forum; us developers generally ignore them).
To say the least, your remarks won't make a newbie feel welcome here.


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Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2004, 07:26:30 pm »

True - I will watch my comments more carefully. However I was trying to avoid what happened in this thread. I think that is a LOT more unwelcome.;action=display;num=1076608812
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Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2004, 03:54:59 am »

Fourth, there's no reason why games on different platforms have to be incompatible for netplay.

Well, there aren't too many PS2 people on Xbox Live, methinks.  Smiley

Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2004, 01:14:31 am »

This could have been avoided if people would actully read the FAQ's and numerous previous posts.  But for the sake of agruement todays consoles use CD's and DVD's wouldn't a hand-held system be much more practical I mean porting a game that's 256 colors to a system that is 128 bits is kind of ridiculous porting to say GBA which is only one step up 16-bit would much more realizitic.  On a second note porting to PS2 X-box or the Cube would force TFB to introduce online play which doesn't seem to be practical since the same game on different consoles are incompabile with each other.

It's clear you don't know much about emulation!  It requires approximately 10x as much power as the original hardware to emulate a system, so a handheld, while much more advanced than a 386, would probably not run UQM...and what's your point about CDs and DVDs?  Nothing is stopping someone from putting code onto a CDRW or DVDR and popping it into his or her gaming console, providing the console can read the media.
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Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2004, 01:18:39 am »

Neogenx - could you pardon Terminator? Yes, I know there is a big difference, the only problem is that some people don't and sometimes they act like they do - That was one of those situations.
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Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2004, 07:00:01 am »

Let me tell u this Nintendo would recode it anyway like the way they did Donkey Kong Country, Dragon Warrior 1 2 and 3, Fire Emblem, Metroid*( side note Metroid zero mission is a remake of the original Metroid with elements of future games such as speed boast and gravity suit they also included the original game in it as a bonus feature which it  seems to me that they just dumped onto the cartidage being that they once again misspelling "Zebes" as "Zebeth" u figure someone working or nintendo would have noticed that in the 17 years it's been around more certainly in the testing phase). explain this.  and on the GBA it is clearly emulated rather than recoded seing that it looks identical to the original speed and appearance which would have been impossible otherwise.

As about compatability issues of online games. CounterStrike on Linux and Win machines are incompatabile which doesn't seem to make sense to me.

TERMINATOR - the obnoxious one
« Last Edit: March 16, 2004, 07:00:43 am by Terminator » Logged

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Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2004, 07:26:31 am »

Nintendo recodes the games to run on handheld hardware, it's not emulation, it's a straight port.

You really need to get your facts straight.
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Re: Trillian Sound Pack?
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2004, 08:29:26 am »

Nintendo recodes the games to run on handheld hardware, it's not emulation, it's a straight port.

You really need to get your facts straight.

Did u play Zero Mission they just dumped and emulated the original NES rom(bonus feature after beating the game once)? The others were obviously recoded. Nintendo pissed me off when they removed the olde english from Dragon Warrior.

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