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Author Topic: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM  (Read 14141 times)
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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #45 on: March 23, 2004, 01:34:06 am »

Just a wild and wacky fact about sedna.

If sedna were in starcontrol, Fwiffo would reside to it, would he not? Well turns out that an eluder could not keep a very solid grip on a space entity with such a small gravaty, and he would undoubtable have to stay on pluto.

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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #46 on: March 23, 2004, 01:39:13 am »

*Pictures Fwiffo floating away in his space suit from his ship

"noooooooooo - Pleeeeesssee Dooonnn'ttt leettt mmeee dieeee tooooday! - Tomorrrrrrow wouuuld be soooooo muuch betterrrrrrr!

/snaps out of it

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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #47 on: March 23, 2004, 01:40:55 am »

*Slaps Falcon wiht a pillow to make sure he has actually snapped out of it*

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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #48 on: March 23, 2004, 04:19:28 am »

lastly, I agree, 'Sedna' is a horrible name. I would go for 'Janus'. The gatekeeper of the solar system.

No go. It's taken already by a moon of Saturn.

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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #49 on: March 23, 2004, 04:24:12 am »

Why not name a planate after sc gods. Dogar? Kazan? Juffa-Wup? Roll Eyes

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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #50 on: March 23, 2004, 04:34:32 am »

I don't really think the main point of the game was to be completely accurate with star and planet locations anyway. I mean if the constellations shifted that much in 2155, we're in for some serious cosmic activity. So Sedna should definetely not be in the game.

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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #51 on: March 23, 2004, 05:27:33 am »

I don't really think the main point of the game was to be completely accurate with star and planet locations anyway.

That's in truespace. The locations are different in hyperspace. I've been told this is mentioned on the original SC2 map, but I thought I read it somewhere else myself too. But I'm not sure where. (Maybe someone could tell me).

« Last Edit: March 23, 2004, 05:28:06 am by meep-eep » Logged

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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #52 on: March 23, 2004, 05:33:46 am »'re right. But the point still stands. No sedna.

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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #53 on: March 23, 2004, 09:35:20 am »


hehehe. Sorry, I'm not picking on you, and I know I commit a few spelling mistakes myself as well, but that still amuses me.

Anyway, I think D_999 kiled this topic by pointing out the fact that the solar system, as it is, isn't accurate. Therefore, no arguments can be made to include Sedna on accuracy grounds, and we've already established that storywise it adds nothing. Meaning there is no reason whatsoever to include that planet.

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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #54 on: March 23, 2004, 09:29:36 pm »

They should have put Fiffwo on it. It would suit him better.

D_999 Can you "mine a planet out of existence?"

Yes u can but it will still exist in other places ( wherever u mined it to ) for matter cannot be destroyed only transformed.  The same goes for energy gasoline has a very high potntial energy start a car it's kinetic rises and now it heat and light energy even if u burn something it becomes ash and sulfur. Even if u blow up a starship u can gather RU's see my point?

TERMINATOR - the obnoxious one

EDIT: Charon wasn't the ferriman of the river stix? Anyway way not Chronos the god of time and to correct u the names of the planets are related to Greek mythology but however thry are the roman names. As Jupiter is the King of the gods (largest planet aka Zeus).Plant X still sounds good
« Last Edit: March 23, 2004, 09:32:35 pm by Terminator » Logged

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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #55 on: March 24, 2004, 02:15:20 am »


Yes u can but it will still exist in other places ( wherever u mined it to ) for matter cannot be destroyed only transformed.  The same goes for energy

In fact, you can convert matter into energy.
But the law of conservation of matter/energy is a physical law, meaning that it is a law deduced (or rather induced) from observations of physics. It is not impossible that there is an underlying law which in fact would allow for matter/energy to be destroyed. Considering that SC2 is science-fiction, you could suppose that in the SC2 universe someone has found a way to do just that.
Maybe the Ur-Quan wanted to demonstrate a new weapon so powerful that Earth would not hesitate to surrender unconditionally, but in a "harmless" way. (In fact, it has been argued that the USA should have done exactly this in WW2 instead of throwing those nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.). If the Ur-Quan had in fact done this, I would have expected commander Hayes or the game manual to mention this though.
A more plausible explanation (to me) would be that the disappearance of Sedna is the result of a failed experiment of the humans themselves (possibly before the war). Sensibly, they would have executed such a dangerous experiment on a planet far away.
(Note that as I said before, I consider the SC2 solar system merely as a simplified representation of reality, and therefore I don't think any explanation is necessary.)

EDIT: Charon wasn't the ferriman of the river stix? Anyway way not Chronos the god of time and to correct u the names of the planets are related to Greek mythology but however thry are the roman names. As Jupiter is the King of the gods (largest planet aka Zeus).Plant X still sounds good

You have a point in noting that the planets are named after Roman names. In fact the aforementioned Janus does not have a Greek equivalent. I must have been momentarilly confused by the Greek name "Charon" ("-on" is a typical Greek ending for a noun), which the Romans adopted unaltered.

Moons are usually named after an immortal (not necessarilly a god) that has some association with the God after which the planet it orbits is named. As such, Charon, named after the ferryman of the underworld river Acheron ([1]), is associated with Pluto (Hades in Greek), the god ruling the underworld (which is also named Hades in Greek).

I don't know why you bring up Chronos. He already has a planet. His Roman name is Saturnus.

And "If you burn up something it becomes ash and sulfur" is just plain wrong.


[1]  Regardless of what many people think, Charon ferries people over the river Acheron, not the Styx (and note the spelling).


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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #56 on: March 24, 2004, 06:37:11 am »

Maybe they ran out of Roman mytholgical names, what with the constellations, stars, planets, etc.  Of course, I would think the next logical would be greek or maybe norse; some dead religion (aren't inuit deities still worshiped?).
« Last Edit: March 24, 2004, 06:38:47 am by Culture20 » Logged
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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #57 on: March 25, 2004, 07:27:18 pm »

Are you aware that Pluto's moon is the LARGEST relitive to it's planet in the solar system?  Shocked So WHY hasen't it been added to the game yet?  Huh I mean if your even thinking of adding Sedna or there being a reason it isen't there... wheres Charon?!? I mean it's larger than Sedna isen't it?

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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #58 on: March 27, 2004, 02:14:30 pm »

It is cloaked, and is currently an Arilou monitoring station.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2004, 02:19:41 pm by J » Logged
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Re: The new "planet" Sedna, and UQM
« Reply #59 on: March 28, 2004, 01:18:00 am »

Indeed, and Sedna was Juffo-Wupporized by the Mycon, but as the Deep Child had a little mistake in it (why should it go for Sedna anyways?), instead of making it a hot lava world, it made the planet go mad, and warped it into Hyperspace. Last thing we knew was that it collapsed with a planet at Rigel....

Nearly the same goes for Charon. But it was stolen by the Ilwarth. Dogar and Kazon told them to tug it to their home planet, as a throphy for Dogar and Kazon.

Some Jupiters and Saturns moons were combined together to make the Ultra Mooney Battle Platform, which too bad wasn't able to go into Hyperspace, so the Hunams let it go self destruct near some Dreadies.. Har Har Har...

Ofcourse, this all was a joke. Conclusion: enslave this thread. Why? Sc2/UQM is a game, not a reality. Do you REALLY think that funny blobbies exist? well? huh? Do you REALLY think that hunams can be enslaved by.. CATTERPILLARS? HUh? well?? HUH??? Do you really think the Precursors exist? You do? UGH! I'm going to be sick...
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