Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Correction - Several ruby worlds. That would be delta touri!
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
The homeworld is outside of their shere of influence. (weird, I know) You can ask a illwrath for a exact location. It is one of the tauri's I think. (not sure but around there) It will be the only one with illwrath ships in it that is outside their shere of influence.
Captain Smith
Alpha Centauri has a couple of ruby worlds, one of the Kruegers (or in that vicinity) has a sapphire world.
Of course, the biggest way to RU is by buying fuel from the Melnorme or the Druuge and selling it back at the base...remember though quantity always pays with both of those races.
Captain Smith
Of course I should point out that one shouldn't limit themselves to ruby worlds...once you can do it go to Orz space and mine all their stars (it'll take 5 cargo bays to hold it all, but it'll be worth it)...plenty of radioactives, plenty of precious metals, and yes one sapphire world in to boot.
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Posts: 234

Be warned: This hint is filled with SPOILERS!
You could try exploiting the Druuge by agreeing to trade one of the items they want from you for full fuel tanks, but show up there with 16 Hi-Effs. You'll lose an item, but what the heck?
I think you can trade them the Burvixese Caster for that actually...It's not like you can't get another Caster, right?
« Last Edit: March 13, 2004, 11:23:47 am by sageallen »
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Posts: 170

Shofixti Scoutmaster
I've been making a list of useful worlds to visit.
Beta Lyrae V - Ruby Beta Lyrae III C - Metal Gamma Centauri I - Ultraviolet - Very Rich Beta Centauri I C - Radioactive Beta Centauri III C - Metal Epsilon Centauri I - Halide Zeta Centauri I C - Ultramarine Beta Lalande II - Ultraviolet Zeta Vulpeculae VII - Treasure Zeta Vulpeculae VI - Radioactive Zeta Vulpeculae IV - Treasure Zeta Vulpeculae III A - Treasure Zeta Vulpeculae V C, D - Treasure, Auric Delta Vulpeculae III - Treasure Delta Vulpeculae II C - Treasure Beta Circini VIII - Radioactive Beta Circini III - Sapphire Beta Chandresekhar II - Emerald
This list will be updated as I continue on my 15th replay. I also urge you that if you visit any of these worlds, that you bring MANY cargo bays, especially the vulpeculae region.
Dont mine Alpha Centauri until you've got hotspot tech from the melnorme, you will lose a lot of crew or a lot of landers, and in the early game the risk is not worth the potential gain.
Hope this helps