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Topic: Graphics bug (Read 2352 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 2

You can not defeat me with Paramecium alone!
When I went to the system the Spathi homeworld was located in the auto-pilot message got stuck on the screen and all the ships had a tracer effect that left images of itself stuck to space behind it. This happened with my ship and all the Spathi ships and then the whole screen got shifted to the right but the highlights on menu options were in the correct place. I'm not sure what happened or how to better describe it.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2

You can not defeat me with Paramecium alone!
I had this tracer effect happen at some other systems too, it also made my HUD disappear.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I would like to confirm this report.
System config: AMD 750, Win 98 SE, Gforce3 video. Game options: -r320x240 -f Occurance: Random Report: Save game after setting auto pilot to next star Travel though Hyperspace normally Upon arrival at the target system the right display box is blank. Ship status and menu are not visible. attempting to navigate at this time creates graphic tracers of the ship path. have not reproduced with other ships in the area. Closing/re-starting/loading saved game results in right display box appearing normally.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2002, 06:50:53 pm by Uthr_Rhain »
Frungy champion
Posts: 73

To be idle is to be ideal
I found that landing on any planet seems to reset the graphics back to normal, once you return your lander from the surface. I've seen the effect of this bug come and go.
According to the bug fix list, it appears they may have found and corrected for this.
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