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Author Topic: Star Control IV  (Read 18818 times)
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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #45 on: April 25, 2004, 11:47:59 pm »


How is the Empire of Luki going to travel to all those places? Have not the Ur-quan been at this their entire lives?

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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2004, 02:12:10 am »

They have neither Portal Spawner technology, nor have they stumbled upon some Androsynth data showing all those hidden QuasiSpace exits to other parts of the Galaxy.

Also, a lone ship can traverse HS a lot faster than a fleet trying to conquer everything in it's way.

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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2004, 11:34:47 pm »

If what was on the surface was so threatening, then how did it lose against the Kzer-Za? Sa-Matra, I guess...
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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2004, 12:29:30 am »

I'd say if they lost, it had to be because of the Sa-Matra.  Also is that factory on Unzerfelt (I can't remember how its spelled right now) going to be put in full production making precursor flagships?

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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2004, 12:52:25 am »

Maybe they only lost after the Quan blasted the entire planetary system to bits, yet could not (even with the Sa-Matra) destroy their last bastion?

Maybe they are extremely dangerous, yet possesed no capability of spaceflight before the Quan arrived. After being "infected" and losing some ships to the surface, a hasty slaveshield was erected to ensure that the "filth" could niot spread. the only race never to be offfered the choice of Thralldom, because their freedom would always be a threat.

Maybe they weren't as dangerous when sealed, but have evolved?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 12:57:23 am by Lukipela » Logged

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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #50 on: April 27, 2004, 07:56:56 pm »

Maybe they were powerful pacifists who never resisted, only hiding their technology.

After the slave-shielding, a charismatic leader emerged who broke the long tradition and directed the energies of the species toward gaining freedom. But no half-measures, they would simply work on science and weapons engineering until they could beat the Ur-Quan. And for the past 200 years, the entire civilization has poured its collective energies (which are still internally peacefully aligned) into inventing newer and better ways of blowing stuff up.

When you let them out, they start serious production. At first it seems safe since they only have prototypes (never had to actually make a production model), but within a few weeks they are rapidly producing mining ships, and exponentially expand until they have enough for their superweapon.
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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #51 on: April 28, 2004, 04:26:20 am »

I think that would be the best storyline, that they weren't powerful or aggresive when they where sheilded but during their imprisonment they became resentful and hateful of the Ur-Quan.  Their way of life fundamentally changed and they began to furiously seek new technologies to destroy the Ur-Quan.  However I think that if a species was going to develop technologies while they were imprisoned it would be technologies intended to release them from the planetary sheild.

Maybe they did develop a way to excape and when you encounter them they have had years to claim a large amount of resource full planets and want nothing to do with the free alliance of stars and are very hostile towards the first scout ships sent their way.

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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #52 on: April 28, 2004, 08:33:27 am »

   Everyone here has excellent ideas, but it seems to me that one of the most interesting things about star control 2 (i agree 3 wasent very good)  was the "alienness" of the ORZ.  
     I know that when I was playing and they suddenly (ate?) the Androsynth I was seriously creeped out.  All of the other races are roughly human, the Ilwrath are psychotics, the Yehat avengers, the Ur Quan are out for revenge, the Pkunk are hippies, and the Thraddash are bullies.  But my point is they are all easily understood and so are their motives.  But the ORZ?  I still dont have a clue and I beat the game 3 times.  

    Anyway, my point is this, I like the idea of the Ur Quan slave world opening up releaseing (?).  But why did the (?)  have to be pacifistic when they were attacked?  Mabye they were simply just leaving their planet when the Ur Quan showed up.  Remember the huge fleet the Ur Quan had in number 2 was AFTER fighting a decade long war with the alliance.  So, mabye the Ur Quan simply outnumbered the mystery race and sealed them because they were simply too "alien".

  Also, I might be a cynic but I think that after a major victory crushing the most powerful force ever met by sentient races in known history Humanity would have a bit of a big head.  We would probably be in the midst of "civilizing" known space whether it wanted to be civilized or not. So, when our noble and prestigious team of volunteers cracks this slave shield, realizes what they just opened up (something vaguely zergish?  berserkerish? (the giant self aware machine destroy all life type, not the crazy scots)) No one is inclined to believe them until planets start disappearing.

    As for the Kohr-Ah and Kzer-Za, after 25+ (I cant remember how long it went on)  the alliance cannot simply forgive and forget and imprisons them both on their homeworld after killing the rest.

        Comments anyone?  This is my first attempt at a story so any feedback is welcome, including, if you must, flames.
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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #53 on: April 28, 2004, 08:48:47 pm »

The reason I had them be pacifists was that if the Ur-Quan saw that they had actually MADE an enemy, that is, they did not fight before but now they do... that would get them thinking.
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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #54 on: April 29, 2004, 08:41:43 pm »

The problem with that theory, is that the The Oath Of Fealty requires every surrendering race to go back to pre-atomic level of thechnology.

Yes they might develop their technology underground, but I doubt that the Ur-Quan would not see it, if they were able to see something miles below our polar ice cap.

They could try to research everything strictly theoretically, but with such approach you'll quilckly face a dead end.
You simply can't research something without necessary tools
(Try to find out something about the physics of sub-atomic particles without a particle accelerator)

Besides all this would not fit to what Luki has said.
If they were pacifists, why didn't they get a starbase.
If they were pacifists and now they are technologically advanced, and generally wise, I think you might be able to talk them out of Anihilating The Universe.

I much more like the idea of them beeing zergish.

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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #55 on: April 30, 2004, 12:57:20 am »

Well, considering that the Ur-quan had not droped by for about a year, the earthlings had plenty of time to shield from sensors and devolop weapons....
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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2004, 12:13:56 pm »

I still reckon an SC prequal would rock.
You would play an Ur-Quan back in the days of the sentient Milelu.
The storyline could be about you trying to help liberate the Milelu from the Dynyarri, among other things.
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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #57 on: April 30, 2004, 06:47:28 pm »

You reckon that it would be fun to play a 4m long predatory catepillar that is filled with bloodlust whenever another being gets too close to you?  I would posit that most other people would have trouble identifying with a main character like that.

The Ur-Quan (and all the non-human races in the Star Control universe, for that matter) are quite alien; they don't think as we do, and their instincts are different from ours.  I'd think any attempt to make them playable characters would have to make them far more "human" than they are, in order to make them more accesible to new players, and to make any in-game puzzles solvable by human players.  While some might find that acceptable (even desirable) I'd think it would detract from their mystique.  For a real-world example of this phenomenon, see Star Control 3, where the Ariloulaleelay were turned from a "race of mysterious dimensional travellers with motives and an agenda that we could not possibly understand", into "a race of DNA farmers".

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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #58 on: April 30, 2004, 07:44:58 pm »

Though it might be possible to have SOME alien playables, like Fwiffo and Talana, I agree in general, 14598366.

In particular, playables should not be:
Pkunk, Mycon, Melnorme, Arilou, Orz, Umgah, Chmmr, Chenjesu, Mmrnmhrm, Taalo, Supox, Shofixti, Utwig, or any flavor of Ur-Quan.

I guess that leaves Yehat, Ilwrath, Thraddash, Spathi, Syreen, Zoq, Fot, Pik, and VUX... and of course Human.
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Re: Star Control IV
« Reply #59 on: April 30, 2004, 10:12:45 pm »

Vux, Thraddash, Spathi  and ZFP don't seem playable to me. For instance, no human will take the option to run from shadows. Also, they will probaly not admire the ememy that beats them. Not to mention that the ZFP are really three people. That sort of cancels them out completely. As for the Vux, well we don't hate humans, do we?   Wink
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