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Author Topic: I Love Star Control 3!  (Read 21791 times)
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Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2004, 06:20:19 am »

You have to wonder what some people on this forum regarding this topic (without knowing what other people think) would say if PRIII and FF said that they made it.

Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2004, 11:55:10 am »

The joke's on you. They did make it.

But oh man, what will Third R Paul and Fred "Frat" Ford do when they find out I'm already 80% done rebuilding their best game? I told the marketing guy I hired (INCIDENTALLY, HIS NAME'S PHIL!) I'll be ready to ship by July. Star Control 3 is going to make me so much money - good thing I thought of it.

I'm not drunk.
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Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2004, 05:18:44 pm »

And I find it strangely amusing to see that Shiver has finally flipped. Welcome to the Far Side.

What's up doc?

Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2004, 09:48:28 pm »

Yo. I'm working on box cover art for the game. I made a draft and it would be nice to post it, but I don't have anywhere to upload it too. It is very quality work.
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Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2004, 10:59:07 pm »

Depending on how big it is, I'll be happe to upload it Wink

What's up doc?
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Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2004, 11:43:42 pm »

Funny, the credits at the end of the game don't have their name on my game.

Are you sure that they did not just provide their ideas and blessing?

There is a big difference....

Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2004, 12:42:41 am »

The credits are made up to shake off communists. Fred "Frank" Ford and Third Paul to the Sun made the entire thing and did the voices too.
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Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2004, 03:44:54 am »

I think SC3 was made on purpose as it was. I mean, think of it! It sucks, so people think "no this is impossible! We have to do better!! We have to undo the damage and make a sequel ourselves!!". And since it sucks so much, it's impossible to do worse, so almost anyone thinks "Yeah we're going to do better than that!!". That's why there are so many people on these forums nowadays. Not because SC2 was so great, but because SC3 was so bad.

(No offence to the makers of SC3 intended : they put a lot of work into it and I respect that - I actually liked the Harika and Yorn.)

Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2004, 04:57:54 am »

heheh well, SC3...lemme see if I can remember anything good about it, and with an open mind. I liked the Exquivan ship design although I found the race itself to be irritating. Same deal with the Xchaggers. Harika/Yorn were decent. But when I remember the things that I didn't like they still stick out even though I haven't played the game in a number of years...

1. Why did the music go funky after a while? One second it's playing fine and the next it's 2 notes off, or in slow mo or something.

2. The starmap was terrible. Maps like that worked for SC1 because it was pure strategy and they were much smaller, but for purposes of actual navigating it was abysmal. They should have gone with a 2D map.

3. Related to #2, finding specific planets on that map was sometimes an exercise in patience. You could search 10 minutes for a quest planet and sometimes have no idea which way the thing was.

4. While fuel consumption wasn't particularly good I once got stranded in some God-awful backwater planet, and had to colonize some pitiful world just to make fuel so I could escape it. Made me long for the days of an Umgah Caller so a Melnorme could come to my rescue

5. Some of the ship ideas/weapons/specials felt a little bit too recycled. Herald is the very first one that comes to mind, being essentially an Ilwrath with a different weapon.

6. Where the heck were the Zoq-Fot-Pik?HuhHuh

7. While it was interesting talking to a Precursor I think they should have waited for a few more games, it'd make it feel like "WOW! I'm talking to  Precursor!" instead of a cow. Make it sort of a long-sought after kinda thing Smiley

8. The most glaring deficiency, where the HE-- did the new Precursor ship come from? It looked nothing like the Mark II at the end of SC2...continuity people!

I thought the animitronic alien "actors" was a unique twist on it, but they made the Pkunk look like a Sesame Street velociraptor, and there is no way on earth I would ever consider the Syreen model attractive, looked more like a blue-skinned Tammy Faye Bakker, with slightly bigger cheekbones.

I have something to admit though, I thought the Ur-Quan sounded cool, whatever it was they did with thier voice.

Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2004, 08:25:09 am »

It has come to my attention that Lukipela's server thing is too scared to host my awesome corver art. Would someone else be able to help me out? It's a large pic, basically.
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Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2004, 02:01:04 pm »

Email me the picture. I have a host that should be able to handle almost anything...

Email is cronoswraith at hotmail
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Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2004, 04:17:01 pm »

8. The most glaring deficiency, where the HE-- did the new Precursor ship come from? It looked nothing like the Mark II at the end of SC2...continuity people!

The new precursor service vehicle was built at the Vela 2 precursor factory, built with minerals from the asteroid belt after the Slave revolt. They tell you so in the introduction video.
Actually, quite poor,  but better than nothing.

The warp bubble drive also comes from the computer of the precursor installation.
But how did they control the installation, if the original computer was used to control the navigational computer of the first precursor vehicle (SCII), because no human could pull any of these levers?

And me, personally i disliked the story, but what they made out of this poor idea was great.
1. Spathi: a few days late colonizing because they saw a pack of bunnies. And they left the league just because they were threatened. Well made, fits good in the Spathi story.
2. the heralds: survival just to survive. No extras, nothing in return. high price, only for the desperate. But until the next feeding, you just get bored living, so you might want to change things.
3. Exquivan: regarding the background of the story, that all sentience will be eaten, becoming so thoughtless minded could become a solution for some of the less brilliant people.
I also liked their ships.
4. The XChagger: lousy, but funny ship (only because the turning rate was lousy), great idea, great micro-technologistst.
But shouldn't the ship have some kind of regenration, like the Harika/Yorn one? Bacteria do multiply quite fast, should be a lot faster than any mammal-kind being, like the Yorn....
5. the K'tang are just oh so funny [stomping my feet]
6. it fits the Vux to betray the league. Especially after they got what they wanted: a ride to a new colonyplace to increase their sphere of influence.
7. i was just getting high on the hilarious idea of where the precursors went. It really made me laugh. Although the C.U.D. seems a little bit too omnipotent to me (scanning the HomeQuadrant and the Orz from the center of the galaxy??!?? - come on!)
8. i loved the Ploxis story and their rescue.
9. the mycon deep child story
10. i liked the idea of the red spiral rail and the Ultron.
11. The Lk: great ship, great people.
12. The Daktaklakpak: unintellegible computers, then demanding computers, at the end, dumb servitors.
13. "The Great Protectorate of Owa, Keeper of the Creche of Life, Dwellers in the Oceanic Depths, Reef Keepers and Sailors on the Currents of Space, Defenders of the Rainbow Worlds, Seekers of Heroism and Glory for the Owa Protectorate", ain't that a cool name? And a well-designed race as well.

bad things:
1. I missed the cuddly Shofixti!!!! If only because they could be great colony builders (with their rate of reproduction, think of the population increase if you are stranded and need to colonize to receive fuel - they could pull the trick in an acceptable amount of time).
2. the heralds: very poorly drawn bunch of players. Ship a mix of Ilwrath and Druuge
3. the Exquivan planet has the sentient precursor computer: Why haven't the Eternal1's eaten this computer as well? They do eat the sentience of all and everything (why else would the precursor keep the things just sub-sentience?).
4. the XChagger: how could they adjust your scanners when you first saw the Ortog aboard one of their ships? I thought, the camera would be aboard their ship, transmitting the view to your ship to be diplayed on screen? Why would they adjust your scanners? Are you scanning through their hull and through the Ortog, just to view them??!??
5. my Supox were dead - just because.
6. the Arilou are really crappy now.
7. too many mysteries solved. especially the Ortog-mystery or the Ultron mystery.
Now only the purpose of Wimblis Trident remains.
8. the ploxis: going over and over the same texts again, just because you revived another ploxis ship is just damn boring. Made me revive only two ships, instead of all.
9. the mycon being on the trip anyway. Shouldn't they just be happy to void all the non with the collapse of the solar systems one by one? And besides, they only join the un-Voidable Non. And the league was strong, yes. But nothing near un-Voidable compared to the Ur-Quan.
10. no resource gathering through fighting.

Music, i don't remember too well, just that the quality was great. Nothing said about the style of the music.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 04:17:52 pm by Krulle » Logged
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Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2004, 12:21:24 am »

Wait, if I remember correctly, the Spathi blew several cows that they thought were threatening four feet into the ground? So what happens when you start SC3 is the Spathi are way behind in production...
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Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2004, 11:30:22 pm »

sc3 music quality was terrible. The ariloo melody was catchy, and I liked the bassline in the earthling theme, but they shouldnt have made midi files. Everything sounded the same, and the percussion sucked.

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Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #29 on: April 29, 2004, 02:25:10 pm »

The quality of the recording was good.
Midis suck, i remember that.
but i do not remember the music anymore.
BTW, i had a really great Soundcard with a good midi table back then. Maybe that's why i couldn't complain about the quality.

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