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Topic: I Love Star Control 3! (Read 21626 times)
Posts: 917
Thraddash Flower Child
Hey guys, I know you're all looking at this post and thinking: "has Culture20 gone off his rocker?" I'm happy to say I haven't (although if I had, I'd be happy to say that too). I inserted my SC3 CD last night, just for a laugh. I'd forgotten all of the great things found in SC3 (and only SC3): The vivid colors, original dialouges, advanced AI (pacifism enhanced with lee-kwon-choo expert mentality), and the plot! I can't say enough good things about the plot. The Mycon Deep Child was the best idea, much better than TFB's idea of what the Deep Children were. The Music was impressive too; not any of that techno-mod stuff with alien sounding instruments. Nope, most alien ditties were good ol' rock & roll!
A brilliant classic. Anyway, this got me thinking: Maybe the UQM team could approach atari about making SC3 open source? That's be awesome!
Obviously, since I've fallen in love with SC3, I don't see a need for Timewarp anymore. In fact, I'm going to become openly hostile towards the game since it's trying to rewrite Canon Star Control history. You probably won't see me much on these boards either; I'm going to make my own SC3 forum somewhere. I'll come back here and post a link when the forum's set up.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2004, 01:07:36 am by Culture20 »
Posts: 1059
Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Good one - For a sec I thought the makers of SC3 were holding a gun to your head.
One problem - according to the time on the forum it is april 2.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2004, 02:46:59 am by FalconMWC »
Zebranky food
Posts: 39
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
...fortunately he put that text on the bottom...
Otherwise he'd deserved to be dragged out and shot...
Posts: 817
ok ok ill tell them...
not so loud they might hear you...
shhh! ill do it...just give me a minute...
i love star control 3 too.
there are you satisfied...
this message broght to you by the voices in my head.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2004, 08:18:25 am by DEFIANT »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 170
Shofixti Scoutmaster
Why was SC3 crap ask people?
No Fred Ford.
No Paul Reiche.
No blessing by either (to my knowledge).
Result? SC3 was cursed from the beggining and remains cursed to this day.
Sorry, had the need to rant, venting mode off now.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
hahaa, I also like SC3!
Posts: 1059
Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Very true luki, I think that many people go a tad overboard....
Anyway though, it certainly would not have hurt to get permission from them or ideas - even if they did not use them.....
Imagine if Stephen King didn't write all the "Dark Tower" books to thier conclusion? Who could possibly imagine someone else finishing off a series like that? Same deal with Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings". It really wouldn't be the same because like the 2 listed above their respective visions of plot, characters, all that stuff was essentially thier own. It's unfair to believe that anyone could really pick up the reigns where a masterpiece-in-progress brought to a sudden halt had left off.
I feel pretty much the same way with SC. I would never begin making a follow-up game without heavily consulting with Fred Ford and Paul Reiche first. They may yet have some hidden secrets regarding the continuing plot from SC2 that they've never shared with anyone, maybe including each other. However if collaboration cannot be gotten or is only minimal at best there have been instances where other notable folks have taken up the reigns and carried on.
Off the top of my head the movie Alien is outstanding in it's own right, but the plot would have stayed forever there if not for James Cameron picking up where that left off and forging ahead with Aliens, in almost every way a better movie, at the point where Ridley Scott left off.
Now I'm not saying "Hey, grab Sid Meier or Brian Reynolds to finish the job", I'm just saying you're gonna need someone with some serious drive and a really definitive vision of what the game will be. Wonder if James Cameron would be willing to do an SC3 game
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 170
Shofixti Scoutmaster
I agree with you Stealth, a similar situation arose when Issac Asimov died (may he rest in peace). His legendary Foundation series looked to be an unfinished masterpiece, and the links with his robot series were tantalising and yet also unrealised because of his death.
Eventually a few fans picked up from where he left off, and crafted as faithfully as they could sequels. Though still unfinished, I could barely distinguish a Foundation book written by Assimov when compared to one of the more modern sequels written by fans.
Star Control 3 was bad because the original concept had been raped in a way that made me want to scratch my eyes out. I've read the Warlok files and found that the entire storyline for SC3 had been ripped from the creative consultant (whom was only ever consulted once, ever, in the entire project) and twisted into the junk it became.
There were some damn good ideas in SC3, but their implementation could have been handled far far better. When I play the game it's like the producers were saying "Sucked your money in! HAHA!" rather then "See how great this is? Want a sequel? Sure you do!".
The inherent flaws in SC3 could have been solved by further development and polishing, a year at least would have been required to get it up to scratch and I'm definitely sure any SC fan would have waited for a long time a long as they were getting a decent sequel. As it is, SC3 was "Stillborn" as far as games go. It could have been soooo much better if it had been kept in the womb of development until proper maturation.
Star Control 3 is a rip-roarin' good game of epic proportions. Since I'm a superior programmer to the rest of you put together, I'll remake SC3 myself. See you all in two months.
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