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Topic: In-School fight clubs (Read 23518 times)
shofixti with Ak-47
seriously, what is everyone's problem? Is what I said that awful or what?
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Hmmm... fight clubs eh? Well, before you condemn the idea, keep in mind that different people get off on different things. If you manage to keep a good clean fight, avoiding any seruious injurys and aiming more for the wrestling approach than the boxing approach, this idea is kind of viable.
However, there are a few quirks that need to be straightened out before you can actually do this. First off, anyone participating in such an event should have had some sort of training, to ensure they know how to hit and where to hit. Also, these people really need to be able to stay on top of their emotions, anyone going blind with rage can do serious damage to an unprepared opponent. Too kep it all in good fun and as a workout, you really need people who jhave known eachother for a long time and can have a friendly tussle, not just people who you vaguely know from your school.
Also, these kind of things are only fit for the select few who actually enjoy violence of this sort, and only fit for themunder controlled circumstances that may not be easily achieved in a high school or such.
That's why there are any amount of martial arts you can join. You get the fighting practice and technique under much better cirumstances. If you and your friends sign up for krarte or some such, it might be much more effective than simple brawling. And no matter how good and friendly two opponents are, there is always a risk when people fight. It is never completely safe, and as such you have to ask yourself wether it's really worth it. Do you really need to let you aggressions out that bad?
Of course as a side point, even people who enjoy fighting may find other ways to relieve their stress. Are you sure that such fight clubs are even necessary? As mentioned earlier, you might join some controlled version of this, or as Zeep-Eep so brilliantly pointed out, start a sex club. Long distance running relaxes many people, and needelwork works for others. Just try and find your "thing".
In a irrelevant conclusion, regardless of how pointless you may feel some of our topics is, pelase realise that during their time, each and every one of them (with a few notable exceptions) served some sort of purpose. The point is, we don't make topic for the abject purpose of being pointless and fun. We make points, and the fun just turns up. Trying to force a funny thread is like being the guy who chugs a bottle of tequila to become funnier. The results are often messy, and seldom too pleasing.
However, this thread too serves a purpose, though I fear it is soon coming to an end. Unless you can present some viable arguments for a fightclub other than stressrelease than could clearly be achieved in a different way of course.
Oh yeah, and for tose of you who noticed, I'm back for a while.
What's up doc?
shofixti with ak-47
We just don't like you.
But seriously, people don't like violent.
Sigh....Deep Jiffa, just think about how many people love violent action movies. If by people, you mean people on this forum, I still don't understand what everyone's problem is. And honestly, did what I say offend you that deeply? If you're that upset about what I said, you really need to get out more. Just try it, if you don't like violent, then you could understand wrestling with someone. Were you ever on a wrestling team, Deep Jiffa?
This is the "starbase cafe". Lighten up, people.
shofixti with ak-47
Also, these kind of things are only fit for the select few who actually enjoy violence of this sort, and only fit for themunder controlled circumstances that may not be easily achieved in a high school or such. .
You all act like I'm some sort of "troll" by what I said. It's not like I'm suggesting you beat someone till their bloody in the face(sorry if that was again TOO VIOLENT). Some of you can at least slightly relate to what I said(You're in martial arts). What I'm suggesting is again a FRIENDLY environment. Much like kickboxing or sparring in martial arts. Anyone who has done either of those can relate to what I'm saying.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
I have no problem with combat sports, they just don't releive my stress.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
...which as pointed out, is dangerous and unlawful.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
You all act like I'm some sort of "troll" by what I said. It's not like I'm suggesting you beat someone till their bloody in the face(sorry if that was again TOO VIOLENT). Some of you can at least slightly relate to what I said(You're in martial arts). What I'm suggesting is again a FRIENDLY environment. Much like kickboxing or sparring in martial arts. Anyone who has done either of those can relate to what I'm saying.
Actually, only one persion has mentioned trolls so far, you seem to be a tad on the sensitive side my friend. Buckle up, and focus on the discussion, not irate name calling. Also, I've read through the entire discussion and whiile some of our younger memebrs do get emotional at times, noone has actually been nasty, so I'd advise you to grow thicker skin if this really touches you that badly. Kepp in mind, form our point of view this is all in friendly fun. A verbal Fight Club, if you like.
Aslo, I'm a bit confused. You're suggesting this in a friendly enviroment, such as kickboxing and sparring. Why not just go kickbaox and spar then? Surely that is a more efficent thing, as it requires less organizational skills on your side. It also has the added bonus of you not have to personally check every participants skill level in order to ensure that they all know how to handle themselves well enough not to seriously injure someone else in the heat of the moment. That is assuming you're qualified to make that kind of check. A dojo master or suchlike does that for a living, and thus it ought to be far safer to participate in a organized version of your event.
Another worthwhile point to consider is security. Whilst training somewhere under organized forms, it is very unlikely that any sort of larger brawl or ruckus will ensure, and even if it did there are presumably older students there to keep the hotheads in line. This is something that is rather hard to achieve if you stage your events in the basement of some high school, with just a bunch of kids.
So in conluision, why not just join some sort of kickboxing/martial art? What makes this Fight Club so different that you feel it would be the superior alternative?
What's up doc?
Frungy champion
Posts: 53

Am I a clown? Do I amuse you? How am I funny?
Aslo, I'm a bit confused. You're suggesting this in a friendly enviroment, such as kickboxing and sparring. Why not just go kickbaox and spar then? Surely that is a more efficent thing, as it requires less organizational skills on your side. It also has the added bonus of you not have to personally check every participants skill level in order to ensure that they all know how to handle themselves well enough not to seriously injure someone else in the heat of the moment. That is assuming you're qualified to make that kind of check. A dojo master or suchlike does that for a living, and thus it ought to be far safer to participate in a organized version of your event.
Given kickboxing and sparring are more efficient, they're not necessarily more easy to pull off. Sure, you could join a karate class, or sign up for kickboxing, but there's no reason why you should have to, if again, the fights are friendly. Beleive me, there is a way to make this idea work. It would seem like you could injure someone in the heat of the moment, but that's really not the case here. I think I've failed to mention that another rule of this "club" I'm in is that there is no kicking or using the legs at any time. I would agree that I didn't clarify the rules of what I'm trying to suggest. But, if you're really interested, Lukipela, you have to take a few things into consideration. For instance, neither fighter wants to be seriously injured, so they're not going to risk getting hit more then they have to. This is probably the main reason why a fight club in which I'm describing has nothing to do with the movie. It's almost the thrill of being hit hard when you're not expecting it, but, using the fists won't provide any fighter with serious injury. Unless, of course, a fighter gets hit directly in the sternum, which is highly improbable(usually have sternum guarded with fists anyway, and hits usually arent that close). So, basically you're looking at a bruise in the arm or chest, at worse.
And Zeep-Eeep, yes, I realize there is a huge difference between boxing and actual fighting. Which is why I tried to say the most of what I said was joking. I never meant to suggest that you hit someone ruthlessly for any reason. Training isn't needed in the type of thing I'm talking about. There really isn't any chance of anything going wrong. Yes, that sounds a little strange when people are taking swings at each other. But with guidlines like we've set up, there's no reason to worry.
I suppose I should clarify whether I'm being sarcastic or not before I post anything from now on.
Shiver's really angry.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
In my mind there are many other (and better) ways to get rid of Stress.
Personally I am a Brown belt, so I do not tolerate someone punching me in a fight - Playful jab and sparring yes, but not a fist fight. I first try to get out of there and if I am cornered then......
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Since when is throwing a full power punch not hostility? - Even sparring is hostility in a certain way.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
I don't think hes talking about full power punches.
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