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Author Topic: Where in the universe are those wonderful exotics?  (Read 6137 times)
Captain Smith

Where in the universe are those wonderful exotics?
« on: March 29, 2004, 06:40:07 pm »

A little beta project of mine I'd thought I'd start out here, if anyone has anything to add they's what I have so far listing locations of exotic minerals and amounts.  Of course, multiply by 20 or 25 to get the RU you'd get.  Just a handy guide for quick shots at high RU with little storage space.

World Name# of Units
Delta Tauri 1,2,7378
Alpha Centauri 1,3,8333
Zeta Scuti 2,3,5174
Beta Chandrashekar 1,2173
Iota Serpentis 1166
Gamma Eridani 1,2157
Beta Normae 3156
Alpha Fornacis 2,5146
Alpha Chamaeleonis 4,6142
Gamma Leonis 2,6139
Iota Hyades 2123
Gamma Vulpeculae 4105
Delta Aurigae 1,2,794
Beta Persei 693
Alpha Columbae 493
Alpha Crucis 288
Alpha Ceti 287
Beta Scorpii 781
Alpha Geminorum 2,575
Alpha Arae 165
Eta Giclas 462
Kappa Draconis 258
Beta Geminorum 1,355
Zeta Gruis 139
Epsilon Scuti 739
Eta Aquarii 18

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Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2004, 07:22:19 pm »

As far as I can see you have done a great job!
Don't mean to sound rude or anything, but are you going to make one for bio?

Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2004, 07:48:26 pm »

Well, I had a notebook somewhere with all the planets that had Bio AND Exotics somewhere(and the exact quantity, too), but I lost it. Anyway, I can remember there were no more than 65000 credits in the whole starmap, so you do not need to know EXACTLY where is Bio - it is not very hard to find some, really.

Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2004, 09:40:15 pm »

I could've sworn there's exotics on Pluto, but maybe I'm incorrect...
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Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2004, 11:12:16 pm »

The SC2 Role Playing Resource Guide, downloadable from PNF, contains lists of "The 20 Overall Richest Star Systems", "The 20 Most Mineral Rich Star Systems", "The 20 Most Life Rich Star Systems", and "A Complete List of all Star Systems and their Contents".


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Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2004, 12:59:01 am »

Yes there are exotics on pluto only 5 units though.

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Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2004, 01:31:12 am »

Someone (bioslayer I think) modified UQM's source so that it populates a database.  Check Sage's map-page for details on that.  Once a DB is populated, you can ask questions like this and get a quick and definitive answer.
Captain Smith

Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2004, 04:08:27 am »

Thank you for the reference (it answers Falcon's bio question).  I'm well aware of the strategy guide, though, and a list like this doesn't exist in it.  I will likely be going through the list and seeing if I can find more out of that list of systems.  But as far as what I'm doing right now with SC2/UQM (I've played this quite a while and am trying to find different scenarios to beat it under - right now it's efficiency & profit), I'm all about high RU with a minimum number of planets.   Higher RU gathered with a minimum RU used in transit (and time), not necessarily where you'll find the most minerals (I've looked over a few of those, they're great if you don't mind several lander trips and lots of storage space).  Zeeman is a good example.  It's on the quoted top 20 mineral list and it's close to Sol, but lots of mineral space required AND the tectonics/hotspot protections.  Everything there is lit up like a christmas tree.  Now granted some of the worlds I listed are lit up, but most really aren't.

And yes Pluto and the moon of Spathiwa have one deposit each of exotics...

The original reason I did the list was to locate quick not-out-of-the-way spots to get RU quick.  Hope this list helps someone out.
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Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2004, 04:53:07 pm »

And yes Pluto and the moon of Spathiwa have one deposit each of exotics...

Pluto, i knew had exotics.
But Spathiwas moon?
Maybe because i always fetched the Burvixese 'caster before the Spathi could have dissapeard. In my games (original SC2), the Spathi never shielded themselves. First I thought it was because i have the Burvixese 'Caster, later I learned that it had to be another reason. But for some obscurre reason the Spathi did not shield themselve.
Might have had the same cause as the natural quasispaceportal not showing up: i played with a TSR-crack to have the star-name answer always correct. I tmigth have interfered with that stuff as well.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2004, 04:54:46 pm by Krulle » Logged
Captain Smith

Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2004, 09:21:40 pm »

In the original SC2 game I have, they shield themselves after a year.  What happens is that when you return the main planet has that red glow around it, and then they leave the moon abandoned for you to explore.  You will find one exotic deposit and the Spathi caster.  Hard telling though I guess.
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Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2004, 09:47:30 pm »

And, the Spathi don't get enslaved at all, when you dont initially meet with them. Why do that anyways? They don't have a quest that SHOULD be done, right? Wink

Anyways, You only really need RU's for some precursor vehicle enhancements. I myself only get them for turning/acceleration jets, fuel tanks and (for support) some cannons. I use the melnorme for fuel. But, ofcourse, novice players DO get ru's, and i must say that the game is much more fun if you also have to hunt for RU's, rather then to just hop by some rainbows..
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Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2004, 11:46:12 pm »

I knew it! Delta Tauri is the true MEGA place.

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Captain Smith

Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2004, 12:23:44 am »

Exactly.  A wise player with all the cards on the table is going to use the Melnorme for fuel instead of their RU after they get established.  Of course, though, you could always place limits upon yourself to put different challenges in place (and that was described in another thread on here).  One good limit I can imagine a player can try is to not use the Melnorme and win the game - or use the Melnorme only for tech...

I can imagine that being one of the interesting things that could be added if the game is changed bringing back minerals you have to figure out what/how those ships get built...if you don't bring back metal it's just the same, but does Hayes sell what doesn't get used?  A definite level of challenge to the game can be added if they changed it so specific materials were required for different ships, as opposed to a catch-all RU system that rewards bringing back exotics, radioactives, and precious metals.  Ships made of uranium and gold...would be quite interesting  Grin


Anyways, You only really need RU's for some precursor vehicle enhancements. I myself only get them for turning/acceleration jets, fuel tanks and (for support) some cannons. I use the melnorme for fuel. But, ofcourse, novice players DO get ru's, and i must say that the game is much more fun if you also have to hunt for RU's, rather then to just hop by some rainbows..

saros shadow follower

Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2004, 02:35:24 am »

Well, I happen to have found my notebook containing ALL the planets with BIO and their quantities. But the list is at least 3-4 pages long, maybe more. Still, if anyone wants it, I will gladly provide...
Captain Smith

Re: Where in the universe are those wonderful exot
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2004, 03:02:07 am »

Is this list exotics that you've mentioned or just bio?  If it's exotics, by all means post ones I didn't cover in my list...  Bio on the other hand, I will defer my opinion to the others.
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