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Author Topic: The best ships  (Read 19121 times)

Re: The best ships
« Reply #90 on: April 07, 2004, 12:58:53 pm »

I think the limpets arent so much heat-seeking globs of inertia than they are goo that clogs up your engine/retro thrusters.  The comet is obviously not powered by the Andro's little engine but some sort of comet power and so the limpets have no place trying to slow the Andro down.

I wonder.... is the net-melee at all realistic?  Do you think it could ever happen? If so i think we should ask the 'people upstairs' or whoever programs it to maybe consider revising some of the point costs, which are intended for the main campaign game after all and not for melee.  I wouldnt want to mess with the perfection of the ships designs but there are some ships that consistently dont pay out against hunam players, and others that are always exrta value.

Im not disrespecting any of the ships here, but how often can you get your points worth out of an Umgah, Vux, or Illrath against another human player of decent skill.  On the same note would you really hesitate that much to take a Jugger for 24 points or a marauder for 32?

There are a few other ships that i think could be over priced - perhaps the Yehat (cool ship but 23 points?) and the Mrrrmhrrrm.  

I guess you could haggle over almost all the ship costs f you wanted to but amongst my friends there are a few ships that just dont get taken and a few others that are just always there.  Maybe other people will find this totally different amongst their friends?  Anyway,  IF a net game sprung up then tweaking the odd cost might bring a bit more variety into the fleets.

If the Net-melee never happens it might be a totally moot point, but even for two player melees a patch might be nice, its just a thought.....
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Re: The best ships
« Reply #91 on: April 14, 2004, 02:22:42 am »

PNF describes the VUX Intruder's limpets as such:

An additional Intruder offensive weapon is the "Limpet," which launches inside a protective cocoon which automatically targets enemy vessels. Upon nearing a target, the cocoon cracks, releasing the limpet to clamp down upon the enemy vessel's hull. The combination of inflicted damage and added mass decreases a starship's maneuverability. Only after battle can a damaged ship remove the offending limpets.

That's gotta be a pain to clean up.

As for the Guardian, PNF says:

Guardian commanders can give orders in battle to collapse a ship into a solid ball, simultaneously engaging a set of powerful thrusters. The transformed vessel then hurls itself at an enemy at terrifying speeds, causing enormous damage if impact occurs.

Extra engines, probably installed in such a way that they weren't exactly useful unless the hull was compacted like it is in Blazer form. My guess is it has something to do with the separate rings coming together, but who knows.

ADD: Actually, if you know what you're doing with the VUX, you can get more than your money's worth out of them. Take a ship or two down and hamstring the one it dies to. I kinda like the Intruder, actually...maybe I'll do a write up on THEM too! Smiley
« Last Edit: April 14, 2004, 02:24:48 am by NECRO-99 » Logged

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