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Author Topic: In-School fight clubs  (Read 23529 times)
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In-School fight clubs
« on: March 19, 2004, 05:38:30 am »

Allright guys, now I'm the first one to admit that I, myself attend high school on a regular basis. And, much like anyone who attends high school, I think that most of it is very lame. Now I'm not sure what releives tension more then a nice blow to the guts/jaw. A good suggestion is to start a friendly fight club at your high school. For all the adults that attend this forum, be sure to pick a fight with someone at work, or on the road. Trust me on this one, dudes.

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Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2004, 06:05:54 am »

That creates tension, it doesn't relieve it.  The fact that afterwards you feel less tense is because you temporarily raised your stress level.  It's like the old story about the guy who wanted a quiet house, so he brought his farm animals inside for a week.  The house was "quiet" ever after.
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Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2004, 06:08:38 am »

Listen man, how much do you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight? That, my friend, is a direct quote from Mr. Tyler Durden himself.

After a fight, everything in your life gets the volume turned down.

This is true. Although I didn't answer your somment with the least intelligence, you just gotta trust me on this one. Go up to your principal/boss and hit him as hard as you can.

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Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2004, 06:24:25 am »

violence never solves problems... it only creates them...

the wise will know, its the man that can fight, that doesnt...
not the man who cant fight, but does...

its better to run away, and live to fight another day...

reckless you are, patients you must learn, only then will you be a jedi master.

anyone that can walk away from a fight, truly is the stronger person.

need anymore reasons?

« Last Edit: March 19, 2004, 06:25:36 am by DEFIANT » Logged
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Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2004, 06:25:16 am »

I've been in several fights, and trust me, hitting your principal is much different than hitting your boss.  When you hit your principal, you're suspended, but allowed to come back after a year and complete your education.  

When you hit your boss, it's called assault and battery, where you could end up doing time in a cell with Bubba, and your new name is Ben Dover.  Then, once you're out of jail, no one wants to hire you because your criminal record has assault (on an employer no less).  Have fun picking fights with the other hobo's, ShoW/AK47.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2004, 07:25:24 pm by Culture20 » Logged
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Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2004, 06:55:14 am »

Did I hear the that violence reduces tension? - Well it does!! - In you (and only you) AND temporary. Never ever think that the best way out is fighting.  
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Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2004, 07:40:23 am »

I will have to take the inti-fight point of view.
Fights hurt people. Hurt=bad. Seems wussy but its a strong moral principle.

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Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2004, 11:00:47 am »

And ofcourse your principalexcpet teenagers to lose in a fight and do nothing? Let me tell you that the one who loses in the fight won't sit quietly until he will "revenge".

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Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2004, 12:17:52 am »

As a practicioner of the martial arts for over a decade now, I must say that SWAK47 has a point. After leaving a conflict, your stress levels go down somewhat. I, however, am in a defensive style of martial arts. Means we don't start fights, because we're taught better.

I REALLY hope, SWAK47, that you weren't being serious when you said "pick a fight with someone". If you weren't, you've got anger issues or Headhunter/Little Man Syndrome, whichever suits you.

Picking a fight with another person is probably one of the stupidest things you could do. Hell, we as a hunam race have had WARS start over people picking fights.

As for quoting a movie character...Mrrr. I'll stop now before I really get started.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2004, 12:18:52 am by NECRO-99 » Logged

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Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2004, 03:25:52 am »

I've been in a few fights. My advice? Never get in a fight unless someone else is being a royal jackass to you and you're fairly certain you can decimate them. I mean, you'd think no one would be so stupid, but it happens anyway.
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Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2004, 04:31:19 am »

Yeah, getting in fights when you are young is ok.  It happens all the time, but when you get to be a certain age, namely 18 in US you can go to JAIL.  And having spent some time in jail for fighting at a bar, it definitly creates way more stress than it releives.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2004, 04:31:57 am by Vassago_Umara » Logged

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Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2004, 05:28:55 am »

Having been in a few fights and having been in martial arts, I can
safely say that yes, fighting does lower stress. At least temporarily,
but it doesn't solve anything long term.
Second, hitting a punching bag or something solid is nearly
as good at lowering stress and it's good exercise.

The idea of fighting (real fighting) for fun at school is rediculous.
People get hurt. There are already enough injuries due to fighting
in the run of the school year.

Next, most people have better, less destructive ways of dealing with
stress or people they don't like. Perhaps we should spend less time watching violent, anti-establishment movies and more time talking things out.

Last, I'd like to part with some wisdom one of my karate instructors gave me:
If someone wants to fight you, walk away.
If he follows you, run.
If he catches you, kick the crap out of him.

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Another way to release stress.
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2004, 05:32:43 am »

Sorry for the double post, but maybe we should mention some things
(other than fighting) that release stress.

I vote for sex. Why?
Generally fewer people get injured.
It's easier to have safe sex than a safe fight.
You're happy and relaxed later.
It's nice to do with someone you like, rather than someone you don't/
You can have sex with your boss and (usually) not get arrested.

So, make love, not war.

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Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2004, 05:56:12 am »

... and peace out Cool

shofixti with ak-47

Re: In-School fight clubs
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2004, 11:03:04 am »

allright, allright, fellas, take it easy. Look, I wasn't being entirely serious about the topic anyway.  I'm not actually suggesting that you go up to your boss or principal and start a fight. It was merely an attempt, I suppose, at a witty response to culture20. However, at school, not at work, or within a public vicinity fighting strangers,  we do have certain fight clubs which in no way resemble actual fighting. We have rules (no hitting in the face/crotch). That, may I add, is a good way to releive stress. I felt better then I have in a while after getting a good pummeling in the ribs from one of my friends. Yes, again, they can be friendly. Just because your punching someone as hard as you can, does not mean necessarily tha you have anything against him or her.

I guess the only reason I started this thread was because I saw the movie Fight Club the previous night. Now before you go insulting my intelligence by saying that I like to imitate fast action movies, you're wrong. I just think there are tons of pointless threads on this forum. Why not make try to make one funny? eh?

Listen culture20, take a joke man, who in their right mind would actually suggest hitting their boss for no reason?

Just relax fellas. But, this I'm not kidding about. Fighting to a certain degree relieves stress in good ways. At least for me. It doesn't feel as though I've released any bottled-up anger(Kidding about that too, I'm pretty easy-going) but it feels more like a work-out. Just avoid hits the the face and nether regions.
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