Topic: Star Control IV (Read 18839 times)
Posts: 580

Whoa, you spelled planets right? 
Okay, here are my opinions. First, on sc3 1) Sc3 wasn't bad! It was bad as a sequel to Sc2, but it wasn't bad as a game itself... 2) Indeed, the pseudo 3d view sucked. But they put a 2d view in, luckily..  3) The music was bad.. 4) Puppets? Whatthe? Is sc3 the puppet show or what? 5) Green Quans dont turn black! The original brown one changed into green AND black! Not green turned into black!!!
And here are my ideas of Realsc3/Sc4/Sc2.5
1) Same space as before, but somehow enlarged, so Sol is near more stars, or Sol lies somewhere else in Hyperspace (NOT truespace!) 2) Maybe its nice if you can play as a different race? Each with its own spacestation? 3) Maybe a extra gamemode? Like Trading and Battling for your side? Having mass-battles in space? 4) Battling with whole fleets should be nice, especially if you do Mass battles in space.. Nice AI should be made though... 5) Add more interactivity to the game, such as bars where you could talk to various aliens, and a Hyper Melee sim where you can actually simulate battles with the various aliens on the ship, when you win, you get Expandation Points for your Simulated ships, and you get some In real life RU's. With those EPs (expandation points) you can upgrade your Simulated ships (the ships in the Hyper melee sim) and battle more. This creates some kind of competition between the guys at the bases. And ofcourse it would be nice to actually beat Hayes in your new modified Spathi ship, the "Starrunner" . More interactivity? Classic battle simulations, contacting aliens to join your fleet, going piratey. 6) TRY to keep sc2.5/Realsc3/Sc4 as close to Sc2 possible, though. Why? We all like Sc2, right? If you make another Sc2, with a new story and maybe some extras, we would all like it, right? If you add something new like the 3d starmap, some people don't like it anymore, right? Got the point? good!
Some story ideas: 1) The spathi show their true identity: THE ULTIMATE EEEEVIIILLLLL 2) The black and green Quans merge together to form the Brown Ur-Quans! RUN AWAY FWIFFO!!! 3) The earthlings start to go to the evil side! Go rebellion! 4) The Yehat are on a mission to slay the evil Quans! Stop them, or fight with them! 5) Missions for your race to complete, such as kill off some pkunks, slay some druuges, *dance* with some Orzes.
That's it... it is...
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
I actually think that sc4 should be significantly different than sc2. Sc2 was good because its different.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
I would like to see the storyline something like this......
You are a earthling captain and crew, on another planet. You have been put on the planet because with the crew because:
A. You have been banished for something you did not do. B. You have been called crazy and sent away because of a hullucation you had. (Good way to introduce the plot) C. (any suggestions?)
Either way, you are on a planet with your crew and the top brass on earth don't exactly like you.
While you are gone, the earth can:
A. Have a civil war and the "earthling baddies" take over. B. The goverment corrupts. C. (Any suggestions?)
Anyway, you can find the plot of the game, realizing that you need to do soemthing, you repair and take off in your very, slow, poor, ready-to-explode-at-any-moment ship and take off to try and do the quest.
The first year you can spend pirating the enemys ships and selling them to a friendly species. (Not the humans remember) You can then build better and better upgrades and ships, till you are ready to do the quest.
So what do you guys think - Is this trash a a half-decent storyline - Any suggestions would be welcome.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
I think the first thing to do when deciding a game is what happens at the end of the war. -Do the utwig and the supox defeat the ur-quan? -Do the ur-quan surrender or die? Or do they run away? -What happens to the ilwrath and the mycon, who are willingly part of the hierachy? Do they follow their religeon to the death, or do their gods change will. Maybe some stay religeous fanatics, and some become atheists. -What happens with that war between the thraddash and the ilwrath. Are they dead? Are they weakend? Does one survive and the other not? -There is still a living dnyarri, what happens with the guy? Hes gotta be dangerous. Maybe with the amplification of the ultron he can take over some more races. That would be reason for a war. -Do the yehat and the pkunk merge or what?
I think we've already made some theories about the orz ariloo and androsynth. That would be a cool thing to impliment, but we first need to answer these questions.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Oh right, the dnyarris dead. Thought I had a good sequel idea there. Anyone know how he survived. Maybe theres more.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2004, 12:34:16 am by Chrispy »
Posts: 580

No! The Dnyarri is still alive! Remember the ending sequence, where the Dnyarri said that it escaped in the last minute?
Tell us your ideas!
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Did the dnyarri escape in the last minute? I thought he died. Anyways what was the dnyarris' motives for controlling the sentient millieux? Just for power? Maybe the ur-quan attacked them, and they decided to fight back.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
The ending sequence was kidding - He died - Now maybe if a umagh captured a talking pet and did the same thing over again.......
« Last Edit: March 29, 2004, 12:48:07 am by FalconMWC »
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Where do the dnyarri live? Where did the blobbie find him?
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Answering my question:
Well Ariloulaleelay, who kind of our neighbors, gave us Talking Pet hoping we could heal it more severe injuries, which we did. While we working on it, we do routine brain structure scan and discovered that creature had extemely sophisticated set of neural pathways even more complex than own! Further analysis showed that with minor genetic manipulations Talking Pet intelligence fully realized, perhaps even to sentience! Little did know what monster we creating. Only a few hours after injected nanots with modification program, creature wakes up. Almost immediately, took control of Hospital... then city... then whole planet. We try to resist, but creature, even in a drugged, weakened state, too strong. From that day on, we just mindless slaves who lived only serve Talking Pet, and `Big Plan'. What `Big Plan'? We never quite sure about details of `Big Plan', except it involved getting revenge and mean LOTS of revenge... against Ur-Quan masters.
If the ariloo have contact with the dnyarri, maybe they have something to do wtih the Nggn (spelling may be wrong)
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
The arlou got it from a ruined dreadnought though.
Also, aren't Nggn playtoys for the alruo?
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
So are all the talking pets in each dreadnaught sentient, or just this one.