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Topic: Where in the universe are those wonderful exotics? (Read 6136 times)
Bio only, I'm afraid...
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

If I may...
Head over here, and hit the search button. Mind you, it's missing data from special worlds (thus anything that's not in the randomizer will be absurdly wrong), but it's complete enough for the time being.
Captain Smith
Thank you for the effort...seems to work quite well...of course with how data is, how it is presented matters as much or as more as the data itself - I just put two hours in finishing the list I have to present it in the way to answer the original question I had in making the list (wasn't aware of your effort until after I started), but having that list to look up that you did works out great to get to know other stuff, especially since it's not a spot check of planets like mine was.
As for others here, if anyone wants it I have an Excel spreadsheet with this stuff listed out like the first post has it listed.
A top 20 list off of my spreadsheet list: Delta Tauri 1,2,7 378 Alpha Centauri 1,3,8 333 Beta Cephei 3,6 243 Beta Scorpii 5,7 227 Zeta Scuti 2,3,5 174 Beta Chandrashekar 1,2 173 Alpha Ceti 2,6 172 Beta Normae 2,3 166 Iota Serpentis 1 166 Gamma Eridani 1,2 157 Epsilon Cassiopeiae 1 153 Alpha Velorum 3 148 Gamma Luyten 2,4 147 Alpha Fornacis 2,5 146 Fomalhaut 1 143 Alpha Chamaeleonis 4,6 142 Gamma Leonis 2,6 139 Alpha Hygnius 5 132 Theta Lyncis 1 131 Beta Ophiuchi 2 128
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