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Topic: Star Control IV (Read 18812 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
The Vux don't really hate humans, deep down they are just sad and jealous because they are *incomplete*
Frungy champion
Posts: 90

Submit or die.
You are forgetting that these are BROWN Ur-Quan, not the pain stricken Green and Black we know.
The brown ur-quan were solitary explorers in the Milelu. They had to be equipped to make first contacts without incident, they would not have been in he Milelu if they were predatory.
All species have instincts, including human. Part of being sentient is that we are smart enough to supress those instincts and act out of intelligence instead.
Yes the Ur-Quan are different, more honour bound perhaps, but they were not an evil species. The greens have demonstrated that they are highly intelligent and posess their own morality. The entire reason they fight the Kohr-Ah is because they oppose the extinction of all alien life.
Remember, he who codes a game controls the conversation tree. The game would TEACH you how to think like an Ur-Quan by the choices it gives you in each conversation. Part of the fun is learning which one is the right or wrong one to pick.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2004, 05:36:34 am by J »
Frungy champion
Posts: 90

Submit or die.
One last thing, which is a key point to the prequal idea. SC2 was so great because it was DIFFERENT to SC1
Nobody likes a rehash for a sequal. Playing an Ur-Quan is CERTAINLY different, and it would interest me a great deal.
The races you have listed as "playable" I can see you have listed because they have inherantly "human" personalities. We have played a human in SC2. Who wants to play more of the same?
In my opinion, the thing which threatens to ruin a sequal the MOST of all, is the tendancy for a sequal to fall into a stereotype of itself.
Look at the Command and Conquer series for an example. Started out great, then every sequal since was too hung up in perserving the features of the original to come up with new interesting ideas and plotlines.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2004, 05:38:21 am by J »
Posts: 1059

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Sure that sounds fun, for a little bit - After a while it would become pretty boring.
What I guess I am trying to say is that (lets take the Thraddash for example) is this:
You have just been defeated by and are given the offer to join the enemy fleet or make your own to evenually challenge the on that beat you. Most people would chose option B as opposed to someone that gets bossed around in the big fleet.
Is someone seeing my point? I am not against it per-say. Just, thinking over the details and trying to think of were conflicts might arise.
Frungy champion
Posts: 90

Submit or die.
I dont understand your post at all Falcon.
If your implying that a prequal would involve conquering other races, your wrong because the brown ur-quan didn't do that. (well, not voluntarily)
A musing I just had: At some point in the game your entire race would get subjugated by the Dynyarri, according to SC2 history.
Perhaps your ship is the only ship which carries a Ta'alo envoy on board (being close friends of the Ur-Quan)
That would give rise to the situation of you being the lone free Ur-Quan fighting for the survival of your race and many others, when even your own race will blow you up if you are caught.
Perhaps if you are able to pull it off right, there is an alternate ending where the Ur-Quan and Milelu arent completely obliterated. An alternate future in which SC2 would never have happened.
Imagine what the Milelu would be like in SC2 time if it had survived the Dynyarri.
When the captain from SC2 was missing after the explosion of the Sa-Matra, what had actually happened is that he had been transported back in time to the time of the original Dynyarri / Milelu conflict.
A lone human, working with the last free Ur-Quan and Ta'alo to save the Milelu.
Im sure you could also involve the Mark II somehow. Perhaps it was the device used to pull you through time.
Time travel plots make people groan... iunno, Im thinking as im typing here, can you tell ?
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
The lone Ur-Quan's good ending could be to help the Taalo escape to prettyspace. But, this doesn't mesh with what we know about the taalo, dnyarri & ur-quan. The Taalo's inate imunity to the Dnyarri couldn't extend to others; that's why they were building their psi-screen, which likely never left their homeworld.
Frungy champion
Posts: 90

Submit or die.
...causing a paradox that would end all time and space as we know it, because if he went back in time and changed the history, then he would have no reason to blow up the Sa-Matra, which means that he would not go back in time and he wouldn't change the history, so he would blow up the Sa-Matra and go back in time and..... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!
Thats only if you believe the stream of time is unidimensional.
Ahh yes Culture20 my mistake. But you get the drift of my idea, you could make it work without too many inconveniant plot devices.
Hmm, What if the ORZ (A Milelu race) pulled the Androsynth through time to help fight the Milelu, but they needed a human to lead them (The Captain)
That would explain why the ORZ get angry and cannot reveal much tangible information, they are a projection from the past..
Perhaps the adjustments the Arilou made to humans was because somehow some of the synth DNA from the synth that got pulled into the past managed to contaminate the human genepool on earth, which the arilou had to eliminate to prevent mass extinction (as the synths cant reproduce)
Iunno, there are many ideas you can fit into the SC2 plotlines that were left open.
stage for sequel is already set :
Captain will find Mark V (iv ? i will remember soon enough )
Zebranky food

Posts: 15

In love with a Shofixti, I think!
Parts of SC3 are ok....but we can ALL agree that the ending was terrible...seems more like something lifted out of a New-Age book than something suitable for the ending of an SC game. But nonetheless....some elements of SC3 could be preserved for...the next SC (but the ending better be something cool along the lines of SC2, OR ELSE!)
Ok, some of my ideas......... Hyperspace.....must exist. Traveling star to star is so much cooler than warp-bubbling. Of course, there'd be an explanation why you can't warp bubble....but maybe some enemy of yours CAN. And besides True-Space, Hyper-Space and Quasi-Space, maybe there's one or two other dimensions. Also, maybe some portal opened up in the area that once had the Sa-Matra.
Sides.... Alliance: Isn't this obvious? The Order of the Black Star: some mysterious group of races, they want power. And they came from another dimension. Inner Ring of Destiny: Another group, not aligned with the Order in any way. Possibly a fourth side? Oh yes, there's also the Koh-rah.....some aliens never learn!
Bosses......there would be a few boss ships. Now, like the Sa-Matra, you'd fight the escort ships first. wouldn't fight around a planet, oh fight around the boss ship...which you can't damage, but the boss ship may have one or two special abilities or weapons active, making things just a little difficult. You can't actually do damage until you've taken care of all the escort vessels, but get to close to it and it will damage you (of course, it won't do the same to its escort....unfair enough for you). Ideas? Hmm...maybe the Koh-rah tried to build a super-marauder.
Races: Of course, new races are a must. A couple of ideas.... Daktaklakpak: not my idea, of course....but they should return, they're so cool! Miara: A race of opposum-like creatures. The captains, all female, are normally covered in young clinging to them (it's accepted conventional wisdom that you don't bring your children into battle wtih you...the Miara never heard of this) Their weapon converts the female's singing into a powerful wave-based weapon. Hautua: Another humanoid race, they resemble polynesians in many ways, perhaps their ship would look like someone took a tiki-bar and slapped some thrusters on it. Their woman are beautiful, their men are handsome, their music is legendary, their story is tragic. They were conned into joining the IROD, supposedly because that was the only way they'd be protected from the Kohr-ah and the OBS. Drall: Perhaps if one of those Mielleu races is still out there somewhere?
Not sure about the plot....but perhaps it would have something to do with those two sides that just "moved in" recently...the OBS and the IROD.......any ideas?
And one last thing......perhaps there'd be tunnels on some worlds that you could explore with a lander...yes, landers are cool, landing pods suck!
I am not a sheep, I am a free man!
Just curious as to if anyone has any information concerning the fate of the real SC4 that was in development quite awhile ago.
I'm assuming it was just scrapped, but was curious as to why, and if anyone had any links to articles describing it.
Before the automatic reply, YES there was a SC4 in developement, it was in a older issue of PCGamer, it even had preliminary screenshots. It was to be a completely 3-D polygonal game..
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