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Topic: The Council of Starfire - The Road to 0.4, #5.17 (Read 7800 times)
Yes it's a very good joke and saw right through it right away. However, good comedy always has its basis in reality and they did a great job here. To point this thing out, I didn't think about it before I read the quote above, but if we were to apply an ESRB rating to UQM, it probably would get a T or a MA, not necessarily for the Pkunk stuff. I can think of the Syreen thing and one of the Shofixti insults (about hanging reproductive organs) that would probably put it out of the K-A designation. I know personally I wouldn't want a 10 y/o playing the game.
Seriously, has this been an issue talked about, or would it even be worth trying to get an ESRB rating on the game? Or would it not even be an issue on the table? Just stuff to think about.
ESRB is overrated I remember Twised Metal (the first one) had a rating of T "Animated Violence(no shit)"solely because of the describtion of daskside being from Hell, insidentally using the words "Hell, damn, or freaking" automaticly puts the game in at least the Teen catagory. Metroid Zero mission is rated E but has a sub-title "Fantasy Violence" all Rpg's "Violence". Games like Castlevania Lament of Inosence and the Resident Evil series are rated M for Blood and Gore. In all seriousness yes their should be a warning on games with blood gore etc., but their should not be an age restriction, usless in unique situations where certain things are banned by law like porno etc. When I first played RE2 it scared the hell out of me and one scene still does even though I know it's coming. About someone younger than 10 playing it I doubt anyone that young would enjoy it(patience) and the sexual comments made by you and Talana would be missed by someone of that age(go right over their head)any rating higher than Teen is unwarranted.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
When your really little it is possible to be mildly warped by the words hell, freaking or dammit. Also sexual comments if not missed can be bad for little kids. Its better to be safe than sorry. Everyones talking about the syreen and shofixti. What about the slylandro and their glowy things out in the open.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2004, 05:18:21 am by Chrispy »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

I've never really understood the need for age-rating systems on video games. The fact that a government standard assumes that mental maturity increases with physical maturity shows that somebody wasn't thinking properly in the first place. Besides, if any human (child or no) can be supposedly warped by simple words, then they weren't really warped by them at all, and were already so prior to hearing such things.
Blood and gore I can understand increasing a rating over. I can even understand it when sexual situations are involved, but language? It doesn't matter how much you censor the material that a child views, eventually he or she will be exposed to those words and ideas, and will have to deal with them. Besides, teaching children that they are "naughty words" gives them a distorted view of the language. After all, those "naughty words" sure do get uttered a lot. What's the point in not using those words if the ideas that they convey can be easily duplicated with other words? It makes no sense to me.
Er, oops...I unintentionally turned that into a rant. Oh well...*posts*
Posts: 1059

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Well I think that they are trying to limit the contact of swearing with younger children. I know that I would take a swear word differently if I was 10 when I heard it as opposed to now.
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