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*Smell* controller
Posts: 308

Obnoxious One Reformed
over the past month I've recieved numerous e-mails containing viruses or similar programs, note to the innocent: the files for some reason is 30 kilobytes pif format named as follows: your document, your website, details, your music, word file, your details, your text, my deatils and document all in pif format my guess would be it run fdisk. I am not stupid. being that this the only place where my e-mail is public knowledge I know it's someone from here i think someone wants to get rid of me, several names come to mind. I'd like to know who u are and if notat least stop sending it to me as it's all obviously the same person as all you are doing is cluttering my e-mail should this continue I shall post the e-mail addresses that they came from.
TERMINATOR - the obnoxious one
« Last Edit: March 19, 2004, 04:52:44 am by Terminator »
We must each create our own paths. Do not mimic mine, I don't even like myself.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
calm down. I've been getting them too, but I'm not accusing anyone. There are lots of ways people get your email. Maybe someone not of this forum came to this forum, saw your email address, and then decided to spam you.
Posts: 817
ive gotten a few myself, along with spam from some online pharmacy pill buying. ive tried blocking sender, but they keep sending them to me from different email locations. ive testing a message block, by detecting common words in the emails i get. it will then delete them automaticly. will see if this works. they even have a site to undo my email, but it wont load. how nice...
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
ive gotten a few myself, along with spam from some online pharmacy pill buying. ive tried blocking sender, but they keep sending them to me from different email locations. ive testing a message block, by detecting common words in the emails i get. it will then delete them automaticly. will see if this works. they even have a site to undo my email, but it wont load. how nice...
Try using Mozilla or Thunderbird as a mail client; their baysian filters learn about the things you call spam, and work pretty well. Also, don't delete mail automatically, you might delete someone's mail that you know...
Oh, and that website to remove yourself from their list? It probably does load, but has a js, vbs, or some other web-based exploit in it.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Funny, I have not gotten any, yet my address is easier to get than flipping a pancake. Just look at the boi's.
(start J/k) *Proceeds to get spamed to death Never mind! (end j/k)
Posts: 817
im using zone alarm pro and antivir. i still get the emails, but any attachments are locked out if found to be a virus, ect. its still kind of a hassle to delete all the *ahem*, crap, but its nice to know i wont accidently open something harmful. i think my personal rule filtering system is working. i have yet to recieve anymore emails from that online pharmacy *crosses fingers*
« Last Edit: March 20, 2004, 03:00:46 am by DEFIANT »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 170

Shofixti Scoutmaster
//in the shadows
Damn! He didnt fall for them! 
Just kidding 
Try installing Adaware, it eliminates those heinous tracking software and other spyware proggies.
I find it strange though. I've had a hotmail account for about 3 years now and though hotmail is supposed to be the "Worst" web based email, I've only ever gotten a grand total of 3 spam emails and no virii. Those three spam emails were when I signed up for a account, and were subsequently blocked.
So, yeah, try adaware out, I bet you'll find at least 10 spyware items in your compy
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Adaware has a tendency to crash if you do anything while its running, but it works really well.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 308

Obnoxious One Reformed
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2004, 08:43:13 am » |
Speaking of which, wanna send me a copy of that "pdf" file? I wouldn't mind having a look at it.
First off it's not a pdf is a pif file with in short is a MS-DOS shortcut in windows if u run an MS-DOS based program EXE BAT or COM it will create a file of the same name with a pif extention(being that u use linux I don't know if it will effect or readable by u). Secondly Yahoo blocks it outand prevents me from dling it I'll see if I can forward it to you. and Thridly I don't have an anti-virus haven't had one since the last time my cpu got fragged maybe a year ago (Kazza), For some reasons the viruses I get do nothing if u don't have an anti-virus or take a long time to take their toll (trojan I'm guessing). The last time it wiped out my registry and all functioning copies managed to get it working again without formating the drive found out later that it messed with my system files wiping required driver files no sound, VGA graphics, and no internet all my onboard devices. I shall keep my word I will post the addresses of the offendersbecause overnight I recieved three more and obviously they are using phony addresses since Yahoo scans all attachments for viruses etc. and blocks them One was sent via a yahoo address. Think of this a final warning and they will be posted I never deleted any of them and Zeep-Eeep back up just incase I hear u do some coding better be safe then sorry. As a finalnote I am not overreacting I recieved the first two last month, then nothing until last week (maybe because I e-mailed them back a VERY angry e-mail) whaen these things just spiked I've recieved roughly 10-15 in this week.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2004, 09:38:41 pm by Terminator »
We must each create our own paths. Do not mimic mine, I don't even like myself.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 308

Obnoxious One Reformed
Double post never mind the first two came on Febuary 29 I've recieved 11 since then restarting on March 15 4 days ago send from various ISP's (,,,,,,,,,, all quite common. screennames Edited to eliminate confusion. oddly the first two are 24k and the rest are 30k maybe a different file?
Edit: added ISP's got mmore losts more
TERMINATOR - the obnoxious one
« Last Edit: March 22, 2004, 07:40:14 pm by Terminator »
We must each create our own paths. Do not mimic mine, I don't even like myself.
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
It seems there is a need for some lessons on virusses and spam. There are two main reasons for undesired email like this.
First, there are email virusses. These virusses come attached to an email. The subject and the body of the mail are written in such a way to trick you into opening them. Don't! If you do, the virus is bound to infect your computer. Once an email virus has infected your computer, it will try to spread itself to other computers. This is done by sending new emails to others. To decide where to send these, the virus usually searches your address book and your mail folders for addresses, but sometimes it will also search other documents on your hard drive. But many email virusses nowadays will also change the sender of the email. Sometimes predetermined addresses are used (such as ''), but often these addresses are picked from the same addresses I mentioned above. This means the contaminated computer will send an email to someone, while appearing to be sent by someone else. No "ID" is "stolen". In fact, the person who's listed as the sender doesn't have anything to do with the email. The virus attaches a copy of itself to the email, the subject and body are filled in with something trying to trick the receiver into opening it, and the cycle starts all over again. The owner of the contaminated computer may not be aware that his computer is sending these virusses. But nowadays, if you're an average user running Windows and Outlook or Outlook express, and you're not running an anti-virus program, you're either contaminated, or waiting to be contaminated. What can you do about this? You should run an antivirus program which scans your incoming email and scans programs that are being executed, and (important!) regularly update your virus scanner's virus definitions,preferably every day. Also, never open an attachment unless you have a very good reason to do so. Why should you care? If your computer is contaminated with a virus, then depending on the virus, it can for instance clear your hard disk at any given time, be used to distribute spam over the internet, attack other computers on the internet, steal credit card information, steal passwords, or send personal documents to people in your address book. If nothing else, it's bound to send contaminated email to your friends.
Now, the other source of undesired email is spam. Spam is usually email with a commercial message that is sent to millions of email addresses at once. Spam messages are often formatted in such a way as to mask that it is spam. Also, the sender is usually fake. But while spam is sometimes sent through virusses (in an attempt to hide the sender), spam itself is usually not contaminated. But how does a sender of spam know what email addresses are in use? Usually these addresses are automatically gathered from web sites, which brings me to the reason why I removed the email addresses from the message above. By placing an email address on a web site, you're making it a target for spam. This is why if I put my email address somewhere, I always write it as 'svdb at', with no actual '@' sign. What can you do against spam? You can install spam filters which try to recognise spam. This has reasonable success, but it isn't perfect, partly because senders from spam try to confuse these filters. There's also the risk (be it small), that a genuine email is recognised as spam. The most important reason spam is around, is because it works. So most importantly, even if you are interested in enlarging or reducing your various body parts, don't buy anything. Besides, many spam offers are scams. Even replying to say you don't want their email is not a good idea, as that will only confirm to the spammers that email sent to your email address is being read.
I hope this all will be of help to people here. As this is a rather large mail, I'll summarise the most important parts here: - the reported "sender" of virus mails is usually not the person who sent the mail - protect yourself agains virusses - don't open attachments unless you know what to expect - don't leave email addresses on web sites
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Posts: 917

Good Grief
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2004, 01:15:42 am » |
Since you can't send the virus via yahoo or whatever, perhaps you'd like to upload it to me? Do you have an FTP client? More inmportantly, do you know how to use it?
Secondly, I know how a pif file works. No, it won't hurt my computer in the least. It won't run on my machine. However, I'll still be able to read/study it.
>> and Zeep-Eeep back up just incase I hear u do some coding better be safe >>then sorry Third, I do a a lot of coding. Not sure what you meant by the above quote, but it doesn't sound very nice. Calm down, son. You won't gain anything with idle threats.
Oh, and on that note, one more thing: Writing "very angry" e-mails to virus writers is a bad way to keep your inbox clean.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2004, 01:17:23 am by Zeep-Eeep »
What sound does a penguin make?
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